RQ CH 18 Part 1 pp. 390 – 398 “balancing”
1 390 – Opening Quote – Who?
- When?
- Subject?
2 391 PC – Who?
- What do the skulls symbolize?
3 392 Map – Title?
- What Mountains?
- Sutter’s Fort is next to the future capital…what city?
4 393 Photo – What is the type of mining called in the photo?
- What is name of the device that they are using to “wash” the dirt?
5 393 Bbox (bottom left) – Where is the woman writing from and to?
- What is in Great Demand in California?
- What are the “rocks” in the men’s pockets?
- What do two out of three ladies do?
6 394 Photo(s) & 395 Photo - (394) – Title?
- Where is the house located?
- What secret is hidden?
(395) – Who?
- What does John Brown call her?
- What is the destination of escaped slaves?
- What does she do during the Civil War?
- What does she do after the war?
7 397 Chart*****huge****** COPY !!! TITLE?
8 398 Painting – Title?
-- Who presides over the Senate?
-- Name the three (3) “Senatorial Giants?”
Reading Questions
9 What new and Perilous erupted in the USA in 1848?
10 What “burning issue” was “raised anew” by the acquisition of the “Mexican Cession?”
11 What threatened to split both the two national parties, Whigs and Democrats, along North-South sectional lines?
The Popular Sovereignty***** Panacea
12 What was the wisest strategy, to politicians, to attempt to save the two national parties?
13 What two groups, one from the north and one from the south, are called “zealous,” and “impassioned?”
14 Who do the Democrats nominate to run for President in 1848?
15 What is his nickname J, he is also called “The Father of Popular Sovereignty?”
16 *******Define “Popular Sovereignty?”
17 Why did the “public” like PS?
18 Into whose laps does PS toss the problem of the slavery issue?
19 ****What “fatal defect” does PS have?
Political Triumph For General Taylor
20 The Whig Party in the Presidential election of 1848 nominates “The Hero of Buena Vista,” who?
21 Where was he from and how did he make a living?
22 Do either the Whigs or the Democrats in the election campaign of 1848 speak out on the key issue of the extension of slavery into the newly acquired territories...called the “conspiracy of silence?”
23 What 3rd Party is formed due to the “conspiracy of silence,” in the election campaign of 1848?
24 *****What two issues do they come out as clearly in support and what two issues do they support in attempt to broaden their appeal? (4 total)
25 This new 3rd party had a “strange assortment” of people in its party...What motivated each group:
Former Democrats-
Northerners who hated blacks-
Conscience Whigs-
26 Who does this new 3rd party nominate for President in the election of 1848?
27 What is the four (4) part slogan of the new 3rd party?
28 *****Why do Free-Soilers condemn slavery?
29 “only with free-soil in the West could a traditional American commitment to what could continue to flourish? (2 words)
30 *****The emergence of the Free-Soil Party foreshadows the emergence of what party six years later?
31 Who wins the Presidential election of 1848 and which political party does he represent?
“Californy Gold”
32 The discovery of what, early in 1848, “blew the cover off the slavery issue?”
33 What group earned the most reliable profits from the gold rush in California?
34 To where, even, was laundry from California sent to be cleaned due to the outrageous prices charged locally?
35 A distressingly high proportion of the 10’s of thousands who come to California during the gold rush were ______accompanied by ______?
36 Due to the majority of Californians needing protection….they draft a constitution in 1849 and then boldly apply to Congress for Admission, bypassing the normal territorial stage (mandated by the NW ordinance of 1787), What type of state….Free or Slave does California apply to be?
Sectional Balance and the Underground Railroad
37******* The South had the President, a majority of the Cabinet, a majority of the Supreme Court (new Chief Justice, late 1830’s, Roger Taney was a slaveholder from Maryland), and EQUALITY IN THE SENATE…Cotton prices were strong….the 15 slave states could veto any proposed constitutional amendment that challenged slavery… So why was the South so deeply worried about the admission of California as a Free State?
38 What was “running short?”
39 What type of states did New Mexico and Utah want to become?
40 What issue in the District of Columbia (Washington DC) caused Southerners trouble?
41 What was even more disagreeable to Southerners?
42 What was an informal chain of ‘stations’ through which scores of ‘passengers’ were spirited by ‘conductors’ from the slave states to the free-soil sanctuary of Canada?
43 Most Amazing of all of the Conductors?
44 How many trips to the South does she take? How many slaves does she rescue? What title does she earn?
45***** By 1850 southerners were demanding a new law that was more stringent…concerning what issue?
46 According to estimates, about how many slaves was the South losing….runaways…. per year beginning in 1850?
47***IN FACT, more slaves gained their freedom by what two (2) ways rather than running away?
48 On what two things does the South rest its argument about escaped slaves…explain?
Twilight of the Senatorial Giants
49 What catastrophe confronted Congress in 1850? (two-parts)
50 Who is known as the “Immortal Trio” or the “Great Triumvirate?”
51 Who is known as the “Great Pacificator or Compromiser” for his roles in the compromises of 1820, 1833, and 1850?
52 ****Who aided the above-mentioned Congressman to defend a series of compromises, his role maybe more important, he is known as the “Little Giant,” and was from Illinois?
53 The dying, “Great Nullifier,” giving his last speech in the Senate, rejected the compromises as not giving the South adequate safeguards…..he champions the “Siamese Twin Presidency,” Who is this Senator who dies in 1850 before the debate was concluded….and is seen as the finest political scholar the South ever produce… Who is this?
54 ****Who, in his famous 7th of March speech, in support of the series of compromise bills which make up the Compromise of 1850, stated,” let us not be pygmies, in a case that calls for men?”
55 What two groups were so pleased by the “7th of March” speech that they cancel two of the Senators loans and sent him a personal check? What did these groups have to lose?
56 The Abolitionists, however, call this Senator a what? (1 word)
Deadlock and Danger on Capital Hill
57 In the debate on the series of bills, called The Compromise of 1850, a new group of leaders from the North emerges called what?
58 Who, from NY, and later Abraham Lincoln’s powerful Secretary of State, was the leader of this group?
59**** In opposing the Compromise of 1850, the freshman Senator from NY, states that Christian legislators must oppose the measure because they had a DUTY TO OBEY GOD’S MORAL LAW MORE THAN MAN’S MUNDANE LAW…. He appealed to a ______THAN THE CONSTITUTION.
60 There was concern that The Compromise of 1850 might pass Congress, BUT, due to the influence of the above-mentioned group…President Taylor might do what to stop the bills?
61 According to the text, if Taylor were to “jacksonize” the “dissenters-traitors”….what could have erupted in 1850?
Breaking the Congressional Logjam
62 Who dies and allows for the Compromise Bills of 1850 to pass?
63 Who becomes the President and supports the Compromise of 1850?
64 How long did the debate on the series of bills that make up the Compromise of 1850 last?
65 By what nickname are the Southerners called who were “VIOLENTLY OPPOSED TO THE COMPROMISE?”
66 After the end of the Debate over the Compromise of 1850….and the passage of the bills…. A new era dawned….a 2nd what?
67 Peace loving people both North and South were determined that the EXPLOSIVE issue of slavery should be what?