for an action grantfunded by the

Directorate-General for Interpretation and Conferences

(DG INTE) of the European Parliament

Grants for post-graduate/master courses in conference interpreting2016/2017


31 May 2016
(as evidenced by the date of deposit slip)

to be sent obligatorily by courier company to the address below :

European Parliament/DG Interpretation
Head of Unit for Multilingualism Support
'Grant applications 2016/2017'
Office TRI 05V009
Rue Wiertz 60
B – 1047 Brussels (Belgium)

Pleasesend one paper copy and one electronic copy of your application on a DVD/CD or USB stick in easily readable format.

  • Before completing the form electronically, please read the relevant sections on the website contain additional information.
  • Before sending off the applicationand all its annexes, control all items by completing the Check list (on the last page of this form ) and verify that the application bears the original signature of the person legally authorised to sign on behalf of the coordinating institution and the original stamp of this institution.
  • Please note that only the dispatched paper version can be considered as valid application document.

SECTION I.Identification

I 1. Applicant / contracting institution

I 1.1 Legal Representative

Full legal name of the institution in the national language
Acronym of the institution, if applicable
Full name of the institution in English (formal or informal translation)
Website /
Legal representative of the institution:
Last name
First name / Title (optional)
(e.g. Prof., Dr, etc.)
Official function within the institution / Sex / □ female
□ male
Legal address of the institution
Street & Street Number
Post code & town (Country)
Phone (country code/area code/number)
Mobile Phone / +
E-mail / @

I 1.2 Coordinator (project manager) or person responsible for the proposal

The address provided will be used for the acknowledgement of receipt and all further correspondence relating to the project

Last name
First name / Title (optional)
(e.g. Prof., Dr, etc.)
Official function within the institution / Sex / □ female
□ male
Correspondence address
Street & street number
Post code & town (Country)
Phone (country code/area code/number)
Mobile phone / +
E-mail address / @

I 1.3 Person in charge of finance

Finance officer
Last name/First name / Title (optional)
(e.g. Prof., Dr, etc.)
Official function within the institution / Sex / □ female
□ male
Correspondence address
Street& street number
Post code & town (Country)
Phone (country code/area code/number)
Mobile phone / +
E-mail address / @

I 1.4 Value Added Taxes (V.A.T.)

Please specify your VAT status:

Refundable VAT / Always / Never / Partly / specify here for what type of expenditure:
Exempt from VAT / Always / Never / Partly / Specify here for what type of expenditure

I. 2.Other participating partner institutions/ universities (if applicable)

I.2.1 Add numbers, please continue with No 3. Add copies of this page if necessary.

Participating institution No 1 = Applicant(information given on page 2 and 3 of application form)

Participating institution No 2

Full legal name of the institution in the national language
Full name of the Institution in English (formal or informal translation)
Legal representative of the institution / Family name: First name:
Contact person / Function :
Family name: First name:
Legal address of the institution
Street and street number
Post code and town (Country)
(country code/area code)
Mobile phone / ( + )
E-mail address / @

I.2.2 Project description of participating institutions

Please indicate clearly in the project description (Section 2 of the application form) the tasks to be executed by the Participating institution 2, 3, 4 etc.

I.2.3. Budget


Please indicate the costs borne by above partner institutions in:

  • Section III - Table 1 "Overview of expected expenditure": total costs.
  • Section III - Table 4 – "Details A – G"


The amounts financed by the partner institution(s) partly or totally as contribution to the project should be indicated in Table 2 "Overview of expected income" of Section III (under point 3).

I. 3. Financial support from the European Union

  • Has the proposal for the action or any aspect or part thereof or any larger project to which it may belong already been supported directly or indirectly in the last 4 years by anEU institution or agency/body of the Union?


Yes. Please specify

European Union programmes:

Title and date of the operation(s):

Year(s) of the award by the European Union (specify by which institution/body):

Amounts of the grant(s) or loan(s):

  • Is this proposal for the action or any aspect or part thereof or any larger project to which it may belong, currently being supported under some other European Union programme?


Yes. Please specify

European Union programmes:

Title and date of the operation(s):

Year(s) of the award by the European Union:

Amounts of the grant(s) or loan(s):

  • Is this proposalfor the action or any aspect or part thereof or any larger project to which it may belongcurrently the subject of any other application for support from the European Union?


Yes. Please specify the programme(s)

N.B.: Applicants are required to inform without delay the European Parliament of any request for funding made to other EU institutions or of any funding approved by them AFTER submission of this grant application.


II.1. Project title explaining main activity (30 words maximum).
E.g. "Post-graduate course of Conference Interpreting - University X – 1st and 2nd semester 2016-2017"

II.2. Duration of the action

Project commencement and completion dates
Please indicate the period for which the grant is requested, including any preparatory work and time required for completion and initial dissemination of the final product(s) financed by the grant:
from ……/………/…………… (dd/mm/yyyy) to ….. / ………../…………. (dd/mm/yyyy).
Please note that the action should normally start not earlier than the date of the last signature of theagreement.
In any case, it cannot start earlier than the date of submission and should end no later than
31st July 2017, except when duly justified by the applicant and accepted by the European Parliament.

II.3. Summary of the project

Please describebrieflythe main aspects of your project as detailed below.

If your application is successful, this summary will be used as the description of your project and will therefore be part of your grant agreement. It may also be used for other information purposes. You are therefore kindly requested to formulate it carefully.

Important:If tasks/activities (e.g. mobility schemes) are performed by other institutes/establishments/universities mentioned in section I.2 – please name those explicitly in this project description.

Please specify information or indicate N/A = not applicable in the answers to the questions below.

You may wish to put additional information under point "Other" or as an annex.

  1. Languages and language combinations you intend to offer in 2016-2017 and those which you offered during the last 3 courses:

Language / 2016/2017
  1. Access to the course:

a)Please mention your selection criteria for access to admission test (candidate profile):



b)Please explain how the admission test is organised, the applied methodology and assessment criteria for being accepted:



c)Number of students:

Minimum expected: …………………. Maximum expected: ……………………..

Minimum number of students required to run the course: ……….

d)Composition of the admission panel



e)Fees paid by students for

  • admission test: ……..
  • enrolment to the course: ……..
  1. Information on course organisation and structure:

a)1-year or 2-year course:


b)Day course or evening course – frequency per week:


c)Brief time schedule of the action. Please indicate approximate dates for:

  • Advertising/promotion of the course (date/means):
  • enrolment deadlines:
  • dates of admission tests:
  • start of the course:
  • end of the course:
  • weeks of instruction:
  • mid-term tests (if applicable):
  • final exams:
  • resits (if applicable):

d)ECTS points given for the full course:

e)Brief overview of the course plan (by semester) - for a better understanding please complete the annexed course plan template"Project Description Course plan"



f)teaching material available (not covered by question 5 b):



g)access of students to extracurricular training(if applicable):



h)final examination:

  • composition of examination jury and profile of jury members (if available names/external – internal)



  • duration of consecutive interpretation tests (A/B/C/ combination)



  • duration of simultaneous interpretation tests (A/B/C/ combination)



  • fees for final exam (if applicable)



i)type(s) of diploma awarded on successful completion of the course(example of last year) :

  1. Results

a)Please complete the table "Project description - ¨Results" at the end of this Section (giving information on the number of applicants, students having passed the admission test, etc).

b)where available, the name of graduates (from the last 4 years) working for the EU interpreting services (indicating source of this information) – please note that this information is covered by Regulation 45/2001 and that total confidentiality of this information is guaranteed.



c)expected results of the present academic year:



  1. Describe your operational capacity (e.g. staff, equipment) to implement the proposed action


Profile of staff involved in the project (indicating name and function and CV)
Please indicate approximately how many hours each staff devote to this project

Please provide in addition names and short Curriculum Vitae of key people performing work in connection with the project((Annex IV);:

  • Administrative staff (if applicable/ ratio between involvement in this specific project and performance of other tasks):



  • Teaching Staff (please also indicate those who are accredited conference interpreters with EU institutions or other international organisations and what parts of the programme each of them will teach) if not indicated in Annex "Project Description - Course plan":

(i)External Teachers:



(ii)Internal Teachers:



b)Infrastructure to be used for training, including new technologies:

  • Training rooms:



  • Booths/ Simultaneous equipment (please specify if analog or digital):



  • Rooms with videoconference equipment for distant teaching (virtual classes)
    - please specify with whom, frequency, etc.:



  • Access to speech repository or similar – please specify



  • Use of other technology (e.g. e-learning modules) for training – please specify



c)Acquisition of technologies for training (if applicable):

Please indicate if you intend to renew existing equipment or to acquire new equipment for training in addition to the equipment mentioned under b):



d)Development of new technologies (if applicable):

Do you intend to develop new tools for training, alone or with partners? If yes, please briefly describe.



  1. (If applicable) Cooperation/mobility schemes with other universities/study visits:
  • Planned visits to European Parliament (via EMCI mobility or similar):



  • Visits of teaching staff from or to other universities:



  • Visits of students from or to other universities:



  • Virtual mobility:



  • Others:



  1. Explain which measures you will implement in order to monitor and evaluate the project/course (e.g. evaluation by students), peer review with other universities, benchmarking of programmes and course content, etc):



If you made similar monitoring or evaluation in the past, could you please briefly describe main conclusions and measures taken?



  1. (If applicable) explain which activities are sub-contracted or implemented by third parties:



  1. Other points – please specify:




European Parliament - Grant Application for post-graduate courses 2016-2017

Project description - ¨Results

University : / number of students
2 years post-graduate course in Interpreting / 2010/11 / 2011/12 / 2012/13 / 2013/14 / 2014/15 / 2015/16
applied (1st year students)
invited toadmission test
enrolled (1st year students)
1st year successfully completed (1st year students)
Final exams passed (2nd year students)
Accredited after EU institutions' tests
Students starting 2 years' course in Conference interpreting in 2010/11
Students starting 2 years' course in Conference interpreting in 2011/12
Students starting 2 years' course in Conference interpreting in 2012/13
Students starting 2 years' course in Conference interpreting in 2013/14
Students starting 2 years' course in Conference interpreting in 2014/15
University : / number of students
1 year post-graduate course in Interpreting / 2010/11 / 2011/12 / 2012/13 / 2013/14 / 2014/15 / 2015/16
invited to admission test
Mid-term Test passed (if applicable)
Final exams passed
Accredited after EU institutions' tests



European Parliament - Grant Application for post-graduate courses 2016-2017

Project description - Course Plan

Adapt form to your course by deleting or adding rows (you can also create your own table containing the same kind of information requested

Indicate names if available or number of staff per course / Sem. 1
hours (ECTS) / Sem.2
hours (ECTS) / Sem.3
hours (ECTS) / Sem.4
hours (ECTS) / Total
/ Remarks/
Other / Equipment and Pedagogical Approach per module or course (e.g. lectures, class instruction, e-learning/self-study, teamwork, seminars, booth exercises, virtual classes etc.)
LINGUISTIC SUBJECTS/ LANGUAGES (eg Terminology etc – specify below) :
Terminology / Mr. Smith (EN)
Herr Schmidt (DE) / 30 h (3)
30h(3) / 30h (3) 30h (3) / N/A / N/A / 60h (6)
60h (6)
/ Lectures
(without notes)
(without notes)
NON-LINGUISTIC SUBJECTS (e.g. Interpretation theory, Voice coaching, Public speaking, Professional ethics, Stress management, Economics, EU or international Law, etc)


European Parliament - Grant Application for post-graduate courses 2016-2017


Please read carefully the general instructions contained in the Guide for Applicants before completing this section.


The headings in table 1 must be presented in greater detail in the corresponding table 4.A – 4.G on the following pages)

The Totals of Table 1 and Table 2 must be in balance.

Table 1 : Overview of expected expenditure
Type of costs / Costs ( EUR)
A. Staff costs assigned to the operation
B. Travel and subsistence for staff/persons involved in the operation
C. Cost of equipment
D. Cost of consumables and supplies
E. Meetings/Conferences
F. Other direct costs (such as promotion/advertising):
Please indicate :
G. General costs (7% of costs A-F)
TOTAL (identical to the total in Table 2)
Table 2 – Overview of expected income
Sources to be specified under Headings 3) – 6)
Please indicate expected number of students under Point 4 / Income (EUR)
1) Total grant requested from the European Parliament *
2) Contributions by the applicant (institution 1):
3)Contribution from the regular budget of other participating partners (if applicable)
4) Direct revenue expected from the operation (if applicable).
Based on …….. expected number of students
fees for admission tests …….… € per student
fees for course: ……….. € per student
fees for final exams: ……….. € per student
other fees paid by students: ……….. € per student
Other: ….……..
5) Support from public (national, regional, etc.) sources, provided specifically for this project. Please specify:
6) Other sources (e.g. private sector, foundations, embassies) provided specifically for this project ; Please specify:
TOTAL (identical to the total in Table 1)

* 75% of total Table 1 - to be reduced if total 4),5) and 6) is more than 25%.

Table 3 – Contribution per participating partner institution (if applicable) – named in Section I.2


For additional participating partner institutions please add an additional Annex "Partners ' contribution" as necessary

All amounts in euros
(describe type of costs/activities) / Total / Coordinating institution (=Participating institution No1) / Participating institution No2 / Participating institution No3 / Participating institution No....

III.2 Details of Table 4 (Chapter 4.A – Chapter 4.G)


Details for table 4.A: Staff costs

Nature of staff/Staff activity
(please adapt details
to the structure of your project) / Teaching hourswithin the action period
(cfr. 2.2)
(a) / Hours for preparation of the courses
(b) / Total Hours
(c) =
(a) + (b) / Hourly rateincl. social charges
(d) * / Total cost (€)
(e) =
(c) x (d)
Coordination– name if available
Administration– name if available
Teachers (Internal) –
Languages taught/ Names if available
Names if available/task/languages?
Names if available/task/languages?
Names if available/task/languages?
Names if available/task/languages?
Names if available/task/subject?
Names if available/task/subject?
Names if available/task/subject?
Teachers (External)
Names if available/task/languages?
Names if available/task/languages?
Names if available/task/languages?
External Examiners
Names if available/task/languages?
Internal Examiners
Names if available/task/languages?
External experts
Others (please specify)
Names if available/task/languages?
Sub-total 2– pedagogical tasks
Total identical to heading A in Table 1 / ...... €

Details for table 4.B: Travel and subsistence (e.g. Mobility schemes related to course)

Purpose of journey/
destination / Number of travellers
(a) / Average travel costs per journey (EUR)
(b) / Average subsistence costs/day (EUR) (c) / Number of days
(d) / Total cost
(a x b)+ (c x d)
Purpose, Name if available – from - to
Total identical to heading B in Table 1 / EUR

Details for table 4.C: Cost of equipment

By way of derogation, purchases of equipment for virtual classes and update of existing equipment aimed at providing simultaneous interpretation training are 100% eligible under the action provided that the equipment has been actually used by the end of the project for virtual classes with other universities, the European Parliament or other international organisations (only for post-graduate courses). This specific equipment does not need to be depreciated (see example 3 hereunder).

Description / Items / Cost of purchase or rent/item (EUR) / Total cost of purchase
(EUR) / Remaining months
of grant
action / Depreciation span
(in months) / Costs
/ Usage rate
action / Final
Example 1:
New booths (purchased on 18/09/N-
End of action foreseen 31/07/N+1) / 2 / 10.000 / 20.000 / 11 / 60 (5 years) / 20.000 *11/60
= 3.666,66 / 60% / 2.200,00
Example 2:
Laptop (purchased in 24/12/N-
End of action foreseen 31/07/N+1) / 1 / 1.200 / 1.200 / 8 / 36 (3 years) / 1.200 *8/36
= 266,66 / 100% / 266,66
Example 3:
VLE (purchased in 18/02/N+1 -
End of action foreseen 31/07/N+1) / 5 / 4.000 / 20.000 / n/a / n/a / 20.000 / 100% / 20.000
Total identical to heading C in Table 1 / EUR

Details of table 4.D: Cost of consumables and supplies

Products / Description / Number
(a) / Cost per item (EUR)
(b) / Total cost
(a x b) = c
Total identical to heading D in Table 1 / EUR

Details of table 4.E: Direct costs of Conferences, Seminars and Workshops

  • E.1 - Organisation costs

Description / Number of items
(a) / Cost per item (EUR)
(b) / Total cost
(a x b)
  • E.2 - Travel and subsistence costs of participants and speakers (workshops/conferences)

Purpose of journey / Number of return
(a) / Average travel costs per journey(EUR)
(b) / Average subsistence costs per day (EUR) (c) / Number of days
(d) / Total cost
(a x b)+(c x d)
Total E1 +E2 identical to heading Ein Table 1 / EUR

Details of table 4.F: Other direct costs

Description / Number of items
(a) / Cost per item (EUR)
(b) / Total cost
(a x b)
Total identical to heading F
in Table 1 / EUR

Details of table 4.G: General Costs/Overhead costs (7% of direct costs)

Flat rate of 7% on the direct costs (A-F)
Total identical to heading Gin Table 1 / EUR