JULY 29, 2010

Present: Catherine Palazzi, Andover; Kathleen Carden, Andover; Cheryl Udin, Bolton; Monita Hebert, Bolton; Astrid Belanger, Columbia;, Maureen Hebert, Columbia; Mike Grabel, Columbia; inge Pope, Coventry; Pam Sewell, Coventry, Marjorie Roach, Coventry;, Merris Williams, Hebron; John Richmond, Hebron; Jo-Ann Hornyak, Somers; Marge Madden, Somers; Ingrid Aarrested, Stafford; Ken Houck, Tolland; Mike Wyman, Tolland; Judi Beaudreau, Vernon; Patty Noblet, Vernon; Wanda DeLand, Ellington; Bobbie Printy, Ellington; Gail Kapinos, Willington, Nancy L. Vogel, Willington

The meeting was called to order at 2:01 p.m. County Chair Michael Wyman.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Members present went around the room and introduced themselves and their towns.

Corrections to the minutes: Inge Pope noted the spelling of her name was incorrect. Also a couple of grammatical and spelling errors were noted. Motion made by Ingrid Aarrestad to pass the minutes. Seconded by Nancy Vogel.

Discussion of Committee Assignments: Michael Wyman mentioned that there were several openings for alternate members. He also noted that he will not be serving on the nominating committee. Ingrid Aarrestad volunteered for the position.

Discussion of August 10th Primary

SOTS Newsletter – The secretary of the state newsletter was reviewed. Staffing for the primary was one of the items reviewed. Different options were discussed based on availability of staff and costs involved.

IVS – list of the different phone numbers was distributed. Numbers are as following:

Laura Reid-Newkirk 502-426-7905

New telephone number registration 866-486-3841

Preview and Practice Number 866-494-8633

Election Day Number866-486-3843

Judi Beaudreau stated that no one should be forced to use IVS, but no one should be denied either. If you only have one elector during the day using the IVS, there is not a state statue that says a poll worker has to use it to protect voter integrity. We also discussed having poll workers vote “sample” ballots in the morning, afternoon and evening. These would not be counted and just verified that IVS system was working.

Audits – The primary is an auditable election, so be prepared. Many towns prepare ahead of time in the event of a recanvass or an audit.

Provisional Ballots – for this primary, only applies to Republican Party. The Official overseas ballot is also to be used for the provisional ballot. They are available from the town clerk. Provisional ballots are used when an elector does not have identification and has an asterisk next to his name or they come to vote and are not registered or on the voter registration list but claim they are registered voters. Provisional ballot kits should be prepared for each District. They have instructions, envelopes, ballots, log sheets, and receipts for voters.

Unaffiliated Voters – Prepare for voters who claim they are registered as Democrats or Republicans but are registered as Unaffiliated voters.

Moderator Training – Towns can schedule classes with Judi Beaudread after the primary. Have to be paid for by the town or the individual. Cost is $15.00 per person. Class size should be minimum of 10 and no larger than 35. Moderators need to be recertified every four years. Somers is offering their facility on September 11.

ConnVerse Update – the nine test towns before the primary did not happen. May possibly happen before the November election but saving the others town for after the election due to the amount of training necessary for the new system. Production has currently stopped because need to build a server, however, because the project is federally funded work on the project is at the governor’s pace and not the SOS. Training is a must for the new system.

Fall Convention Update – Will take place September 1 & 2 in Waterbury. No itinerary available yet.

ROVAC Board update – Mike distributed minutes from last meeting on June 10th . Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month. Anyone is invited to attend.

Presentation of Treasurer Report – Monita gave an overview of 2009 – 2010 ROVAC treasurer report. The year ended with a $2,000.00 deficit which will be reinstated after the Fall Conference. The largest income is from Registrar Dues. Last year fifteen registrars did not become members of ROVAC.

Associated Press Program – New person in charge that had sent an e-mail asking for bank accounts to deposit the money into. If money is accepted into private accounts, those persons could be liable to ethics investigations. There are twenty five towns that did not turn in numbers last election.

Duplicate Voters – we discussed pulling voters from other towns (when registering voters in your town and there isn’t a previous address on the registration card but the voter is currently registered pull that person from the other town). This will be brought up with Ted Bromley as not pulling the voter will result in a lot of duplicate voters.

If you get a duplicate card for someone already registered, do not enter them again or will end up with a duplicate voter. Okay to update the information if needed and then staple the card to the original. If you find you do have duplicate voters after doing the necessary research, delete the duplicate.

Off and Purging of voters – If a voter is inactive for four years, they are then off for one year and then purged. Deaths are off for one year and then purged. If they are off through DMV, they remain off for five years (?). This will be reviewed with Ted Bromley.

FutureTollandCounty Meetings – Based on those present at the meeting, afternoons are better than evening meetings. Meetings will be quarterly in Tolland. If anyone has ideas for possible workshops let Mike know. Training on the new system will be a future workshop.

Open Discussion – Moderators Return for the Primary. State says to do one for each party, however, okay to do one. Judi Beaudreau handed out a copy of their return and they are only doing one.

Nancy Vogel – Every month they give a new alpha voter list to town clerk, but do not have to give them a monthly change detail. Ingrid Aarrestad – Their town clerk has access to Connverse but read only, but can print from it. Judi Beaudreau – the new Connverse will be closing access to town clerks. Will have look/see only and will not be able to print.

Motion made by Jo-Ann Hornyak to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Marge Madden.

Meeting adjourned at 4:14 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Wanda DeLand
