Rough Cut: 2012/13 Nursing and Midwifery

Students – New Entrants

Produced by Middlesex University Student Welfare Advice Team

This leaflet is for students in Nursing and Midwiferywho are entering their studies in 2012/13. Following a review of the NHS bursary scheme a new support package will take effect from September 2012. Any changes made will only apply to new students. Existing students will remain on the current scheme. If you started your studies before 2012/13, please refer to information on UniHub.

I am studying on the degree (BSc) orpostgraduate diplomaPGDip.) course and am not seconded. What money am I entitled to?

If you are an eligible studentyou will have your fees paid by the NHS and you are entitled to apply for the following:

  • Anon means-tested grant (from the NHS)
  • A means-tested(income assessed) bursary and dependant additions/childcare costs if applicable
  • Anon means-testedmaintenance loan (from SFE). This is only available to undergraduate students and not those on the PGDip. course
  • The University’s Access to Learning Fund
  • Tax Credits,if applicable (from HMRC)

The NHS Grants Unit processes the bursary application. Student Finance England processes your Student Loan. Make sure you apply on time for both elements of your funding and watch out for the relevant deadlines.

If I’m studying on the degree/postgraduate diplomacourse what funding will I be entitled to from the NHS?

From 2012 NHS funded students will receive an annual grant. The grant of £1000 is payable to all eligible students and does not have to be paid back.

Will I get a bursary in addition to the grant and how much will I receive?

You can apply for an income assessed bursary. This means your parents’ or partner’s income is usually taken into account when working out how much you are entitled to. This is known as “income assessment or means testing.” The maximum available is:

London Lodgings £5,460

Parental home£3,351

Note:These amounts are for students studying in London for 45 weeks or more each year. For more

information look at the NHS grants website at:

Will I get money for my dependants?

Yes, butthese allowances are means tested soyour family income will be taken into account when determining your entitlement:

Spouse, civil partner or first child£2,400

Each subsequent child£539

Parents Learning Allowance£1,180

Youmay be able to claim for dependent children who you are supporting even if they are not in the UK. See a Student Welfare Adviser for more information.

Will I get help with my childcare costs?

If you use registered childcare you may be able to claim up to 85% of your costs up to a net maximum of £126.65 for one child or £187.85 for two or more children. This is income assessed and will depend on your financial circumstances.

Can I get a studentloan from Student Finance England (SFE)?

In addition to your bursary eligible undergraduate students (but not PGDip)are entitled to claim a reduced rate student loan from SFE. This is not income assessed (so it doesn’t matter what your family income is and you can still apply for it even if you already have a degree). The rates are:

London lodgings £3,263

Parental home£1,744

You will receive a lower amount in your final year

Apply on line at or contact Student Finance England on 0845 300 50 90

When should I apply?

You should apply for your student loan from Student Finance England (SFE) as soon as possible. You can apply for your bursary online once you have been advised to do so by the NHS Bursary Unit. You must ensure that you apply for your bursary before the deadline of 28 February 2013. You must apply for the NHS Bursary even if you are an EU national and do not think you will be eligible for a grant/bursary. This is necessary in order for your fees to be covered by the NHS. There is also a deadline for your student loan application from SFE. This is 31 May 2013.

What other payments might I be entitled to?

Travel expenses:Once you are enrolled you may be eligiblefor some help with additional travel costs associated with attending your placement.

I am disabled or have a Specific Learning Difficulty (SpLD). Do I get extra help?

Yes, there are also grants to assist disabled studentswho have extra needs that arise from attending their course. These allowances are not means-tested and cover specific areas such as dyslexia and other specific learning difficulties as well as mental and physical disabilities. Contact the Disability Support Centre at the Hendon Campus for more information.


Tel: 020 8411 4945

What happens to my funding if I am off sick?

In some circumstances you may be able to receive your bursary for up to 60 days while you are off sick. You will have to inform your tutor and provide the placements office with a medical certificate covering the period you are off.

You may also be eligible for your student loan during this period.

Will I receive my bursary if I take maternity leave?

If you are having a baby you can take maternity leaveand continue to receive your bursary for up to 52 weeks. You should talk to your tutor if you become pregnant and speak to the welfare adviser about your funding. You will have to provide a MATB1 for the placements office.

I am a seconded healthcare worker studying for a BSc. What funding can I get?

Seconded students will not get a bursary but you will have your fees paid for you by your employer and you may be entitled to the following:

  • A salary from your employer
  • You can apply to Student Finance England (SFE) for a full student loan and grants for living costs, childcare etc.See Rough Cut: Funding Arrangements for Students Starting in 2012/13.
  • Tax Credits (if applicable)
  • University Access to Learning Fund

Can I claim benefits?

Most full time students are not entitled to claim benefits. There are exceptions - if you are disabled or if you are a lone parent you may have some limited benefit entitlement. However your student income will be taken into account and this will usually put you above Income Support levels. You may still be entitled to some Housing Benefit.See Rough Cut: 2012/13 Benefits and Students.

Can I getAccommodation?

Yes,you can apply for a place in a University Hall of Residence in your first year. In the second year you may be in private rented accommodation and in your final year you may be offered a place in one of the hospitals.

NHS Trust Accommodation Offices:

Chase Farm020 8375 1257

Royal Free0207830 2921

Whittington020 7288 3088/5567

Where can I get more information?

You can get general support from the School Student Offices Archway (main) Student Office

General enquiries: 020 8411 6600

Placement enquiries: 020 8411 6800

Royal Free Student Office

General enquiries: 020 7830 2664

At the Hendon Campus you can make enquiries at the UniHelp desk. Phone: 020 8411 6060


NHS Student Grants Unit

NHS pensions Agency

200-220 Broadway


Lancs. FY7 8SS

Telephone no. 0845 358 6655

NHS Website:

How do I contact your Service?

If you are puzzled by anything mentioned in this leaflet or need more information contact the Welfare Advice Team. We offer daily drop-in sessions and follow up appointments.

To see an adviser you can contact the Helpdesk, call 020 8411 3008 or email:

Other Rough Cut Information leaflets are available from Campus Student Advice Centres or can be downloaded at:

Middlesex University Student Advice Team has made every effort to ensure that the information contained in this leaflet is accurate.