Rozelle Public School P&C Meeting
Wednesday 10 May 2017 at 7.30pm
Staff Room – Rozelle Public School
Michael opened the meeting at 7:30pm
1. Welcome
Michael welcomed Members to the meeting and introduced the Committee, whilst also welcoming further nominations to fill the vacant Vice President role. He spoke of how the over-riding principle for involvement in the P&C should be enjoyment and that parents should get involved for the right reasons. Members were then invited to introduce themselves
2. Attendance and apologies
Michael McNelis (Chair), Ron Corby (Treasurer), Al Tegart (Vice President), Emma Murphy, Ben Prag, Emily McGrath, Karen Keith, Mel Daniels, Andrea Wiseman, Leeann Millis, Derek Jacobs, Sean Kwon, Erica Jones, Matt Parkes, Jane May, Andrea Takoushis (OOSH), Stephanie Searle (Principal), Miss Hunt (Assistant Principal),Phil Shearer (Secretary).
Apologies: Julie Mills, Danni Townsend, Sarah Jacobs, Briar Day, Maria O’Malley
3. Minutes of March 2017 meeting
The minutes of the March meeting were approved.
Proposed: Andrea Takoushis
Seconded:Ron Corby
4. Matters arising
5. Correspondence
6. Principal’s Report (Stephanie Searle)
Stephanie tabled a copy of the school’s 2016 Annual School Report which has also been uploaded to the school’s website under About Our School/School Planning and Evaluation. The publishing of the report has been somewhat delayed this year due to the introduction of a new software program for bringing together the various elements of School Planning and Evaluation – the School Plan, the School Excellence Framework and the Annual School Report. Its purpose is to:
- report on the school’s self-assessment against the School Excellence Framework
- progress and achievements against the school’s three Strategic Directions and specially funded programs
- enrolment, staffing and financial information
- performance on NAPLAN
- student, parent/caregiver and staff satisfaction
Stephanie wanted to clarify and restate the Changes that have been made to the catchment area to help manage increasing enrolments. From the start of the 2017 school year the area bounded by Darling St, Denison St, Alberto Stand Ryan St and the Western Distributor is now part of the Orange Grove Public School catchment area. Students already enrolled in Preschool or Kindergartenfor 2017 are not affected as they were enrolled prior to the change being announced. Those children who have a brother or sister currently enrolled at the school will also not be affected. Unfortunately the School Locator map on the Department of Education's internet site is incorrectly drawn and is being updated. We have put the information on the website and in the Newsletter a number of times but Stephanie is thinking of doing a letterbox drop in the affected area to ensure all parents are aware of the change.
Since the last meeting, special events have included Stage 2 camp at Myuna Bay, the Easter Hat Parade, the ANZAC Assembly and the Cross Country Carnival. All were very successful. Special thanks to those parents who assisted at the Carnival, contributing to its very smooth organisation.
Students in Years 3 and 5 have completed two days of the National Assessment Program. The test is an excellent one, based on the Australian Curriculum, and provides very valuable diagnostic information to teachers about what each individual student knows and can do. The federal government is gradually introducing the test online from 2018.
Poppy and Stephanie have continued to be trained in the new Finance system. They are currently loading the school budget into the system and will then learn about the forecasting tool. While Stephanie considers financial management one of her strengths she has found the new environment and having to manage all the staffing costs at a school level challenging. She and Poppy are reasonably comfortable with it now. She is happy to do a short session on the school budget at a P & C meeting if that is something parents are interested in. Given the increased size and complexity of the school budget she would like to form a more representative finance committee. And asked the P & C to nominate a member to sit on that committee. Ron Corby accepted the nomination.
A Letter from Education Minister Simon Birmingham outlining additional funding the school will get next year was also shared with the meeting.
7. Treasurer’s Report (Ron Corby)
Ron introduced a new format for financial reporting which had been shared prior to the meeting.
He pointed out that fundraising through the websitefor the Main Event doesn’t settle until after the event.
Ron advised that the bank accounts are in the process of being signed over from the previous P&C Committee.
He inquired about use of the P&C bank account’s Merchant facility and advised as it was not being used he would stop it.
Ron also advised that the current interest rate being paid on our $120,000 in the bank is 0.01% and he will be asking the bank to make this more competitive.
8. OOSH Report (Andrea)
Vacation Care - July vacation care will be live out next week. Programs went out onFriday and OOSH is set for another great holiday.
In staff news Taylor will be leaving on 23rd May.Paula was offered work from her prac centre so she won’t be returning tocoordinate and replace Taylor in mini OOSH. So Bridget will coordinate mini OOSH for 5 days instead of two. Bridget will finish her degree in April 2018.Hannah has also left to meet up with Bill and Bella in Spain and willhopefully return in 2018.
Program news - All three centres have Mother’s Day activities planned this week.
Custard (the guinea pig) is now on a diet as the oosh families have been very generous in theircare of custard and he is in eth morbidly obese weight range
9. The Main Event
Maria read an update on the upcoming Main Event behalf in Briar’s absence.
Sixty tickets have already been sold and donations of around $40,000 received for online auctions and hampers. There is a requirement for more Pet Supply donations.
Hamper wrapping is this Friday and a call was put out for helpers.
Raffle tickets have been distributed.
Marketing has been good with the next email to go out on 15/5 regarding the auction going live. It should also include information on the Costume Box offer.
The Decorations Committee working bee is done – Ron pointed out the difficulty in hanging decorations. The Bible says no hanging/no nails but every year new people attempt to do so. Stephanie suggested involving Allison & Greg as he built structure for hanging.
Ron asked about screen-printing main bannerto make it lighter and there was a suggestion to paint it.
Michael advised that he will call Julie Mills to discuss.
Next working bee – Friday. This needs to be communicated.
Leeann Millis has negotiated a 10% discount code for Costume Box (costume hire) (to be extended till 30 Sept to cover book week). Plus a 10% donation to school (up to $5000).She also mentioned that Vista Print do good screen printing if such a service is required.
10. After School Care Committee
Emma Murphy circulated a documentregarding the formation of an After-School Care Committee for After School Care for Rozelle Public School.
A note regarding this also went out with the Newsletter.
It was proposed to form a working group of four (with market research experience) to get feedback to find out about parent views and needs. This information would then be fed back to the P&C and school.
It has been a long time since there has been a conversation with the school community about OOSH.
The committee will be formed to provide feedback from parents and carers with children’s needs at core.
11.Other Business
Communications – Michael said he’s learning and will get there. Needs information by Thursday evenings to send out.
There was some feedback that parents are over too many emailsso we are trying to minimise emails.
Bubblers – Concern was raised over a kindergarten studentdrinking stagnant water from disused bubblers. It was pointed out that this was an issue.The school will address.
Emily was asked if anyonehas shown interest in the Uniform Shop. Whilst not yet, there was some discussion around what was involved.
Al asked about cake stall co-ordination. Mel advised that two have been held this year already, with both raising between $1400 and $1500 each. The year 4 stall is scheduled for May 20. Mel reiterated it is easy to set up and that the relationship with the Markets is fantastic.
Stephanie advised she will bring information about expenditure to the next meeting and that the next landscaping works were potentially starting next holidays. The company is looking at staging the works. Thequote should be submitted soon but the works are pencilled in.
Meeting closed 8.36pm
Signed as a correct record:
Michael McNellisPhil Shearer
P & C President (Chair)Secretary
Next General Meeting - Wednesday, June 7, 7.30pm