Venus Year 3Medium Term 4Spring plan 2018
Term 4: 19th February 2017 – 29th March 2018
The Romans / Week 1: / Week 2:
World Book Day
(week focus) / Week 3:
Lullingstone villa visit / Week 4: / Week 5:
Years 3-4 performance / Week 6:
End of topic performance
Literacy / NF: Letter writing
Look at features of letters & reports.
Plan letter from Roman soldier describing life on Hadrian’s wall / NF: Letter writing
Write & improve letter
F: The day the crayons quit (World Book day lesson)
. / F: Escape from Pompeii narrative / F: Escape from Pompeii narrative / F: Escape from Pompeii narrative & poetry
Identify and discuss different emotions. read and compare different poems.
Plan own poem / P: Poetry to express emotions
Write & improve their own poem expressing emotion based on Pompeii eruption
(White Rose) / Measurement: Length & perimeter
Measure lengths in mm, cm & m
Compare lengths / Measurement: Length & perimeter
Add & subtract lengths
Measure & calculate perimeter / Fractions:Recognise and use fractions as numbers: unit fractions and non-unit fractions with small denominators.
Count up and down in tenths. / Fractions:
Recognise tenths as decimals
Recognise, find and write fractions of a discrete set of objects: unit fractions and non-unit fractions with small denominators. / fgdfFra
Problem solving
Recap mental & formal methods of addition, subtraction multiplication & division. / .
of mathematical concepts & methods
Problem-solving focus
(Animals including humans) / Balanced diet / Nutrition / Bones & skeletons / Muscles & movement / Investigation / Presenting findings
ICT / Make your comic frame / Adding, cropping and layering / Inserting text boxes / Adding people and transparency / Speech and thought bubbles and format / Complete comic strips and print
History / Geography / Roman’s expanding control of Britain – invasion under Emperor Claudius
Hadrian’s wall
Boudicca’s rebellion
Role play / Roman homes
Using artefacts from Lullingstone Roman Villa to make predictions about life in Roman Britain / Roman towns
Compare & contrast life in London then & now / Roman art & religion
Describe changes in the religious beliefs of early to later Romans / Roman society & clothes
Complete society triangle & research & explain differences in clothing / Roman Legacy
-board game
Music / Recorders / Recorders / Recorders / Recorders / Recorders / Recorders
Art/ DT / Sketching Roman invasion & Boudicca’s rebellion / Design Roman chariot / Make Roman Chariot / Complete Roman chariot / Design mosaic / Make mosaic
PE / Super Skills / Super Skills
Dance / Super Skills
Dance / Super Skills
Dance / Super Skills
Dance / Super Skills
  1. Roman homes (Toby/ Lily)
  2. Roman clothes (Lia/Mia)
  3. Roman art (Poppy/Olivia)
  4. Roman transport (Jake/Thomas)
  5. Roman gods (Jessica/ Myia)
  6. Boudicca’s rebellion (Ffion)
  7. Hadrian’s wall (Emily)
  8. Roman London (Anna/Seraphina)