Updated January 13, 2012




The Women’s Fund Committee is an Operating Committee of the CEO/EDof the Royal Canadian Golf Association (operating as Golf Canada), hereinafter referred to as “Golf Canada”. It isresponsible for assisting the CEO/ED in fulfilling his oversight responsibilities relatingto the disbursements of funds from the board designated Women’s Fund.

Key Duties of Chairperson

In fulfilling its role, the Chairperson will work closely with staff on the following tasks:

  • Work with the staff support person to plan meetings
  • Support committee members between meetings to complete tasks
  • Provide written reports to the CEO/ED as required

Key Duties of the Committee

In fulfilling its mandate, the Committee will perform the following key tasks:

  • Support women’s initiatives and programs that would have a significantimpact on women’s golf and that would not otherwise be included in the Golf Canadabudget by;
  • Reviewing and approving administrative guidelines of the fund (see Appendix A);
  • Reviewing and approving applicant requirements;
  • Reviewing and approving provincial, national or international women’s golf programs/events for grants from the Women’s Fund: and
  • Provide annual input as part of the Golf Canada strategic planning process; and
  • Perform such additional tasks as may be delegated to the Committee by theBoard of Directors from time to time.


Members shall be appointed to the Committee by the Board within 30 days aftereach annual general meeting, and will serve terms of one year. Committee memberswill be expected to serve a minimum of three one-year terms. Should a vacancyoccur on the Committee, for whatever reason, the Board may appoint a qualifiedperson to fill that vacancy for the remainder of the vacant position’s term. The Boardmay remove any member of the Committee.


The Committee should be composed of three to six persons who will be identifiedjointly by the Chair of the Committee and the CEO/ED, taking into account theirknowledge, experience and interest in women’s golf. The majority of Committeemembers shall be female. The Board will designate the Chair of the Committee, whoshall be a Governor or a Director. The Chair may serve a maximum of four one-yearterms. For resolutions that require a vote, the Chair shall have a vote but will nothave a second vote in the event of a tie.

Meetings and Resources

The Committee may meet by telephone or in person, as required. Meetings will be ascalled by the Chair. The Committee will receive the necessary resources from Golf Canadato fulfill its mandate, and will have staff persons assigned to assist theCommittee with its work.


The Committee shall report to the CEO/ED. Minutes of all meetings will be kept andminutes and reports will be sent to the CEO/ED within sixty days after each meetingof the Committee. The minutes will then be accessible for review on the Governorsweb page.

Review and Approval

These terms of reference were approved by the Board on TBD and may bereviewed and revised from time to time by the Board.

Appendix A

Women’s Fund Guidelines:

Project/Program Qualification Requirements:

  • Must be consistent with the mandate, objectives and plans ofGolf Canada.
  • Must not create sponsorship conflicts with RCGA sponsors.
  • Preference will be given to:

-Projects or programs that and directly or indirectly increase

female golf participation and/or increase female membership in

the association.

-Projects or programs that involve matching grants

  • Multiple year funding requests must be reviewed annually to qualify for

continued funding.

Promotion of projects/programs must recognize the contribution of Golf Canada.

  • Grants cannot be used for general operating or administrative expenses –

they must be program or project-specific.

  • Grant funds must only be used for approved projects. Unused funds must

be returned to Golf Canada.

  • At the conclusion of the project/program a full accounting of the results

and details of how the grant was used must be submitted to the RCGA

within 60 days. Golf Canada reserves the right to audit the actual

expenditures for approved projects.

Proposal Guidelines:

• Proposals should be submitted by mail, fax or email using the Golf Canada Women’s Fund grant application form