Coast Community College District – Grant Routing Sheet
Check One: / District / Orange Coast / Golden West / Coastline
Date: / Project Director & Ext.:
Division: ______
Funding or Contracting Agency: / Dean or Administrator: ______
Title of Project:
Briefly but thoroughly describe the project. One concise paragraph is required. This verbiage will be used to submit your grant for Board ratification. Space will expand as you type.
Fiscal Impact:
Dates (must be xx/xx/xx to xx/xx/xxformat): / //to//
grant start dategrant end date
Are there any financial obligations past the date of the grant?
No Yes. Please explain:
Does this grant require matching funds?
No Yes. Please explain:
Does this grant require an ongoing fiscal commitment by the college after the grant funds have been spent?
No Yes. Please explain:
Do you require Educational Services to mail completed copies to the granting agency?
No Yes. Mail to:


Approval Required by / Signature / Date
College President
Vice Chancellor, Educational Services Technology
Vice Chancellor, Administrative Services
Ed Services Use Only
Routing Sheet received from campus: / Board Approved on:
Routing Sheet Signatures completed: / Routing Sheet & Grant Copy Filed with Accounting:



In order to accept a grant,complete a contract proposal,and open budget numbers, this Routing Sheet must be fully executed and submitted to District Educational Services.If you have questions, contact the Office of Educational Services at 714.438.4699.

1.Check the college/location (DIST, CCC, GWC, OCC).

2.Date the routing sheet was prepared and the name of the Project Director, Project Director’s phone extension, Division Project Director is a part of, and the Dean or Administrator of record for the grant.

3.Name of the funding agency (CCCCO, CDE, FIPSE, Perkins, etc.).

4.Title of the proposed project/grant.

5.Briefly but thoroughlydescribe the project. This verbiage will be used to submit your grant for Board approval. The single line in the form is not an indication of a character limit. Insert text as needed regardless of form overflow or attach a separate page as necessary.

6.Briefly describe the fiscal impact of the project (give the specific grant award amount).

7.Provide grant start and end dates (required format is ‘07/31/15’ or XX/XX/XX).

8.Let us know if this grant is a renewal. If it is, please tell us the exact date of the last Board approval.

9.Is an ongoing fiscal commitment by the college required after grant funds are spent? If so, please explain in detail.

10.Let us know if matching funds are required, the amount and source(s) of matching funds.

11.Do you require Educational Services to mail the grant face sheet/contract to the granting agency? If not, one of the signed face sheets/contracts will be returned only to the Project Director. If so, information from the granting agency on returning signed documents must be clearly communicated. We cannot guarantee a timeline for completion or return of documents as signatories are often unavailable and/or out of the office; please call Nghia Do in Ed Services at 714-438-4836 to obtain time estimate of completion.

12.Prepare and submit TWO (2) full copies of the grant application along with the face sheet/contract. Project Director must obtain the College President’s authorization and signature before submitting the routing sheet to Educational Services.After obtainingCollege President’s signature, forward to Dejah Swingle at District. The Office of Educational Services will route the proposal through the following steps:

a.Vice Chancellor, Educational Services and Technology will review the grant.

b.Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services will investigate funding, insurance, and personnel requirements; coordinates with Vice Chancellor of Human Resources.

c.Chancellor authorizes recommending the proposal for Board of Trustees approval.

d.Office of Educational Services prepares and submits the Board agenda item for the next available Board date (depending on the time of year, Board approval could take several weeks).

e.Proposal is reviewed at the next Board of Trustees meeting. If approved, the Chancellor will sign the face sheet/contract and a copy of the fully executed contract will be returned to the Project Directorand/or mailed to the granting agency.

f.Budget numbers for the approved grant will be opened once a fully executed face sheet/contract is received from granting agency. Project Director is responsible for ensuring that District Educational Services receives a fully executed ORIGINAL copy of the signed face sheet/contract. No budget numbers will be opened before receipt of fully executed face sheet/contract.

Revised 04/14/15