Royal Canadian Legion Branch 25
Royal Canadian Legion Br. 25
96 Great Northern Rd
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario P6B 4Y5
Phone: 705-945-8721
Fax: 705-945-6372
Ladies Auxiliary: 705-256-2941
Lounge: 705-256-6921
Quote of the Day
1. H. Jackson Brown Jr. said – “Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michael Angelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein”
2. Elizabeth Gilbert said: “Embrace the glorious mess that you are.”
President’s Report – Respectfully submitted by Wayne Paulencu
Ladies Auxiliary Report – Respectfully submitted by Rose Colasacco
I have to tell you the Christmas party for the children went over very well.
I would like to thank Ken Anstice for the balloons and I hope he is feeling better in the New Year.
I would also like to thank: the parents and grandparents for bringing their children; to the Ladies Auxiliary for donating their tips from the kitchen and for purchasing the ice cream and buns; to the Branch for the donation of cash to purchase gifts and, to those kind souls who gave up their Canadian Tire money.
I especially thank my elfs for helping entertain the children and my new elfs RJ & Drew for doing a wonderful job with the fish pond and a special thanks to Sandra.
Wishing you all well in the New Year.
Membership – Respectfully submitted by Ernie Bremner
Just wanted to thank everyone who has paid their membership to date and a reminder that it is never too late. If you are behind a few years, there are ways to maintain your years of service or if that doesn’t work, you can be re-instated – give us a call – we’d be happy to have you back. Wishing everyone a Happy New Year – all the best.
Reports Respectfully submitted by Mary Anne Martin
Karaoke is still going every Friday night from 9:00 PM to 1:00 AM.
The Friday night pool league is still at 7 PM. If you wish to play, just come out.
Saturday is free pool in the lounge from Noon until 6 PM
Saturday Entertainment in the Lounge from 8 PM – 11 PM is listed below:
Jan. 7th. – Tuffy Thibideau, Al Kelly & Ed Schryer (Full Circle) – new – old time rock & roll (Beatles etc.) and country
Jan. 14th – Ezeee Country with Hank Schryer
Jan. 21st – Dusty Roads with Jamie Neveau
Jan. 28th – Ezeee Country with Hank Schryer
Also, once again I will be placing the donation box out on Saturday nights. This money is to offset the cost of having bands in the Lounge. The price of the bands ranges from $150 to $200. The more that goes into the donation box means less money coming out of the general account.
Regular Entertainment
· Monday 1:30 PM – Carpet Bowling upstairs - $2/person
· Monday 8:00 p.m. – band practice upstairs – everyone welcome
· Tuesday, THIRSTday and Friday nights is Pint and Nacho night – purchase a 20 oz. glass of your favourite beverage and get Nachos with cheese for $7.
· Wednesday –Acoustic Jam starts up again on Jan. 4th. 8 PM
· Ladies Auxiliary Bingo every Thursday at 1:00 PM
· Thursday 3:00 P.M. – Meat draw in the lounge - $1/spin.
Sick & Visiting
Comrades, I need HELP! I am sure we have many more veterans or widows/widowers in the nursing and retirement homes that we do not know about – especially Cedarwood. If you know of anyone not already on our list, please leave their name in my mail box at the Legion Office, or call 705-945-8721 and leave the info. Thank-you.
Carpet blowing resumed January 2nd. and the ballroom style dancing resumes January 4th.
The bar is open and manned by volunteers and generates money for the general account. One dollar from the entrance fees goes to a special fund which is used to purchase door prizes, table decorations and favours for the dinner/dances. It also purchases supplies and registration prizes for the car show and BBQ in July.
I wish you and yours all the best in 2017!!
Service Officer/Museum Report – Respectfully submitted by Ron Rouleau
Museum – As the Christmas season comes to a close I would like to thank Bill for the loan of his model train collection which added so much to the display by bringing the remembrance of days gone by. Thank-you Bill. If anyone has any of the buildings or people which would add to the Christmas display that they would care to donate or loan, I would appreciate the additives to enhance the season’s display.
I woud also like to thank Orville Halverson for his help to put up the flagpole that displays the Last Canadian flag to fly over Candahar Airfield in Afghanistan. Rick Thorold’s brother Master Corporal Ed Thorold, helicopter mechanic and side gunner, took it down as the base closed and donated it to our museum. Thank-you Ed.
We have some major rearranging planned for the museum showcases to be completed over the winter season to prepare for the 100th anniversary of Vimy Ridge (April 9, 2017). I am hoping to have the talented assistance of Marlie Smith in reworking the cabinets and erecting the bayonet display board. The Sault Ste. Marie Museum has booked the travelling Vimy Ridge memorial display, which hopefully will be here in April.
Don Oliver has been very busy returning the veterans pictures to their families. He has worked hard at contacting the families and arranging times to deliver or have them picked up. Thank you very much Don. This left a lot of empty space on the walls which I have not wasted any time filling with stored pictures set up in order from WWI, WWII, Korea, and Afghanistan. There are more to come as time allows.
Service Officer – This has been a busy winter season so far and it has just begun. The early snow brought requests for assistance through Veterans Affairs VIP (Veterans Independent Program) by providing assistance with snow removal. The VIP program assists vets to continue living in their homes by providing railings for stairs or baths, homecare, financial help, transportation to appointments or shopping and many other areas if required. This is a wonderful service for vets to apply for should they qualify. Please contact the Branch or check out the V.A. website at:
We wish you all a very safe, healthy and happy 2017. Visit parts of Canada you haven’t been to during our 150th anniversary. Visit your Branch 25, we are not 150 years old, but have been at this location since 1967 (50 years)
Youth Education – Respectfully submitted by Pat Vardy
We have yet to have word from Zone Command if any of our selections of Posters and/or Poetry have gone on to the next round. We will keep you posted.
(to date of printing)
Comrade Bill Edwards
Comrade Verna Matheson
January Veteran Birthdays
Alexander Stewart, Raymond Magnan, Russ Disano, Ed Rowe, Harvey Hobbs, Gerald Michaud, R. J. McEwen, George Patterson, B. A. Golder, Mel Lemarquand, Harry Wynne, J.F. Bushnell, Gwen Dinsdale, R. Gurevitch, Edward Pener, R.G. Rylatt
October Monthly Draw Winners
$2000 – Robin Istace – Ticket #7260
$1000 – Ron D’Aoust – Ticket # 1161
$500 – Gary Filion – Ticket #1039
2017 Cash Calendars
The 2017 Cash Calendars are available in the Lounge or Office or from several places throughout town. They are still $20 each and still give you 361 (as of Jan. 4) chances to win a minimum of $50 (we draw every day). These make terrific any time gifts for those people who really don’t need anything and it keeps on giving all year (like the everready bunny). You win today – your ticket goes back in. It’s the best lottery in town.
All monies collected remain local to support sports teams etc.
December 2016 winners of calendar lottery
Twyla Berry, Marty Pettenuzzo, Eileen Attle, Josie Long, Rachel Pusse, Gilles Labine, Sharon & Gary Simmons, Aili Acciavatti, Bob Fremlin, Kelly Delavalle, Mark Lasook, Polly Pozzebon, Paula & Ed Belanger, Jim & Judy Brennen, Kerri McLean, Pam Foisy, Jill Miller (Morton), Amanda & Mike Stewart, Joan Rudzki, Barbara Stoffard, Mario Tucci, Spanky & Shelley Robinson, Allan Brassard, Sonnie Armstrong, Walter Zurby, Bill Stewart, Jason Miller, Angela Ricks,
Congratulations to all!
Useless Information
1. Movie theater popcorn costs more per ounce than fillet mignon. The price of popcorn is more than 1200% higher than its production costs.
2. A group of cats is called a clowder.
3. Pteronophobia is the fear of being tickled by feathers.
4. There are 923 words in the English language that break the “I before E” rule. Only 44 words actually follow that rule.
5. “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” is an English language pangram – a phrase that contains all the letters of the alphabet. (Used to type that for practice in typing class).
6. Contrary to popular belief – ostriches stick their heads in the sand to look for water.
7. Polar bears are left handed
8. Your nose and ears never stop growing (oh no)
9. Only food that does not spoil – honey.
10. You can lead a cow upstairs but not down – now I never would have thought of that.
Upcoming Special Events
Burns’ Supper – check out the poster attached. Get your tickets early they are limited. $20/member or $25/non-member per person.
Pasta Fundraiser is back on for Wednesday January 18th. $10/adult - $5/child (5-10 years) – Children under 5 are free.
All you can eat regular or whole wheat pasta, salad, bread, tea/coffee. Desserts are available to purchase.
Pancake Breakfast is back on Sunday January 29th., from 9:30 a.m. – Noon. Cost is $10/adult - $5/child (5-10 years) – children under 5 are free. Includes all you can eat pancakes w/ St. Joe’s maple syrup, breakfast sausage, scrambled eggs and fruit.
1. Pop Tabs: Every tab you bring in is gratefully received. Please continue to bring them.
2. Pop cans for the Shriners to compact and sell the scrap metal for donations to their hospital projects.
3. Campbell Soup labels go to a church which gets a couple of cents per label and uses the money for items for their youth programs.
4. Canadian Tire Money is used for the KIDS Christmas Party.
5. Used eyeglasses are shipped to third world countries. Not the Caribbean.
6. Lock City Milk Bags. This project is really growing!. At $0.05 per bag, we are doing well. All of the money must be used for youth activities so we basically use it for our children’s Christmas party. Keep those bags coming in!!
Comrade Don Oliver wishes to express his thanks to all those who helped in finding family members for all the pictures to be delivered to the families.
REMINDERS – Election posters will be put around the Branch before Monday January 9th.
If there is anyone you wish to nominate for any position, please ask at the office and fill out a ‘nomination form’ and place in the box (there is one attached here). Elections will take place at the General Membership meeting on Wednesday May 3rd.
Please feel free to step up and be counted.
A new session of the V.O.N. exercise program will begin again on Tuesday January 3rd., 2017 at 9:15 a.m. This date is for registration only.
Thereafter exercise classes will be every Tuesday and Friday from 9:15 – 10 a.m. for a 12 week session – ending March 24th, 2017. All participants must attend that day and register in person only. This service is FREE.
If there is anything you would like to see in the Dispatch, please contact the Office, leave your suggestion and we can see if it will fit. If any Branch of the Military (cadets and family support group included) would like us to advertise something in our Dispatch – please do not hesitate to ask. We are here to serve our Veterans, Members and our Community – please help us to do that.
2015-17 Officers/Executive & Committee Chair
President – Wayne Paulencu
Past President – Marilyn Isaacson
1st. Vice – Ernie Bremner – Sgt @Arms/ Membership
2nd. Vice – Ed Rowe –Honours & Awards/
By-Laws/Cadet Liaison
3rd. Vice – Ron Rouleau – Museum Curator/Service Officer
Secretary – Wilma Oliver
Treasurer – Carol Piper
Seniors/Entertainment/Sick & Visiting – Mary Anne Martin
Youth Education – Pat Vardy
Branch Padre(s) Rev. Phil Miller
Capt. Pat Vardy
Mrs. Helen Smith
Bursary – Sean MacNamara
Cenotaph – Bill Bennett
PRO – Debbie Rouleau
TOD/Cadet Liaison – Warren Pihlaja
Burial – Elane Turner
If there is anything any one of us can do, please do not hesitate to contact the office (705-945-8721). The Legion is here to help, please help us to do that.