GP Practice Code: G82067 / CQC Provider ID: 1-199738810

Main Surgery:



Telephone: 01474 352075

Fax: 01474 333952

Branch Surgery:



Telephone: 01474 566497

Fax: 01474 532981


Website: www.oldroadwestsurgery.co.uk


Date: June 2015

Review Due: October 2015


The name and address of the registered provider is:

Old Road West Surgery:

Main Surgery: 30 Old Road West, Gravesend, Kent DA11 0LL

Branch Surgery: 264 Mackenzie Way, Gravesend, Kent DA12 5TY

Email: or (Practice Manager)

Registered Manager: Dr. David James Sumner (address as above)

Old Road West Surgery is a Partnership. There are currently 7 Partners:

Dr. Ian Stuart Millar (male) BSc, MBBS, DRCOG (London 1978). Senior Partner. Joined the Practice in 1981. Interest in child health, minor surgery.

Dr. David James Sumner (male) MB, ChB, DCH (Sheffield 1980). Joined the Practice in 1985. Interest in diabetes, family planning. QOF lead. Mental Capacity and Deprivation of Liberty Lead

Dr. Jill Elizabeth Kent (female) BSc, LMSSA, MBBS, MRCGP, DRCOG (London 1983). Joined as a Partner in 1987 having previously been a GP Registrar in the Practice. Interest in gynaecology, family planning, GU medicine, acupuncture. Practice Prevent Lead

Dr. Aleesha Dhillon (female) MBBS, MRCGP (London 2002). Joined as a Partner in 2006 having previously been a GP Registrar in the Practice.

Dr. Abdul Halem (male) BSc, MBBS, MRCGP, DRCOG (London 1998). Joined the Practice in 2012. Interest in dermatology, minor surgery. GP Trainer

Dr. Kabanga N’Dongi-Sila (female) MD, MRCGP (De, Republic of Congo 1993). Joined the Practice in 2014 and offered and accepted Partnership in January 2015. Mental Capacity and Deprivation of Liberty Deputy Lead

Dr. Amandeep Mann (female) BSc, MBBS, MRCGP, DRGOG (London, 2009). Joined the Practice in August 2014, newly qualified, offered and accepted Partnership in March 2015. Safeguarding Children Clinical Lead

Other clinical staff

Mandy Mowat – Practice Nurse Interest in COPD/asthma, child health. Joint Infection Control Lead (With Karen Hoadley); Safeguarding Children Clinical Deputy Lead

Deirdre Coomber – Practice Nurse Interest in diabetes, CHD, well woman

Lindsay Anderson – Nurse Prescriber Interest in anticoagulation, family planning/sexual health, minor ailments, child health

Valerie Gamble – Practice Nurse Interest in diabetes, well woman, child health

Claire Howell – Health Care Assistant Interest in smoking cessation, lifestyle advice, diabetes

Non-clinical staff

Practice Manager - Karen Hoadley Caldicott Guardian / Information Governance Lead, Infection Prevention and Control Lead, Cleaning and Decontamination Lead, Safeguarding Administration Deputy Lead

IT Manager - Ricki Wittenbaker Safeguarding Administration Lead

Secretaries: Joanne Goodwin; Diane O’Connor

Receptionists: Judy Griffiths; Lyn Hardy; Hazel Jones; Lynn Buckland; Janis Mackie; Karen Graham; Tracy Hogwood-Jones; Deborah Brennan; Kay Willard; Kim Gibbins

Administration staff: Nicola Chawner; Debra Latter; Janet Burden; Lisa Deadman

A brief history of Old Road West Surgery:

We are a long-established, well-respected Practice with two surgery sites located in residential locations in the market town of Gravesend..

There has been a GP surgery at our main surgery premises at 30 Old Road West since 1933, when the property (a large Edwardian/Victorian house) was purchased by Dr. Frank Horrocks to serve as both his new home and larger surgery premises, having outgrown previous surgery premises. Over ensuing years the Practice saw Partners join and leave and by 1962 the “surgery” part of the premises was deemed too small a ground floor extension was added to provide three consulting rooms and a common room.

The then three Partners opened their branch surgery at 264 Mackenzie Way in October 1969. By 1979 a fifth Partner (recently retired Dr. Dermot O’Connor) was appointed to join Dr. Peter Thompson, Dr. Brian Hawkes, Dr. John Weincove and Dr. Lynfa Price.

In 1981 the main surgery was further altered and extended to provide two additional consulting rooms, a larger waiting room and increased reception office space. In 1986 the branch surgery was altered and improved to move the consulting room to the rear of the premises, create a treatment room and provide a larger waiting room and more reception office space.

In 1981 Dr. Weincove became the Practice’s first GP trainer and we have been a training practice ever since. Indeed, we have two Partners currently (Dr. Jill Kent and Dr. Aleesha Dhillon) who came to the Practice as GP Registrars, training under Dr. Weincove and Dr. O’Connor respectively.

The main surgery was further extended in 1993 when a two-storey extension was added, providing additional consulting rooms, office space and a staff room.

In 2002 we acquired much-needed office space when we were able to lease a flat, converted for office use only, above the surgery at 30D Old Road West and we remain in 30 and 30D Old Road West to date. Most recently, we created a tenth consulting room.

Realistically, we have exhausted all options for extending the existing premises and we make no secret of our desire to move to new, purpose-built surgery premises, should the opportunity arise.

Throughout, the Practice has retained a stable Partnership of between five and seven doctors and grown in staff numbers considerably over the years.

We appointed two full-time Salaried GPs in 2014 (both with a view to Partnership): Dr. Kabanga N’Dongi-Sila (female) who has now joined the Partnership with effect from January 2015 and Dr. Amandeep Mann (female) who joined the Practice in August 2014 and became a Partner in March 2015.

Old Road West Surgery provides General Medical Services (GMS) and is a non-dispensing Practice, well-served by local pharmacies. Historically we have patients residing in various parts of Gravesend as well as in outlying villages. Our Practice area, as agreed with the local Primary Care Organisation, is clearly-defined and we fulfil our obligation to accept new patients resident within this area, as well as retaining our existing and further-spread Practice population of just under 12,000 patients. Our patient demographic shows a wide range of ages, fairly even male/female split, some ethnic diversity and a spectrum of all medical conditions, disabilities, etc.

Care Quality Commission (CQC)

The regulated activities we are certificated to provide under CQC are:

·  Diagnostic and screening procedures

·  Family planning

·  Maternity and midwifery services

·  Surgical procedures

·  Treatment of disease, disorder or injury

Under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Care Quality Commission (Registration) Regulations 2009 Part 4) the registering body (Old Road West Surgery) is required to provide to the Care Quality Commission a Statement of Purpose.

Our aims and objectives for delivering each of the above regulated activities:

·  We aim to ensure high quality, safe and effective services, in a safe and secure environment

·  To provide monitored, audited and continually improving healthcare services

·  To provide healthcare which is available to a whole population and created a partnership between patient and health professional which ensures mutual respect, holistic care and continuous learning and training

·  The provision of accessible healthcare which is proactive to healthcare changes, efficiency and innovation and development

·  To improve Clinical Governance and evidence-based practice

·  To improve clinical and non-clinical risk management

·  To reduce risk in specific clinical risk areas and facilities

·  To improve environment

·  To maintain/improve vigilance/contingency for unforeseen emergencies

·  To optimise performance against key targets and core standards

·  To meet key targets

·  To strive to be a patient-centred organisation

·  To safeguard children and vulnerable adults, by ensuring all staff receive appropriate training

·  To maintain/improve services offered to patients

·  To maintain/improve communication between the Practice and our patients

·  To recruit, retain and develop a highly motivated and appropriately skilled workforce

·  To enhance performance of the workforce

·  To guide employees in accordance with Equality and Diversity

·  To continually develop the Practice

·  Ensure effective management and governance systems

·  Ensure a robust Information Technology strategy to support the business of Old Road West Surgery

The services provided by Old Road West Surgery:

·  Routine medical checks, disease and condition-specific monitoring and General Medical Services

·  NHS relevant prescriptions and medications (or private prescriptions where appropriate)

·  Immunisations – childhood immunisations / foreign travel immunisations

·  Health protection – preventative immunisations, e.g. influenza, shingles

·  Lifestyle management – including: dietary and weight loss advice/monitoring; smoking cessation advice; exercise advice

·  Diabetic clinics – annual and other reviews as appropriate (weekly GP and nurse-led clinics are held)

·  Family planning - weekly clinics; IUD fittings, implants, Depo Provera injections and oral contraception prescribing and FP checks/advice

·  Minor surgery – most GPs can perform minor surgery/joint injections and Dr. Halem runs weekly minor surgery (including cryosurgery) clinics for dermatological conditions

·  ECGs – screening available in-practice

·  24 hr BP monitoring – we have 24-hour ambulatory BP monitoring system and software in-practice

·  CHD checks – we run regular coronary heart disease clinics for affected/at-risk patients

·  Anticoagulation monitoring – INR monitoring and dosing available daily in-practice

·  Cervical cytology screening – all our practice nurses are qualified to carry out cervical screening and tests (cervical smears)

·  Asthma/COPD – our trained nurse/s offer routine checks, spirometry, arrange prescription medicine as appropriate and follow-up for patients with respiratory conditions

·  NHS Health Checks – offered in a rolling programme to patients aged 45-74 years

·  Well-person checks – well-man and well-woman health checks available on request and new patient health checks offered

·  Wound care – our practice nurses are trained in all aspects of wound care, inc. dressings and suture removal

·  Midwifery – pregnant patients see midwives for booking and follow-up appointments at local centres; GPs see patients as required in-practice and carry out post-natal checks on mother and baby at 8 weeks

·  Ear syringing – nurses and health care assistant are able to carry out ear syringing

·  Learning disabilities – register of patients maintained and patients offered annual health checks with trained clinical staff and a doctor

·  Acupuncture – Dr. Kent runs weekly clinics in-practice for registered patients only

·  Call and recall – robust recall systems are operated to call patients in for, e.g. BP monitoring, cervical smears, immunisations due, blood tests, routine check-ups, etc.

·  Medical examinations - e.g. employment-related, insurance-related

·  Counselling – in-house counsellor/s can see patients in-practice following GP referral

·  Carer’s identification – posters and forms in-practice encouraging carers who are patients to identify themselves for support and referral to carer’s service/s if requested

Our Practice ethos is to strive towards a partnership between patients and the Practice and its healthcare professionals and staff based on:

Mutual Respect

We endeavour to treat all our patients with dignity, respect and honesty. Everyone at Old Road West Surgery is committed to deliver an excellent service in an appropriate and timely manner. We encourage patients to highlight any discrepancies in our delivery of this commitment and to offer the same commitment in return.

Holistic Care

We treat patients and illnesses. This means that we are equally interested in the physical, psychological and social aspects of your individual care.

Continuity of Care

Building and maintaining a strong relationship between doctors, health professionals and patient is essential to the way we work. This is especially so in the management of on-going problems or long-term illness. In these circumstances, we would encourage you to continue seeing the same health professional and we will do our best, wherever possible, to facilitate this when making appointments, taking requests for telephone calls, etc.

However, if you have a new problem, the doctor or nurse you normally see is not available, or you would like to see someone else, then we would encourage you to see any of the doctors or nurses at the Practice.

Learning and Training

We are proud to be a training practice – Dr. Halem is our GP Trainer. We are committed to the training and development of any doctors or medical students placed with us and any such doctors or students remain closely supervised and supported for the duration of their placement.

We are equally committed to the training of our doctors, nurses and staff. We believe in “life-long learning” and all the health professionals here and administrative staff members have undergone induction training and undergo an annual appraisal where training needs are identified and achievements and goals of the individual, teams and Practice are discussed, before agreement is reached on next steps and objectives.

Regular reviews act as a way of reinforcing effective performance, highlight areas for improvement and recognise developing strengths.

We also recognise the benefit of supported learning for our patients and families in enhancing your ability to manage and deal with both “self-limiting” and long-term illnesses.


We welcome any feedback from patients and if you would like to comment on this Statement of Purpose or on any aspect of the Practice’s services, its staff, facilities or premises, please do so by any of the following means:

·  Email: or

·  Telephone: 01474 352075 (main surgery)

01474 566497 (branch surgery)

01474 330180 (Karen Hoadley – Practice Manager – direct dial)

·  Suggestion Box (boxes and comment slips available in the waiting rooms at both main and branch surgeries)

·  In person – speak to any member of staff at either surgery

·  By post to: Old Road West Surgery, 30 Old Road West, Gravesend, Kent DA11 0LL

·  By completing a Friends & Family Test (FFT) response slip – ask for details at reception

·  Online at https://www.iwantgreatcare.org

·  Online on the NHS Choices website at www.nhs.uk