Ranch Property Owners Association
Board of Directors Meeting
May 21 at 7:00 pm
Lewin Residence
318 Cottonwood Creek Road
Board Members Present: Brad Gray, Carol Lewin, Barbara Lynch, Betsy Petersen, and Gay Robson
Call to Order: In the absence of President Paul Cahill, Betsy Petersen called meeting to order at 7:00 pm
1. President’s Report – Betsy Petersen
Betsy submitted Paul’s report as follows:
· The home owners owe a big thanks to the following people: Gay Robson for retyping the pages that were changed in the DCCR’s; Barbara Lynch for proof reading the changed text; and Carol Lewin for getting the computer information on the DCCR’s; and Liz Cahill for making the data changeable.
· Gay Robson will write a cover letter from Paul Cahill to RPOA members explaining the amended document and Barbara Lynch will proof read.
· Gay will take care of reproducing the cover letter and the three pages of the DCCR’s that reflect the amendment to Article III 3.01H to be distributed to the homeowners either at the Annual Meeting or in the directory mailing.
· Carol will prepare an announcement to be placed on the bulletin board stating the number of votes for and against the revision.
2. Secretary’s Report – Carol
Carol reported the following:
· The minutes of the April 16, 2012 regular board meeting were distributed during April 2012.
· Betsy and Gay noted some additions and corrections.
· Brad moved and Gay seconded that minutes for April 16, 2012 be approved as amended and the motion carried unanimously.
3. Treasurer’s Report – Betsy
Betsy presented the Treasurer’s Report for April 2012 with the following information:
· Assessments: At the April Board meeting there were still eleven unpaid assessments. Betsy called or emailed all of those homeowners. The April statement shows all but four assessments received. The final four were received the first week of May; all accounts are paid.
· Operating Account: The report Betsy emailed yesterday contains a typing error: under Insurance, the center column (YTD) should be zero. There is nothing of note this month in the Operating Account.
· Capital Reserve Account: Betsy had UBS purchase approximately $10,000 more of GNMA’s in April to keep our excess cash earning.
· Income Taxes: A staff person at our CPA’s office has prepared the Federal and State tax returns. We are waiting for Chuck Fredrick to review them and give his okay. Betsy expects to be able to pick them up before the end of May.
· Brad moved and Carol seconded that the Treasurer’s Report be approved as presented and the motion carried unanimously.
4. Committee Reports
a. Architectural – Brad Gray and others
· Covenant violations were noted by various board members and the procedures for dealing with these violations were discussed; action will be taken as outlined in the RPOA procedure.
b. Directory – Carol
· Carol reported that she has been accumulating new and updated address information. She will begin working on the directory files in July so that the directory will be ready to distribute to the homeowners at the Labor Day Picnic.
c. Maintenance – Paul Cahill
Betsy submitted the following report from Paul:
· All pumps are now on and all clocks are set so that all pieces of the common ground plus homes have water. This was completed May 13, 2012. Two houses do not have water: (1) Amilene Spotts – 54 Fawn Lake Road. She has hired an outside firm to repair her system and (2) James Collier – 4 Fawn Lake Road. Bill Cartwright was told about this. He has the key to the unit and will turn on the clock.
· The following projects are still pending: removing four trash piles along the side of the road; fixing the valve located on common ground which got buried when a new lawn was planted six years ago; and spraying an herbicide on the ponds during June to kill the cattails.
· The Maintenance Committee is looking into the following: installation of a Smart Box to protect the pump in Bear Park in the event of a water failure at the head gate and the repair of the large sprinklers in Bear Park. Rainbird no longer makes these units. RPOA had purchased eight units about five years ago and now we are down to one new unit. We have kept the cores and hope we can find someone to repair them.
· Gay Robson noted that a cottonwood tree on Dave James’ property near the RV lot had fallen across the RV lot access road; Ted Robson & George Widmeyer opened the passage and arranged for M&M to complete the massive cleanup. Dave James agreed to share the cost.
d. Nominating – Barbara Lynch
Barbara reported the following:
· Barbara will be in touch with Sherry Taber to coordinate a telephone call to her to include her in the board officers changeover at the end of the Annual meeting when she is not in Durango.
· Sue Whitfield has volunteered to serve as a committee member preferably on the Architectural Committee.
5. Old Business
a. Report on the completion and recording of the DCCR’s – Carol Lewin
Carol reported the following:
· On Wednesday, May 16, 2012 Paul Cahill and Carol Lewin had their signatures notarized at AREM. Paul took the revised DCCR’s and the notarized document to the La Plata County Recorder’s office to have the document recorded. The recording number is 1046981. Carol has received the original recorded document from the Recorder’s office and a flash drive containing the revised DCCR file, both of which will be placed in the safety deposit box.
b. Annual Meeting preparations – Carol
Carol reported the following:
1. Mailing: Announcement letter, nominations of directors/biographies, Annual Financial Report/Budget, Volunteer sign-up,
2. Additional for Annual Meeting: Committee Annual Reports (Provided written report to Carol prior to meeting,)
3. Review Details (setting up room; providing for refreshments; determining who staffs the welcome tables and signs members in, distributing 4-page amendment to DCCRs, and ballots, selecting two disinterested homeowners to count the ballots, arranging for new board to meet immediately following the meeting and notifying newly elected board members).
c. Private Use of Common Ground - Brad
Brad reported the following:
· No action has been taken regarding instructing Rose to mow those parcels of common area that were the subject of dispute. This was settled at the February 2012 meeting. The board agreed to table this issue until the new board takes office after the annual meeting.
d. Social Chair and Committee Job Description - Gay
Gay submitted her written description of the Social Committee Chair - Responsibilities
· The board reviewed the document.
· Barbara moved and Brad seconded that the written responsibilities description be accepted and the motion carried unanimously.
e. Annual garage sale update – Barbara
Barbara reported the following:
· She has been in touch with Katherine Holt who will be back in town about a week before the sale date. Barbara and Katherine will take care of all of the details.
· Barbara reported that there are about 13 people who have signed up for the garage sale.
6. New Business
a. Maintenance Contracts
· Brad stated that we should get signed originals of all contracts (mowing, snow removal, flower beds and irrigation) with copies going to the board and the originals being placed in the safety deposit box.
7. Adjournment
a. Barbara moved and Gay seconded that the meeting be adjourned and the motion carried unanimously.
b. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 pm.
c. Next Board Meeting: June 18, 2012, information to follow after board positions have been filled.
d. Annual Meeting, Sunday, June 3, 2012 at 2:00 pm at the Animas Grange, County Road 203 with the Special Board meeting to follow.
Respectfully Submitted,
Carol Lewin, RPOA Secretary
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RPOA May 21, 2012 Minutes