Royal British Legion, Sedbergh & District Branch

Minutes for the monthly meeting held in the White Hart Club on Thursday 8thJune 2017

The meeting started at 7.15 pm with the Exhortation and Silent Tribute led by the Chairman.

Those present: John Douglass, Nick Cross, David Parratt, Tony Reed Screen, Myles Ripley, Keith Wood, Sandra Gold-Wood, Elspeth Griffiths, Dennis Whicker, Martin Gray

Also present: Glenise Brood

Apologies: John & Rose Pease, John Estensen, Kay Whittle

Minutes: The Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 11thMay 2017, having been circulated by email, were signed as a true record subject to amendment. It had been pointed out that under the heading ‘Welfare Cases’, Arthur Bramham was not in Westmorland Hospital but was waiting for admission either to Burnley or Blackburn, to be confirmed in due course.

Welcome to Glenise Brood:

The Chairman welcomed Glenise Brood to the meeting. Glenise has recently moved to Sedbergh from Ambleside where she has been a Legion member of the Langdales Branch and now wished to join the Sedbergh & District Branch. After some discussion, Glenise was also invited to become a member of the Committee to replace Kay Whittle at the next AGM in September. DP will make the necessary arrangements for membership and formal nomination to join the Committee will be made at the AGM.

Matters Arising:

Sedbergh Bike Festival Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd July: Contact had been made with Judith Reay, Cumbria Community Fundraiser and DP/NC will collect the Gazebo, Poppy Man suit and appropriate Legion merchandise from Penrith in the week commencing 26th June. The Legion Standard and brochures will also be provided on the day. St Andrews Church can provide a table and chairs. All stands are required to be completed by 0930 on the day. DP/NC will set up at 0830. Festival opening times are 1000 – 1700 daily. DP will email the Committee to ascertain availability for manning the stand over the two days.

Talk in October on the National Memorial Arboretum: DP confirmed that after discussions with Tony Parrini, he would be able to give the talk on Friday 13th October at 7.30 pm. The People’s Hall has been booked. Further arrangements will be discussed in due course, including help with setting up the hall, refreshments and so forth. The talk will be publicised in the Lookaround, Facebook and posters around the town.

Membership & Recruitment: The recruitmentof Glenise Brood was welcomed by the Committee. NC said that he may have another contender for membership, to be confirmed.

Treasurer’s Report:

Martin reported that the Bank Balance stood at £785.33. There had been a healthy surplus of £255.00 from the Annual Dinner, allowing for some generous donations and the raffle.

Discussions then took place with regard to the funding of the GP90(Great Pilgrimage) event due to take place on 8th August 2018 in Belgium to mark the end of the World War 1, as reported at the last meeting. Various discussions took place including email responses from John & Rose in their absence. £1,000 is needed for the event. However, taking into account the existing bank balance, it was felt that it would be possible to raise the additional money needed through fund raising events as there was sufficient time in hand. With regard to who should attend, Tony felt strongly that John Douglass should represent the branch as our Standard Bearer if he was happy to attend. John said that he would very much like to go. The decision on escort could be made in due course.

Welfare/Branch Community Support:

Welfare cases:

Steven Kirkpatrick – Nick reported that Steven Kirkpatrick had now acquired a job at the Spa in Sedbergh. Martin also said that he may be able to offer a summer position at the Roof Box Company if required.

Les Fletcher –Tony and David had both visited Les at Lancaster Infirmary Hospital. It was likely that he would be moved into a nursing home in the near future.

Branch Community Support:

DP reported that the branch was now formally registered for BCS for the activities submitted.

Social Events:

Annual Dinner on 12th May – It was generally agreed that the Dinner had been a success apart from minor comments about some elements of the meal.

Coffee Morning Wednesday 12thJuly at 10.00 am, set up at 09.30 am.

  • Rose has emailed information on baking plans and cakes etc which was relayed to Sandra
  • Helpers required to man the entrance, cake stall, bric a brac, kitchen etc
  • Raffle – Dennis. Also to approach Powells for a fruit hamper. All Committee asked to donate raffle prizes.
  • Lookaround (Dennis), Gazette (Sandra), Posters (DP)

Sandra’s Play in the People’s Hall – Sunday 5th November at 2.30 pm and 5.30 pm. “The Great War”. Proceeds will go to the Poppy Appeal.

Poppy Appeal Issues:

Nick said that he would report back in due course on what stock was needed for the next Poppy Appeal.

Dennis referred to the new £1 coins and problems with using them in the counting machines.

Any Other Business:

Advertisement for RBL in Lookaround – Dennis said that the ad needed to be renewed. This was agreed.

Coffee Morning slots for 2018: Sandra kindly offered to book these for next year.

‘Thank You’ letters: Thank you letters had been received from Byng and Lister House following donations from the branch.

There being no other business, the meeting closed with The Kohima Epitaph at 8.15 pm.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 13thJuly 2017 at 7.15 pm.

Resulting Matters for review at the next meeting:

  • Sedbergh Bike Festival – debrief
  • Talk in October
  • GP90 2018
  • Welfare/BCS issues
  • Coffee morning 12th July - debrief