Rowan County Senior High School

Band Handbook


Dear Students and Parents,

Welcome to another exciting year as members of the Rowan County band program! Research proves a quality music education provides children skill development associated with becoming a successful adult and enhances all areas of academic achievement. The Rowan County band program has developed a standard of excellence to assist all aspects of students’ education and growth.

Band programs provide students with the opportunity to build positive relationships through peers and mentors. In addition to individual leadership opportunities, each student has an essential role of contribution leading to group success. Students enrolled in music gain the responsibility of maintaining high levels of effort and achievement for themselves as well as their peers and educators. Rowan County band staff members believe that all students are capable of becoming an asset to group success through clear expectations, consistent individual effort and dedication (both student and staff) and a positive learning environment.

This handbook has been developed to provide everyone involved in the program with clear expectations and knowledge of opportunities within the Rowan County Senior High School Band Program. While it is difficult to anticipate every event prior to a new school year, this document provides an overview of information essential to success throughout the entire year. Please contact me with any questions regarding the contents.

As always, I look forward to making music with the wonderful students enrolled in the Rowan County Band Program. I have often heard “it takes a village to raise a child,” but often think “what a great ‘village’ Rowan County must be!”


Jenny Hipple

Director of Bands

Concert Band Programs

The foundation of the RCSHS band program is centered on the concert band setting in which students learn to control the fundamentals of performing on a musical instrument. This general term refers to a formal performance setting with winds and percussion students. Literatures for these ensembles range from a beginning level (grade 1) through professional (grade 6). At the high school level, two ensembles are available during the school day to reach the performance needs of every child’s musicianship. Ensemble placement occurs through a combination of teacher observation and performance exams from the previous school year. While some scheduling conflicts may occur, teachers and counselors work together to place students in the best educational setting possible.

Concert Band (6th Period)

Concert Band rehearses daily during 6th period. Students enrolled in this ensemble will focus on performance skills specific to grade 3 music. All students will demonstrate these skills through individual/group assessments and participate in annual winter and spring concerts. Additionally, concert band members will perform in annual KMEA District Assessment Festival to receive an adjudicated rating. Students enrolled in concert band are encouraged to participate in musical events outside of RCSHS, such as All-District or All-State Auditions and Morehead State University Concert Band Clinic or Summer Arts Academy.

Symphonic Band (5th Period)

Symphonic band rehearses daily during 5th period. The symphonic band is designed to emulate the wind ensemble setting, often limiting instrumentation to one student per part. Students enrolled in this ensemble will focus on performance skills specific to grade 4 music. All students will demonstrate these skills through individual/group assessments and participate in annual winter and spring concerts. Symphonic band members will also perform at school assemblies when appropriate, such as Veteran’s Day Program. Additionally, symphonic band members will perform in annual KMEA District Assessment Festival to receive an adjudicated rating. Students enrolled in concert band are encouraged to participate in music events outside of RCSHS, such as All-District or All-State Auditions and Morehead State University Concert Band Clinic or Summer Arts Academy.

Concert Attire (both ensembles)

Students are expected to perform in formal “concert black” attire. This includes the following garments:

  • Black Dress Shoes
  • Black Socks or Stockings (pantyhose or leggings)
  • Black Dress Pants or Skirt (RCSHS dress code length)
  • Black Dress Shirt or Blouse (No T-Shirts)
  • Accent Color of Choice (Dress Tie, Ribbon, etc.)

Clothing choices should be professional and appropriate for a formal setting.

Grading Policy (both ensembles)

Students enrolled in band will receive progress report grades every 4 weeks and a final grade at the end of each trimester. Grades will be calculated based on RCSHS grading policy 20% formative assessments (class work, both written and performance), 60% summative assessments (written and performance tests) and 20% final assessment. All concerts are treated as summative assessments (100 points each) based on individual performance, participation and effort.

Tentative concert dates for both ensembles are:

  • Winter Concert: December 15th, 2015 at RCSHS; 7:00 PM
  • MSU Pops Concert: March 7th, 2015 (Location TBA); 7:00 PM
  • Concert Band Festival: April (Dates and Times TBA)
  • Spring Concert: May 3rd, 2015 at RCSHS; 7:00 PM


Students who are absent to a rehearsal outside of the regular school day or performance must turn in an excuse from a parent/guardian (either handwritten or e-mail). Students who miss a performance and present the teacher with a signed excuse may schedule a time to perform all concert music (in its entirety) for a summative assessment grade. Student performance will be graded based on the regular performance exam rubric. Scheduling concert make-up exams is the responsibility of the student.

Optional Honor Bands

All students enrolled in RCSHS instrumental music programs are encouraged to audition for and participate in remote ensembles. Honor bands provide invaluable musical experiences through study with guest conductors and peers from other districts. The following opportunities are available to RCSHS students:

  • All-District Concert Band (Top Concert Musicians in the District)
  • Audition: November 5th, 2015 at RCMS; $3.00 per instrument
  • Clinic and Performance: January 14th-16th, 2016 at Morehead State University; $20.00 folder fee
  • All-District Jazz Band (Top Jazz Musicians in the District)
  • Audition: November 12th, 2015 at RCMS; $3.00 per instrument
  • Clinic and Performance: January 14th-16th, 2016 at Morehead State University; $20.00 folder fee
  • All-State Concert Band and Orchestra (Top Winds/Percussion in the State)
  • Round 1 Audition: November 12th, 2015 at RCMS; $5.00 per instrument
  • Round 2 Audition: December 2015 (Date TBA) in Hardin County; $12.00 per instrument
  • Clinic and Performance: February 3rd -6th, 2016 at Kentucky Convention Center in Louisville; $50.00 folder fee.
  • Morehead State University Concert Band Clinic
  • Audition: Recordings due to Ms. Hipple by January 5th, 2016
  • Clinic and Performance: February 11th-13th, 2016 at Morehead State University.

Marching Band

Students may choose to participate in the RCSHS marching band program. Marching band serves as an extra-curricular activity and is not a requirement of RCSHS band program although participation is highly encouraged. Through marching band, students have the opportunity to participate in a competitive, physical activity and apply for many leadership roles. Students may choose to perform on his/her instrument, become a member of the color guard or audition for drum major. Students may also apply for section leadership positions. Members of the marching band perform at home football games, in-school football pep rallies and weekend competitions across the state.

Band Camp (July 24th-31st, 2015)

Band camp is a mandatory two-week camp for all members of the marching band. During this time, students receive extensive individual and group instruction pertaining to physical demands and performance associated with the ensemble. The following information pertains to this season’s camp:

  • Monday through Friday 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM (every day) at Rowan County Middle School
  • Students must bring lunch with them every day and will not be permitted to leave campus.
  • Students are encouraged to bring water bottles with their names on them every day.
  • A medical form must be on file for student to participate.

Rehearsal Attire

Students should dress in weather appropriate clothes throughout the season. School dress code is in effect during rehearsals and appropriate athletic shoes are required. Students who do not attend rehearsals in athletic shoes will be required to wear marching uniform shoes.

Weekly Rehearsals

To maintain high level of performance, weekly rehearsals will occur after the regular school day on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

  • Winds and Percussion:
  • Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays 3:10-6:00 PM
  • Color Guard:
  • Tuesday 3:10-6:00
  • Thursday 3:10-5:30 (5:30-6:15 dinner break), 6:15-8:00
  • Friday 3:10-6:00
  • **All students will have a study period from 3:10-3:50. This may include clubs, music practice in the band room, make-up work and testing, etc. Every student is expected to work on something academic during this time. *

Attendance Policy

Due to the nature of ensemble performance, students are expected to be on time and present at every rehearsal.

  • Excused absence includes illness, family emergency and school related activities (Please schedule doctor appointments outside of rehearsal days as much as possible)
  • All absences must have a written explanation from student’s parent or guardian
  • Students are expected to meet with section leader or a staff member to make up rehearsal time missed during absence. This may be done during 3:10-3:50 study time if a staff member is available to supervise.
  • Students with more than one unexcused absence during the week will not participate in the following performance. The student will be permitted to travel with the group and wear uniform, but will stand on the sideline with staff members.
  • Students unable to perform materials learned during missed rehearsal time will not participate in the following performance. The student will be permitted to travel with the group and wear the uniform, but will stand on the sideline with staff members.


Students will be fitted for a uniform during band camp. In addition to the uniform, students will wear 2015 show shirt and long black socks. Uniforms will be stored in the band room at all times. When traveling, students will wear khaki (pants/shorts when appropriate) or jeans and 2015 show shirt.

Football Games

Students will have modified rehearsal schedules on game days. All students participating in the marching band program are expected to be present at all football games and will sit in the stands with the ensemble for the entirety of the game. Only current marching band members will be permitted to sit with the band.

Game Dates:

  • August 22 Vs. Clay County (Saturday)
  • September 4 vs. Mason County
  • September 25 Vs. Ashland (Homecoming; marching band performance is before the game begins)
  • October 2 vs. Green Up County (During Fall Break)
  • October 23 vs. East Carter (Senior Day)

Band directors and staff are not responsible for senior displays during senior night. Parents may organize and set up displays/tables for their graduating senior. Any band booster owned equipment used for this event must be coordinated with directors and Booster executive board members prior to the event day.

Competition/Rehearsal Days

  • The following days are potential competition or “mini-camp” rehearsal days. The schedule will be finalized during band camp.
  • September 12 Rehearsal 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
  • September 19 Pleasure Ridge Park Prelims/Finals
  • September 26 Mason County Prelims/Finals
  • October 3Fall Break No Contest
  • October 10, Madison Central Prelims/Finals
  • October 17th Male, Prelims and Finals
  • October 24 Regionals (Location TBA)
  • October 31 Semifinals (Location TBA)

Student Leaders

Drum majors and section leaders have been selected based on an application and interview process. These students serve as a resource and guide for their peers as instructed by directors.

  • Drum Majors: Olivia Duncan and Luke Skinner
  • Piccolo/Flute: Taylor Hardin
  • Clarinet: Robyn Adams
  • Saxophones: Grace Moore
  • Trumpet: Leighton Kelly
  • Mellophone: Summer Mabry
  • Low Brass: Katlyn Beckett and Henry Colburn
  • Pit Percussion: Cheyanne Jones
  • Drum Line: Andrew Sexton

Basketball Pep Band

RCSHS and RCMS eighth graders may sign up to be a member of the basketball pep band. While the ensemble is volunteer-based, consistent commitment to performances is required. Students are expected to attend all rehearsals and designated home or tournament basketball game performances. Additionally, pep band members will perform at all pep rally performances during the school day.

Excused absences must be submitted through writing (either handwritten or e-mail) from a parent/guardian. Written excuses signed by students only will not be accepted. Unexcused absences will eliminate student eligibility to travel with the ensemble for any remote performances, such as tournaments. Students are expected to wear jeans or khaki pants and a green Rowan County Bands t-shirt to all performances.

Rehearsal and performance dates are the following:

  • November 17th, 2015 at RCSHS Band Room 3:30-5:30 PM
  • November 19th, 2015 at RCSHS Band Room 3:30-5:30 PM
  • November 24th, 2015 at RCSHS Band Room 3:30-5:30 PM

Boys Basketball:

  • Wednesday, December 2Vs Bryan Station
  • Saturday, January 9 vs. Fleming County
  • Sunday, January 10 vs. Raceland
  • Wednesday, January 13 vs. Menifee
  • Wednesday, January 27 vs. Greenup
  • Wednesday, February 10 vs. Ashland
  • Sunday, February 14 vs. Morgan

Girls Basketball:

  • Tuesday, December 1 vs. West Carter
  • Tuesday, January 12 vs. GRC
  • Monday, January 18, Russell MLK Classic
  • Tuesday, January 26 vs. Menifee
  • Saturday, January 30 vs. Greenup
  • Monday, February 1 vs. Fleming
  • Wednesday, February 17 vs. Nicholas

Jazz Band

Students may choose to audition for the Rowan County School Jazz Band led by Mr. Diedrichsen. This ensemble is offered to students enrolled in concert band programs grade seven through twelve. Students are selected based on audition materials and instrumentation requirements, allowing all students the opportunity to participate and creating a balanced ensemble.

Jazz Band meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays at RCMS immediately after school. Auditions will be held on January 5th and January 7th at RCMS. Jazz Band performance correlates with the RCMS Band concert on April 7th, 2016.

Private Lesson Program

All students enrolled in RCSHS band program are encouraged to consider participated in the private lesson program. While private instruction in invaluable, often after-school schedules and high costs prevent student participation. To alleviate those areas of concerns, the RCSHS Lesson program provides students the opportunity to receive weekly 30 minutes of private instruction during their concert band class period. Students are assigned a weekly lesson day and time to receive private instruction from an instructor who is formally trained on instrumental performance. While private instruction typically costs $15-$45 per lesson, students enrolled will only pay $5.00 per private lesson. The Band Booster program will contribute $5.00 an hour to RCSHS band staff in this regard.

To ensure commitment, students will be required to prepay the equivalent of 8 lessons (non-refundable due to student absences) per trimester setting. The following schedule will be used for 2015-2016 Lesson Program:

  • Trimester 1
  • Lessons occur September 1st through November 6th
  • $40.00 Lesson fee due August 21st.
  • Trimester 2
  • Lessons occur November 9th through December 4th
  • $40.00 Lesson fee due October 30
  • Trimester 3
  • Lessons occur February 29th through May 6th
  • $40.00 Lesson fee due February 19th

Make-up lessons should be coordinated through the private instructor. Additional lessons (beyond 8) should be coordinated through the private instructor, without aide from the Band Booster program.


To maintain a quality education for all RCSHS band students and programs, fundraisers will be held throughout the entirety of the school year. Funds will be used to supplement a variety of essentials, such as lesson programs, instruments and repair, musical literature and marching band supplies. All students are expected to participate in fundraisers to benefit our program.

Parent Involvement

Parent and family involvement is essential to a well-organized music program throughout the school year. Parents are encouraged to attend all Band Booster meetings (the first Tuesday of each month) to remain informed of band events and needs.

The following list provides examples of needed parent support:

  • Props:
  • Building/Designing
  • Assembling/Moving during performances
  • Percussion Equipment:
  • Loading/Unloading on Competition Days
  • Moving on Competition Days
  • Chaperones:
  • Riding the Bus
  • Sitting with students during competitions
  • Helping with snacks
  • Escorts to dressing rooms
  • Fundraisers:
  • Help when products are distributed throughout the school year
  • Uniforms:
  • Organize fittings during band camp
  • Sew uniform adjustments
  • Help with getting students dressed at competitions
  • Extra uniform parts


Communication between directors, parents and students is essential throughout the school year. The following resources have been developed to assist communication throughout the 2015-2015 year:

  • Remind101: Text “@rcshsb” to 81010
  • Booster E-Mail: Contact secretaries, Brad and Rebecca Hart, to receive e-mail updates
  • Teacher Webpage at

Please return this form to Ms. Hipple by August 21st, 2015.

Student Name (Print): ______

Please indicate which programs below your student would like to participate in this school year. Check all that apply:

_____ Marching Band

_____ All-District Concert Band

_____ All-District Jazz Band

_____ All-State Band and Orchestra

_____ Morehead State University Band Clinic

_____ Basketball Pep Band

_____ Rowan County Jazz Band

_____ Private Lesson Program

_____Trimester 1

_____Trimester 2

_____ Trimester 3

I hereby grant permission for my student to participate in the Rowan County Senior High School Band Program and activities indicated above. I grant my student permission to attend/travel with Rowan County Board of Education staff and approved chaperones on all trips associated with the Rowan County Senior High School Band program.