Rotherham Borough Council Members’ Allowances Scheme
Notice is given in accordance with the Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003, of the Council’s current Scheme of Members’ Allowances. The Scheme will apply until revoked or amended. The Scheme has not been amended during the last year, except that allowances have been increased in accordance with inflation.
In making its scheme, the Council had regard to the recommendations of an Independent Remuneration Panel, and the scheme accords with the Panel’s recommendations.
The amounts for each allowance are set out below.
Basic Allowance
To each of 63 Councillors £11,824 per annum.
The above figure includes all travel and subsistence within the Borough.
Special Responsibility Allowances
To those Councillors listed below, who hold special responsibilities in relation to the Council, the sums specified.
£Leader 31,355
Deputy Leader 20,901
Leader of the Majority Opposition 10,453
Cabinet Member 15,676
Chairman of Performance and Scrutiny
Overview Committee 15,676
Chairman of Scrutiny Panel 10,453
Chairman of Planning 10,453
Chairman of Audit Committee 10,453
Chairman of Licensing 10,453
Chairman of Area Assembly 5,214
Vice-Chairman of Scrutiny Panel 1,203
Vice-Chairman of Planning 1,203
Vice-Chairman of Audit Committee 1,203Vice-Chairman of Licensing 1,203
Pensions Spokesperson 3,618
Pensions Member 3,618
Senior Cabinet Adviser 1,203
A Councillor is entitled to one special responsibility allowance only (except in the case of the Pensions Spokesperson and Pensions Member). All the above allowances are payable in proportion for any part year.
Caring Allowance
Actual expenditure incurred on the care of dependants by Councillors whilst on Council business up to a maximum of £4.45 per hour. (Such payments not to be payable to a member of the claimant’s own family.)
All of the above allowances are adjusted annually on 1st April in line with the Local Authority pay award.
Travel Allowance
For travel outside the Borough, the cost of public transport (standard class except to or via London), or mileage at 51p per mile (cars) or 26pper mile (motor cycles) with a round trip limit of 200 miles.
Subsistence Allowance
Outside the Borough
Absence of up to 12 hours £10.75
Absence of between 12 and 24 hours £21.50
Absence of over 24 hours £32.30
Where the Council provide room and breakfast only £76.00
Where the Council provide room, breakfast and one meal £45.00
Where the Council provide full board £38.90
All travel and subsistence allowances are to be increased annually on 1st April in line with the Retail Price Index.
The scheme provides for all Councillors to be entitled to participate in the Local Government Pension Scheme, in respect of both basic and special responsibility allowances.
Payments shall be made by the Strategic Director of Finance in monthly instalments. Allowances are subject to income tax and national insurance contributions, where appropriate.
Copies of the scheme and a record of payments made under it are made available for inspection by members of the public at the 1st Floor, Grove Road, Rotherham, S60 2ER during normal office hours.
Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services)