Technical Session - June 20, 20171

Web Conference Link | Dial-in Number: 1-415-655-0003, Attendee Access Code: 808 602 022

1.Welcome and Introductions—Julie Blair

2.Overview of Western Interconnection: Interactions with Alberta, British Columbia and Mexico—Branden Sudduth

3.Mexico Electric System Restructuring and Regulation—Hector Beltran, CRE

4.Alberta Market Perspective and Current Changes/Issues—Michael Law, AESO

5.British Columbia Electric Industry Overview—David Morton, BCUC

6.Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement in Alberta,British Columbia, and Mexico —Doug Doll, MSA/Diana Wilson, AESO/David Morton, BCUC/Hector Beltran, CRE

7.NERC’s International Activities and Perspectives—Laura Hussey, NERC

Slides decks that were provided ahead of time are included in Diligent. Some presenters may give oral presentations without slides.

International Presenter Biographies

Hector Beltran, CREDirector General of Technical Analysis

Hector Beltran is Director General of Technical Analysis at the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) of Mexico. He is in charge of developing new regulatory strategies to assure safe and reliable operation and expansion of the Mexican Power Sector. Mr. Beltran is also a part-time professor at the National School of Engineering at the National University in Mexico (UNAM) and former member of the Board of the Future Energy Leader Program of the World Energy Council.

Previously, Mr. Beltran served as Director of Electrical Studies and Deputy Director of Electric Service also in CRE. He also worked in the Mexican Electric Utility (CFE) and in the Engineering Institute of the National University. He has more than 10 years of experience in planning and operation of Power Systems and Renewable Energies.

Hector holds a B.A. (summa cum laude) in Electrical Engineering from UNAM, and he also holds a Master of Science degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois.

Doug Doll, MSADirector, Corporate Services and Compliance

Doug Doll oversees the financial affairs of the Alberta Market Surveillance Administrator (MSA) corporation as well as the MSA's compliance enforcement function with respect to market rules and reliability standards effective in Alberta. Prior to his current role, Mr. Doll held positions of increasing responsibility during 16 years with the MSA in addition to previous experience in financial and market analysis roles.

Michael Law, AESOSenior Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer

Michael Law was appointed Senior Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer for the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) in January 2017. Mr. Law first joined the AESO in 2009 as Vice-President, Operations. Following that, he held the role of Vice-President, Market Services and most recently Vice-President, Renewables Development and Sustainability.

Reporting to the President and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Law leads the execution of the AESO’s strategic plan and supporting initiatives and provides leadership and direction to the AESO’s core business units. He is accountable for the delivery and integration of the AESO’s information technology, markets, operations, regulatory, and transmission functions as well as the Renewable Electricity Program. Mr. Law also represents the AESO as a trusted leader to ensure the company maintains effective relationships with stakeholders in the electricity industry, government agencies, governing bodies and public.

Prior to joining the AESO, Mr. Law was Vice-President, North American Power for Direct Energy Marketing Limited in Calgary, overseeing the company’s wholesale electricity portfolio management business. In his previous role with Direct Energy Marketing, Mr. Law had oversight of the Canadian power and natural gas commodity trading operations.

Mr. Law holds a Masters of Applied Science in Mechanical Engineering and a Masters of Business Administration in Finance, both from the University of British Columbia.

David M. Morton, BCUCChair and Chief Executive Officer

David Morton was appointed Chair and CEO of the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) effective December 31, 2015. Prior to appointment as Chair, Mr. Morton served as a Commissioner from November 2010 - December 2015. He is a Professional Engineer with over 25 years of technical and management experience in the Information Technology sector. He has a Bachelor of Applied Science from the University of Toronto; a Licentiate in Accounting, Society of Management Accountants Canada; and is certified with the ICD.D designation in 2013 by the Institute of Corporate Directors.

Diana Wilson, AESODirector, Interjurisdictional Affairs and Compliance

Diana Wilson is the Director of Interjurisdictional Affairs and Compliance at the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO). With over 17 years of industry experience, Ms. Wilson has worked in a number of business units at the AESO including Transmission and Operations, and was involved in the activities that led to the establishment of mandatory reliability standards in Alberta. Her current role and responsibilities include establishing and maintaining business relationships with AESO partners in Canada and the United States, including the WECC and NERC. She is a member of the regulatory committees of the Canadian Electricity Association and the ISO/RTO Council.

Ms. Wilson is a former WECC Board member, and currently sits on the WECC Member Advisory Committee (MAC) and a number of MAC subcommittees, including the MAC Nominating Committee Membership Work Group and the MAC Budget Review Work Group. In addition, she is a liaison member of the WECC Nominating Committee.

Ms. Wilson is also responsible for leading the AESO internal compliance program. She manages ongoing compliance activities related to Alberta reliability standards, ISO Rules and other authoritative documents, and works with the Market Surveillance Administrator and the WECC on compliance matters.

Ms. Wilson holds a Bachelor of Arts and Science from the University of Lethbridge and an Executive Master of Business Administration from Queens University.

Laura Hussey, NERCDirector, International Relations

Laura Hussey is the North American Electric Reliability Corporation’s (NERC) Director of International Relations. In this role, she is responsible for working with NERC’s international stakeholders, including federal and provincial governments as well as industry in Canada and Mexico, to facilitate and maintain a consistent North American framework for electric reliability. Ms. Hussey joined NERC in 2010 and prior to assuming responsibility for working with international stakeholders, she held progressively responsible positions managing NERC’s standard development activities. Ms. Hussey’s previous electric industry experience includes positions as director of cyber security policy at Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories and various positions at Edison Electric Institute. In addition to her electric industry experience, Ms. Hussey has 15 years experience as an information technology consultant, including six years running her own training firm. She is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh with a B.S. in Information Science and has completed graduate coursework in public policy for network industries at Georgetown University.

Western Electricity Coordinating Council