JULY 10, 2006

Call to Order

Chairman Ken Stielow called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. and asked for self-introductions.

Members Present

Ken Stielow, Chairman Dana Hauck

Jay O’Brien Neil Kayser

Dave Bateman Charles Miller

Laurie Bryant Sugie Sartwelle

Virginia Coelho Stan Zylstra

Robert Fountain, Jr. Al Svajgr, Ex-Officio

Guests Present

Dick Nock, CBB Perry Teeter, NC

Peggy Biaggi, CBB Andrea Hutchison, CBB

Scott Stuart, NLPA Scharee Atchison, NLPA

Carol Gillis, NYBC Chuck Zimmerman, ZimCom

Barry Carpenter, USDA Wayne Watkinson, Legal Counsel

Kenny Payne, USDA Emily DeBord, USDA

Staff present

Diane Henderson, CBB Charlotte Coates, CBB

Tom Ramey, CBB Rich Otley, CBB

Monte Reese, CBB


Chairman Stielow declared a quorum was present to conduct business.


Sugie Sartwelle moved and Robert Fountain, Jr. seconded approval of the meeting agenda. Motion passed.


Neil Kayser moved and Virginia Coelho seconded approval of the minutes of the June 8, 2006 meeting. Motion passed.

Financial Report

Dave Bateman, CBB Secretary/Treasurer, presented the Beef Board’s financial statements for the period ending June 2006. He highlighted the increase in assessment revenues and interest income compared to FY 2005 and explained that excess revenues over expenses for 2006 and 2005 were caused by the timing of invoices received from contractors.

Executive Committee Subcommittee Report

Administration Subcommittee Report – Charles Miller, Chairman of the CBB Administration Subcommittee, reported that the Subcommittee discussed the amendment to the FY 2006 administration budget, discussed the administration budget for FY 2007, and reviewed and discussed the evaluation results from the winter convention. The Subcommittee recommended the following:

Recommended approval of an amendment to the detailed administration budget for FY 2006 for the following budget components: $5,000 increase to the Chief Operating Officer’s Department and a $5,000 increase to State Services Department, and decrease the Collections Compliance budget component by $10,000. (Exhibit 1)

Charles Miller moved and Jay O’Brien seconded approval to amend the FY 2006 Administration Budget to increase the Chief Operating Officer’s Department budget component by $5,000 and to increase the State Services Department budget component by $5,000 by reducing the Collections Compliance budget component by $10,000. Discussion. Motion passed.

Recommended approval of the detailed administration budget for FY 2007 as proposed. (Exhibit 1).

Charles Miller moved and Neil Kayser seconded approval of the FY 2007 detailed administration budget of $2,085,000 as presented by the Administration Subcommittee. Discussion.

Jay O’Brien moved and Laurie Bryant seconded to amend the motion by reducing the unallocated portion of the FY 2007 detailed administration budget by $200,000. Discussion. Motion failed.

Original motion as recommended passed.

Recommended replacing the CBB Update Session with a formal, preliminary business meeting of the Beef Board where the slate of Beef Board officers, Operating Committee, and Executive Committee candidates would be introduced. The business meeting would recess and reconvene later in the week at the Joint Board meeting.

Charles Miller moved and Neil Kayser seconded approval to make the CBB Update Session a formal, preliminary business meeting of the Beef Board. The Beef Board would reconvene later in the week at the Joint Board Meeting. Discussion. Motion passed.

Status of State Marketing Plans

Steve Barrett reported the next cycle of marketing plans were due in August.

Mr. Barratt also reported that five regional compliance workshops had been held in

FY 2006.

Status of State Audit Reports

Tom Ramey reported that Iowa’s audit report had not yet been received and the next cycle of audit reports would be due the end of July.

Brand or Trade Name Reference Report

Rich Otley presented partnership proposals which contained brand or trade name references for the following:

National Promotion

·  National Cattlemen’s Beef Association requested approval for a partnership with Red Robin Gourmet Burgers to promote Red Robin’s Bacon Cheeseburger.

State Promotions

·  Michigan Beef Industry Council requested approval for a promotion with Catelli Brothers to promote a grilled veal media promotion.

·  Tennessee Beef Industry Council requested approval for a partnership with Advance Brands to promote their Fast Fixin’® Ready to Cook Sirloin Philly Beef Steak.

·  Nebraska Beef Council requested approval for a promotion with Premium Protein Products of Lincoln, Nebraska to promote the Steakhouse Choice™ Pub-Style Burger, Steakhouse Choice™ Pub-Style Cheddar and Bacon Burger, and the Steakhouse Choice™ Pub-Style Jalapeno Cheddar and Bacon Burger.

Dave Bateman moved and Charles Miller seconded to ratify these brand or trade name references for these promotions. Motion passed.

Litigation Update

Monte Reese reported on the recent development in the pork program stating it appeared that the litigation would likely be dismissed.
Wayne Watkinson reported that two plaintiffs had not signed the settlement agreement in the LMA case, and that the importer case was still active in the Court of International Trade although a similar action in the same court brought by importers against the Cotton Program had been dismissed.

Monte Reese presented and discussed the USDA prepared document “Statement of Work” that was developed as part of the settlement of the LMA lawsuit. Representatives from USDA, Livestock Marketing Association, Cattlemen’s Beef Board, and the Federation of State Beef Councils would work together on designing a survey of 8,000 producers. The survey would be conducted in the fall or winter of 2006.

Executive Committee Calls to Beef Board Members

Chairman Stielow asked each member of the Executive Committee to review calls to Beef Board members. Staff was asked to provide email addresses when calling lists are sent to Executive Committee members next time for those who wished to email prior to calling.

Other Business

Chairman Stielow announced the next meeting was scheduled for September 14, 2006 in Denver following the September Operating Committee meeting.

Monte Reese reported that the top line data was available on the recently conducted producer attitude survey and would be reviewed by the Producer Communications Committee at its meeting on July 12, 2006.

Chairman Stielow discussed the need for approval by the Executive Committee for CBB officers and USMEF representatives to travel outside the United States for the upcoming USMEF meeting in November.

Sugie Sartwelle moved and Laurie Bryant seconded approval for the CBB officers and other CBB representatives to USMEF to travel outside the United States for the upcoming USMEF meeting in November. Motion passed.

Jay O’Brien reported that Lucinda Williams represented the Beef Board at the Vermont regional meeting and the CBB officers approved reimbursing her expenses.

The committee went into executive session.


The meeting adjourned at 1:50 p.m.