AP French Language Syllabus – 2013-2014

AP French Language and Culture

Course Overview

The purpose of the AP French Language and Culture Course is to immerse the advanced-level student in the target language in order to achieve a high level of proficiency. Sudents will communicate in the target language using all three modes of communication: interpersonal (speaking and writing), interpretive (listening and reading) and presentational (speaking and writing). The instructor will use culturally authentic print (newspaper, magazines, etc.) and non-print resources (videos, internet, film, music, etc.) to allow the students to make comparisons between their own culture and those of the francophone world. Furthermore, the AP French Language and Culture Course will allow students to make connections through discussion of interdisciplinary topics in order to attempt to explore and comment on real-world problems so that students will be able to use the target language with actual native speakers in “real life” situations. Students taking this course have successfully completed three levels of French and are prepared to complete rigorous coursework at the college level. Therefore, the instructor will conduct the course exclusively in the target language; students will be expected to communicate proficiently in the intermediate to pre-advanced level in the target language with their instructor as well as with peers. [CR1]

Course Materials & Resources:

Primary texts:

AP French: A Guide for the Language Course. Ladd, Richard. Pearson. 2012.

Allons au-delà!. Ladd, Richard. Pearson. 2012.

Supplementary texts & workbooks:

AP French: A Guide for the Language Course. Ladd, Richard. Pearson. 1998

En Bonne Forme. Dietiker & Van Hooff. Houghton Mifflin. Seventh Edition. 2001

Quant à Moi. Bragger & Rice. Thomson, Heinle. 3rd Edition 2005

Reprise, A Complete Review Workbook for Grammar, Communication, and Culture.

National Textbook Co. 1997.

Une fois pour toutes. 3rd ed. Pearson. 2008.

501 French Verbs Kendris. Barron’s 1996

·  Articles taken from “Le Monde”, “Le Figaro”, France-Amérique, TV5, TF1.fr, France2, and other francophone publications [CR2b]

·  Youtube.com

·  lafrancebis.com (French culture)

·  laredoute.fr

·  tns-sofres.com (statistiques)


Entre les Murs

Jean de Florette

Manon des sources


Les Misérables

Les Choristes

La vie en rose

Paris, je t’aime

Cyrano de Bergerac

Huit Femmes


Boris Vian – “La java des bombes atomique”

Yannick Noah – “Aux arbes citoyens”

Christophe Maé – “C’est ma terre”

Christophe Willem – “Double je”

Amel Bent – “Ma philosophie”

Amel Bent – “Nouveau français”

Les Enfants du Pays- «Douce France»

Other Important Course Websites:

·  Bescherelle:


·  Le Monde – French Newspaper Online:


·  Figaro – French Newspaper Online:


·  Yahoo France!


·  France-Amerique


·  TV5


·  Radio France Internationale



The AP French Course uses both primary texts to prepare students to take the AP French Language and Culture exam emphasizing the three modes of communication (interpersonal, interpretive, presentational) encompassing all aspects of communication (speaking, listening, reading, writing). Students are assessed based on performance of speaking and writing assignments evaluated through accepted AP guidelines and rubrics.

Daily/Weekly activities will encompass both primary texts. Students will maintain a written portfolio of writings based on real-life situations. Writings are generated by discussions and essay questions pertaining to topics within the “Six Global Themes” on which the AP French Language and Culture exam is based.

Daily/Weekly Activities using AP French Preparing for the Language Exam :

Using the on-line program from AP French Preparing for the Language Exam, students will respond weekly to:

·  two Interpretive Communication Print Texts [CR4b]

·  one Interpretive Communication Print/Audio Text [CR4a,b]

·  one to two interpretive Communication Audio Texts [CR4a]

Using the on-line program from AP French Preparing for the Language Exam, students will respond at least bi-weekly to one of the following:

·  one interpersonal writing, e-mail reply [CR3b]


·  one interpersonal speaking, conversation [CR3a]

Using the on-line program from AP French Preparing for the Language Exam, students will respond at least every 3 to 4 weeks to

the following:

·  one presentational speaking, cultural comparison[CR5a]

·  one presentational writing, persuasive essay [CR5b]

Note: Specific examples from AP French Preparing for the Language Exam which reinforce the Global Themes will be

incorporated into the curriculum to correspond with the study

of those themes.

Curriculum Framework

The AP French Language and Culture Course Curriculum Framework is based on

Six Global Themes created by the College Board and are as follows:


AP French Language Syllabus – 2013-2014

Thematic Units using Allon au-delà!:

Week 1: Course Introduction and On-line account set-up / Students will be introduced to the course, go over the course syllabus, set up their on-line account with Pearson in order to use the AP workbook and discuss the rigor of the course. During the course overview, the teacher will discuss the linguafolio (the compilation of written and oral work done during the scholastic year and a collection of linguistic material pertaining to the global themes) and its use as for review at the end of the course to prepare for the AP exam. Students will be introduced to the textbook, preveiw the Six Global Themes on which the AP French exam is based, reveiw the three modes of communication and their application to the AP exam and be introduced to the AP French exam format.
Unit 1: Global Challenges – Les défis mondiaux / A.  “Allons au-delà!” – Chapter 1 “Touche pas à mon pote!” Context: “Diversity Issues / La tolérance”
·  Read and discuss “Les bijoux de la Castafiore”; a “bande dessinée” (comic strip) by “Hergé” (AAD, Ladd. p.5)
·  Read and discuss “Le racisme expliqué à ma fille”; by Tahar Ben Jelloun (AAD, Ladd. p.10)
·  Watch and discuss clip from the film «Entre les Murs» highlighting diversity in Paris and the undertone of racism.
·  Read and discuss “SOS Racisme” (AAD, Ladd. p.17)
·  Press conference avec Jean-Marie Le Pen
·  Research and write a biographical sketch of Jean-Marie Le Pen discussing his message and influence
·  Watch video and listen to the song «Douce France» by Les Enfants du Pays and discuss diversity in France.
·  Separate students into two teams (for and against diversity) and have each research diversity and racism in preparation for a debate over the issue of diversity in France.
B.  “Allons au-delà!” – Chapter 2 “Préservons la nature” Context: “Environmental Issues / L’environnement”
·  Read and discuss “Soyez polis” by Jacques Prévert (AAD, Ladd. p.22)
·  Read an discuss “Le recyclage en France: on croule sous les déchets” (AAD, Ladd. p.27)
·  Listen and discuss song – “Aux arbres citoyens” recorded by Yannick Noah
·  Listen and discuss song – “C’est ma terre” recorded by Christophe Maé
·  Read and discuss«Le recyclage en France: on croule sous les déchets» (AAD, Ladd. p.27)
·  Prepare and present a powerpoint in French highlighting one aspect of the environmental challenges facing our world today as well as a possible solutions to these challenges
C.  “Allons au-delà!” – Chapter 3 “Couvrez votre toux” Context: “Health Issues / La santé”
·  Read and discuss “Le dernier espoir” by Véronique Tadjo (AAD, Ladd. p. 32)
·  Read and discuss “Mineurs et vaccinés” by Alain Bergeron (AAD, Ladd. p. 38)
·  Choose a health issue, research it using authentic target language sources (i.e. Le Monde, Le Figaro, TV5, yahoo.fr, etc.) and compare its impact in the United States to its impact in France and selected francophone countries. Write a report outlining potential solutions.
D.  “Allons au-delà!” – Chapter 4 “Liberté, égalité, fraternité” Context: “Human Rights / Les droits de l’être humain”
·  Read and discuss “Du contrat social” by Jean-Jacques Rousseau (AAD, Ladd. p. 44)
·  Read and discuss “La déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen” (AAD, Ladd. p. 50)
·  Read and discuss “Écologistes: le meilleur des mondes” (AAD, Ladd. p. 57)
·  Research and prepare a to give Presentational Speaking #12 from AP French: A Guide for the Language Course (p.213) using the document from the French Constitution “La déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen” and the French Revolution as the historic event that transformed a culture.
E.  “Allons au-delà!” – Chapter 5 “Bon appétit?” Context: “Nutrition and Food Safety / L’alimentation”
·  Read and discuss “Le ventre de Paris” by Émile Zola (AAD, Ladd. p. 62)
·  Read and discuss “Rêves amers” by Maryse Condé (AAD, Ladd. p. 67)
·  Read and discuss “Une génération ‘élevée au fromage pasteurisé et au soda’” (AAD, Ladd. p. 74)
·  Read and discuss “Cantines scolaires: ce que l’on vous cache” (AAD, Ladd. p. 75)
·  Write an essay using the Presentational Writing Selection #5 from AP French: A Guide for the Language Course.(pp.186-187).
F.  “Allons au-delà!” – Chapter 6 “Mourir pour la patrie!” Context: Peace and War / La paix et la guerre
·  Read and discuss “Le dormeur du val” by Arthur Rimbaud (AAD, Ladd. p. 80), “Liberté” by Paul Éluard (AAD, Ladd. p. 81), “Familiale” by Jacques Prévert (AAD, Ladd. p. 82)
·  Read and discuss “La lettre de Guy Môquet” by Guy Môquet (AAD, Ladd. p. 87)
·  Read and discuss “Connaître MSF” (AAD, Ladd. p. 92)
G.  Access and discuss selected clips from the following Internet resources: France 24, “Sept jours sur la planète”, www.sos-racisme.org
Students will maintain a collection of new vocabulary as well as linguistic differences from around the francophone world that they have been exposed to in this unit.
Unit 2: Science and Technology – La science et la technologie / A.  “Allons au-delà!” – Chapter 7 “Le génie de l’homme” Contexts: Discoveries and inventions / Les découvertes et les inventions / Current Research Topics / La recherche et ses nouvelles frontières
·  Read and discuss the article from online “Michel Siffre et son horloge de chair” to understand the significance of the research performed by Siffre that paved the way for many fields of scientific exploration including space exploration.
·  Read and discuss “La lance de l’hyène” by Birago Diop (AAD, Ladd. p. 98)
·  Read and discuss “Un appareil qui retranscrit du texte en braille consacré au Concours Lépine” (AAD, Ladd. p. 107)
·  watch a clip about a blind man using a device to read from a computer in the film “Paris, je t’aime”
·  Presentational Speaking #10 from AP French: A Guide for the Language Course (p.213).
B.  “Allons au-delà!” – Chapter 8 “Toutes ces inventions technologiques!” Contexts: The New Media / Les nouveaux moyens de communication / Future Technologies / L’avenir de la technologie / Intellectual Property / La propriété intellectuelle
·  Read and discuss “La fin des livres” by Albert Robida et Octave Uzanne (AAD, Ladd. p. 112)
·  Read and discuss “La mauvaise surprise Kindle” (AAD, Ladd. p. 122)
·  Write an essay using Selection #7 from AP French: A Guide for the Language Course (pp. 190-191).
C.  “Allons au-delà!” – Chapter 9 “Attention! Ne pas ouvrir!” Contexts: Social Impact of Technology / La technologie et ses effets sur la société / Ethical Questions / Les choix moraux
·  Read and discuss “Acide sulfurique” by Amélie Nothomb (AAD, Ladd. p. 126); do research on modern gadgets people cannot live without and compare results from surveys conducted with peers, family members, etc
·  Read and discuss “Tricher au bac comme un geek” (AAD, Ladd. p. 133)
·  Listen to the song by Boris Vian “La java des bombes atomiques” and discuss ethical questions relating to nuclear technology
·  Read Internet articles and watch news clips about CERN (Centre Européen de Recherche Nucléaire) and discuss the social impact of technology, TF1, LCI, liberation.fr, Figaro.fr
·  Study vocabulary associated with science and technology from the book Amsco, 3rd-year French and AP French: A Guide for the Language Course, 1998.
·  Write Presentational Essay Selection #6 from AP French: A Guide for the Language Course (p. 188-189).
Students will maintain a collection of new vocabulary as well as linguistic differences from around the francophone world that they have been exposed to in this unit.
Unit 3: Contemporary Life – La vie contemporaine / A.  “Allons au-delà!” – Chapter 10 “Cherchez! Comparez! Achetez!” Contexts: Advertising and Marketing / La publicité et le marketing
·  Read and discuss “99 Francs” by Frédéric Beigbeder (AAD, Ladd. p.140)
·  Read and discuss “Apple introduit le blocage des publicités dans Safari” (AAD, Ladd. p. 146)
·  Watch clips from French commercials and discuss and compare marketing practices with those of the U.S.
·  Do research using the website laredoute.fr in order to learn more about French marketing practices.
·  Create a commercial all in French advertising a French product using French marketing strategies to present to the group.(Individual or small group project)
B.  “Allons au-delà!” – Chapter 11 “Le temple de la famille” Contexts: Housing and Shelter / Le logement
·  Read and discuss “Les petits enfants du siècle” by Christiane Rochefort (AAD, Ladd. p. 153)
·  Read and discuss “L’enfance” by Nathalie Sarraute (AAD, Ladd. p. 160)
·  Read and discuss “Qui sont les SDF?” (AAD, Ladd. p. 167)
C.  “Allons au-delà!” – Chapter 12 “La coupe du monde…” Contexts: Leisure and Sports / Les loisirs et le sport
·  Read and discuss “Le chandail” by Roch Carrier (AAD, Ladd. p. 172)
·  Read and discuss “Les pom-pom girls, nouvelle passion française?” (AAD, Ladd. p. 179)
D.  “Allons au-delà!” – Chapter 13 “Au travail!” Contexts: Professions / Le monde du travail
·  Read and discuss “Le secret de Maître Cornille” by Alphonse Daudet (AAD, Ladd. p. 184)
·  Read and discuss “Voyage au bout du RER” (AAD, Ladd. p. 194)
E.  “Allons au-delà!” – Chapter 14 “Une étape importante” Contexts: Rites of Passage / Les rites de passage
·  Read and discuss “Le pagne noir” by Bernard Dadié (AAD, Ladd. p. 198)
·  Read and discuss “Âllo Maman, j’ai décroché mon bac” (AAD, Ladd. p. 206)
F.  “Allons au-delà!” – Chapter 15 “Bon voyage!” Contexts: Travel / Les voyages
·  Read and discuss “Lettres persanes” by Montesquieu (AAD, Ladd. p. 210)