Minutes of meeting held at 17.00hrs Monday 12th May 2014.

The Artillery Arms, Pound Street, Stonehouse

Present: Neil Moffatt (Chairman), Francis Douglas, Ray Bailey, Ray Crockett, Steve Maltby, Paul Davey, Chris Harman (Minutes)

Apologies: Roger Irvine, Jason Armitage.

Chairman’s review of Actions:

·  RWYC is booked for Reception on Thursday 19th June. RC suggested Clubs’ Racing Secretaries should be invited. Further publicity is needed and there should be a mail shot to all locally based members.

·  Central should be approached for more RNSA decals. ACTION: CH.

·  The Devonport Challenge on Wednesday 11th June, RI has offered to be Race Officer but might need some assistance from other members.

Treasurer’s Report:

PD presented the Financial Report. Income to date £7962. Expenditure £6307. Cash Flow to date £1655. Total cash £22190. Assets £9710. Estimated Net Worth £25750. Available to spend £16031.

·  NM has spoken with Cdre Richard Farrington (the new RNSA Chairman) about the aims and direction of the RNSA. As well as encouraging new members we need to support and benefit the current members.

·  A review of the finances in Plymouth shows that we haven’t drawn on much support from Central (approximately £800 in 2013) and that while we have Branch money it is difficult to justify requests for grants.

·  We concluded that we need to recycle some of the funds into providing benefits for all members. These could include subsidised social events and subsidised berthing for race participants.

ACTION: Committee members to identify ways of benefiting members

·  In producing a budget for the next 12 months we must be aware that some money needs to remain ring-fenced eg. Bull Point money.

·  There is a need for a plan to bid to Central for a projected Budget. A separate meeting may be needed to discuss this.

·  We need to work out how much we could contribute to running a J80 if required. This will depend on other projected spend and grants from Central.


·  Proposals to bring in tighter rules for offshore racing were rejected by the meeting of the PPSA

·  1st/2nd November Inter university sailing dinghy challenge event.

Offshore Secretary’s Report:

·  No RNSA member on Guernsey found to finish St. Peter Port Race but Guernsey YC Secretary has offered to finish race from 08.00.

·  NM/FD will be starter for return race.

·  GYC Social will be 18.30 for 19.00. Guernsey HLO has been invited but will not be there. 6 entries so far but a greater interest has been shown. Closing date for entries is 20th (May?) with the Race starting on the 23rd.

·  Roscoff Race. RC will speak to RPCYC to run race on a non-profit basis with all fees going to fund the social event. Dartmouth Race contacts have been made.

·  Salcombe Race. Has been organised.

Single-handed Secretary’s Report:

·  1st Race ( Salcombe 1) cancelled due to bad weather. This was well supported with 27 entries.

·  St.Mawes Race. Friday 6th June. 25 entries. Harbour Master approached. Moorings will be £5 with free anchorage.

·  Roscoff Race. Now starting with 15 entries on Sunday 22nd June due to event clash at Roscoff. Maitre du Port has been contacted. The start will be at 12.00 hours at Duke Buoy/New Grounds/Queen’s Ground. ACTION: SM to contact PPSA to avoid conflict.

·  Return of Berthing Monies. £500-£600 to be returned to payers or donated or used later. ACTION: FD to send email.

·  Battle flags will be needed for Reception on 19th June.

·  Risk assessment for future races. FD has completed a risk assessment and it will be passed to other committee members for use. ACTION: FD to send to Committee a risk management list.

·  There is a difficulty in identifying whether any boats have gone missing during race. The SIs require a CG66 form must be lodged before each race

ACTION: FD to provide link for CG66 for single-handed sailing.

·  Race start management. Ch 69 is used for reporting in. Aggressive starting is discouraged.

·  ACTION: CH to purchase handheld chartplotter to assist race starting.

Dinghy Secretary’s Report:

·  Members received an emailed report from RI before the meeting.

·  ACTION: Names of Power boat drivers must be submitted and indicate whether they are RNSA members, if not they should be encouraged to join.

Establishment Yachts:

·  JA provided a good brief to the Naval Base Commander on the planned utilisation of Ocean Dragon.

·  RC volunteered to some staff out for day sails.

Moorings and Trophies:

·  RWYC Moorings. No reply to date from RWYC but still interested subject to Committee approval.

ACTION: RB to chase up RWYC.

Cruising Secretary’s Report:

·  Still no offers to replace DB-R as Cruising Secretary but events are being run.

·  DB-R is hoping to get different individuals to arrange different events.

Bull Point:

·  The provision of steps up the embankment to the utility services will be discussed at the next meeting of the Bull Point Committee.

·  Lessons have been learnt from the communication breakdown with TRSC over the use of their moorings at the lift-in. The BP handbook will be amended.

Any Other Business:

·  The Mountbatten Boathouse is offering discount to members.

·  This year’s Prizegiving will be at RWYC.

·  RB enquired whether prizes can be funded by Central?

·  ACTION: RB to provide list of trophies showing those rented or owned and those which are now superfluous.

·  ACTION: RC to investigate insurance of trophies.

Date of Next Meeting: Monday 9th June 2014.

CH 2/6/14.