Rother District Council Agenda Item: 9.3
Report to - Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Date - 13 June 2011
Report of - Chief Executive
Subject - Indices of Multiple Deprivation
Recommendation: It be RESOLVED that
1) a Task and Finish Group be appointed to respond to new deprivation data in accordance with the Terms of Reference for the group;
2) the Terms of Reference at Appendix 3 to the report be agreed; and
3) three Members be appointed to the Task and Finish Group.
Head of Service: Brenda Mason
1. The purpose of this report is to inform Members about the results for a new set of national measurements for deprivation in the district. These results suggest an increase in deprivation in the district that may require a specific and targeted response from the Council with regard to its own services and in partnership with Rother Strategic Partnership.
Indices of Multiple Deprivation
2. In March 2011 the Indices of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) for 2010 were published by the Department of Communities and Local Government. Deprivation under this definition is not just about money and jobs but also about housing, access to essential services such as doctors’ surgeries, living in an area with a lot of crime, skills and education and being healthy. Appendix 1 sets out the data for Rother, listed by ward and by ward subdivisions. The indices are created by putting together the picture from a number of different measurements grouped by domain (see Appendix 2).
Results for Rother District
3. The district of Rother fell down the rankings in comparison with other parts of the country. Unemployment, low education and skills, access to services and housing pressures, poor health and low incomes are having an impact on Rother’s prosperity. In 2004 Rother was in the least deprived half of the country and by 2010 it has fallen below the mid way point. The most deprived areas of Rother are Sidley, Bexhill Central, Rye, Bexhill Sackville and Eastern Rother.
4. From 2004 to 2010 Rother has seen a spread in deprivation. Eight out of ten neighbourhoods are more deprived now than they were in 2007. Even what have always been Rother’s most deprived wards, Sidley and Bexhill Central, 3 years ago were significantly higher in the rankings than they are now.
5. We can trace the spread of deprivation to neighbouring areas. St Stephen’s has one neighbourhood in the lowest 30%, where three years ago it was about average. St Michaels has the same result with two thirds of the ward falling from average to the lowest 30%. There is a worsening position in Old Town and Sackville. Outside Bexhill, there is the same pattern in Rye and Eastern Rother. Some affluent wards that were above average in the rankings now have areas that have fallen to below median, including Brede Valley, Rother Levels and Salehurst.
Way Forward
6. Members are requested to consider setting up a Task and Finish Group to investigate whether our resources are being targeted to the most significant issues of deprivation as revealed by the new data. It is suggested that the Group comprise 3 Members. In accordance with the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules, membership of the Group is also open to non-members of the Council. Draft Terms of Reference are attached to this report at Appendix 3. Recommendations for a course of action would be brought back to this Committee and thereafter on to Cabinet and potentially built into the Corporate Plan.
Derek Stevens
Chief Executive
Risk Assessment Statement
This report is designed to reduce the risk of not taking account the data in the Indices of Multiple Deprivation and to ensure there is an opportunity to incorporate the results in service and corporate planning as well as wider partnerships. Failure to take account of this evidence on deprivation may result in less effective targeting of services, increasing levels of deprivation in key communities and the spread of deprivation into neighbouring wards continuing to be a feature in the next publication of IMDs in 2013. There are no significant risks in taking time to consider the evidence and the impact it might have on providing services and future plans of the Council.
s110613 – Indices of Multiple Deprivation
Appendix 1
1 = highest deprivation score,32482 = lowest deprivation score
Rother Top Ten Highlighted / Index of Multiple Deprivation / Income / Employment / Health & disability / Education skills & training / Barriers to housing & services / Crime / Living Environment /
Battle Town / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Rother 006A / 11841 / 11026 / 11134 / 10064 / 18826 / 13511 / 16470 / 5309
Rother 006B / 27439 / 26123 / 26907 / 23230 / 28549 / 8264 / 27755 / 24245
Rother 006C / 22457 / 20493 / 21054 / 19956 / 23015 / 13061 / 24172 / 15244
Brede Valley / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Rother 005A / 16181 / 19285 / 18688 / 18035 / 26065 / 808 / 26270 / 13062
Rother 005B / 14589 / 20279 / 18842 / 18156 / 13597 / 405 / 27333 / 16791
Rother 005C / 15459 / 12521 / 14348 / 18026 / 11013 / 10208 / 22221 / 21291
Bexhill Central / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Rother 011A / 8035 / 9336 / 6552 / 6019 / 10572 / 18123 / 13769 / 3446
Rother 011B / 7409 / 10194 / 4764 / 7316 / 10666 / 15237 / 8375 / 4313
Rother 011C / 4600 / 7042 / 2367 / 2827 / 7745 / 18807 / 9198 / 4330
Bexhill Collington / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Rother 009A / 22106 / 26018 / 12365 / 17505 / 25949 / 8498 / 31491 / 31453
Rother 010A / 18854 / 20053 / 14121 / 12237 / 25314 / 10262 / 30592 / 16677
Rother 009B / 27295 / 30367 / 20963 / 20404 / 24252 / 9882 / 32412 / 31891
Crowhurst / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Rother 006D / 12364 / 18448 / 16809 / 20007 / 25107 / 701 / 19886 / 2067
Rother 006E / 17030 / 20600 / 22346 / 18624 / 26038 / 943 / 23593 / 10802
Darwell / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Rother 003A / 20424 / 18035 / 18704 / 17652 / 23780 / 13601 / 28337 / 11054
Rother 003B / 16854 / 26287 / 16538 / 18322 / 28004 / 756 / 31087 / 9107
Rother 003C / 15510 / 18235 / 20846 / 21153 / 19884 / 1199 / 22730 / 8071
Eastern Rother / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Rother 004A / 12922 / 12259 / 14747 / 15887 / 12529 / 2900 / 26451 / 12009
Rother 004B / 8368 / 13050 / 13415 / 14458 / 5094 / 571 / 10600 / 9059
Rother 002A / 6921 / 10780 / 12014 / 15618 / 7963 / 1187 / 2754 / 3575
Ewhurst and Sedlescombe / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Rother 003D / 17388 / 22040 / 23150 / 19334 / 25502 / 1168 / 20972 / 9770
Rother 003E / 17622 / 16671 / 13933 / 12046 / 18708 / 17094 / 27171 / 15249
Bexhill Kewhurst / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Rother 010B / 19516 / 18725 / 12277 / 12726 / 21014 / 19062 / 31807 / 23374
Rother 010C / 24816 / 29198 / 20795 / 17155 / 24889 / 5719 / 31981 / 29541
Rother 010D / 16951 / 16061 / 13598 / 14422 / 16487 / 12116 / 27610 / 15660
Marsham / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Rother 005D / 18158 / 22393 / 20131 / 18426 / 18568 / 2083 / 25883 / 17028
Rother 005E / 17483 / 22998 / 15318 / 17606 / 15844 / 2055 / 27465 / 27756
Bexhill Old Town / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Rother 007A / 8614 / 8220 / 6260 / 5185 / 12860 / 7102 / 16547 / 19909
Rother 008A / 23726 / 22342 / 20684 / 14088 / 19729 / 16517 / 29563 / 27546
Rother 007B / 14010 / 11194 / 14143 / 12165 / 8931 / 19425 / 24797 / 13525
Rother Levels / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Rother 002B / 15652 / 14386 / 16586 / 20379 / 10788 / 4123 / 25354 / 21523
Rother 002C / 27657 / 28091 / 29870 / 27272 / 23236 / 10596 / 29054 / 13649
Rother 002D / 15994 / 14073 / 18682 / 17964 / 13408 / 6871 / 21694 / 13060
Rye / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Rother 004C / 11510 / 14704 / 15583 / 17928 / 8822 / 10120 / 4367 / 5770
Rother 004D / 15496 / 17229 / 18084 / 25025 / 13300 / 12310 / 8462 / 5800
Rother 004E / 4669 / 3795 / 4667 / 4996 / 1367 / 16018 / 18207 / 12387
Bexhill Sackville / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Rother 008B / 13405 / 17080 / 9444 / 8648 / 18096 / 5209 / 18686 / 24824
Rother 011D / 11618 / 14480 / 7412 / 6270 / 21915 / 14573 / 14100 / 10596
Rother 011E / 5980 / 7796 / 2687 / 2540 / 12463 / 16055 / 21382 / 5813
Bexhill St Marks / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Rother 009C / 25668 / 25038 / 18928 / 16030 / 21481 / 20521 / 31730 / 29027
Rother 009D / 27446 / 26030 / 20362 / 19930 / 19618 / 27897 / 31731 / 27227
Rother 009E / 23036 / 23402 / 25382 / 17726 / 24270 / 4479 / 28371 / 23092
Bexhill St Michaels / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Rother 008C / 9538 / 11773 / 4397 / 4195 / 15068 / 13896 / 24626 / 17339
Rother 008D / 8990 / 9600 / 6598 / 7615 / 3480 / 16390 / 21686 / 21828
Rother 008E / 15743 / 14807 / 13891 / 11412 / 9702 / 12259 / 27206 / 28248
Bexhill St Stephens / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Rother 009F / 22490 / 21581 / 15804 / 17717 / 24330 / 11172 / 28370 / 29644
Rother 010E / 18117 / 18566 / 12758 / 16093 / 18284 / 22515 / 17357 / 15223
Rother 007C / 8467 / 5854 / 6823 / 10060 / 7740 / 14816 / 13308 / 15177
Salehurst / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Rother 001A / 26167 / 24827 / 25557 / 24842 / 25259 / 6101 / 30661 / 24684
Rother 001B / 14357 / 13537 / 15731 / 17946 / 13657 / 6270 / 17111 / 11392
Rother 001C / 18346 / 17374 / 25134 / 22964 / 13125 / 4151 / 28715 / 11846
Bexhill Sidley / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Rother 007D / 3126 / 2477 / 3046 / 3947 / 2316 / 24726 / 4373 / 9814
Rother 007E / 1259 / 691 / 1349 / 1426 / 2469 / 20319 / 7314 / 8136
Rother 007F / 7865 / 5293 / 6020 / 10075 / 4188 / 19307 / 15728 / 20181
Rother 009G / 10162 / 12269 / 7342 / 5904 / 10632 / 6521 / 21777 / 21329
Ticehurst and Etchingham / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Rother 001D / 17961 / 12057 / 20898 / 18463 / 14102 / 11443 / 29835 / 16368
Rother 001E / 24009 / 29676 / 26403 / 27105 / 27595 / 2531 / 19451 / 18334
Rother 001F / 23682 / 29541 / 25760 / 24915 / 29502 / 2566 / 30451 / 11200
s110613 – Indices of Multiple Deprivation
Appendix 2
Domains for the Indices of Multiple Deprivation
Income - 22.5% weight for total score
5 indicators: income support families; job-seekers allowance families; pension credit families; child tax credit families (income below 60% of median); asylum seekers with subsistence and/or housing support.
Employment - 22.5% weight for total score
7 indicators: claimants of JSA; Incapacity Benefit; Severe Disablement Allowance; Employment and Support; and New Deal 18-24s not on JSA; New Deal over 25s not on JSA; and New Deal for Lone Parents.
Health - 13.5% weight
4 indicators: years of potential life lost; comparative illness and disability; acute morbidity; mood and anxiety disorders.
Education - 13.5% weight
7 indicators: achievement at Key Stages 2, 3 and 4, absences, proportion not staying at education post 16 or entering higher education, adults 25-54 with no or low qualifications.
Access to Services and Housing - 9.3% weight
7 indicators: household overcrowding; homelessness; house owning affordability for under 35s; road distance to a GP; post office; supermarket/general store; primary school.
Crime - 9.3% weight
4 indicators: violent crime; theft; and criminal damage per 1000 at risk population; burglary per 1000 at risk properties.
Living environment - 9.3% weight
4 indicators: housing in a poor standard, housing without central heating, air quality, road traffic accidents with injury to pedestrian and cyclists.
Appendix 3
Terms of Reference
Aims and Origin / - / The Vision for Rother District states that the Council wishes to see:“Greater economic prosperity with a skilled workforce gaining greater access to well paid employment…
Inequalities, isolation and deprivation tackled, with an increase in respect and a decrease in crime and anti-social behaviour”
Data emerging from the Index of Multiple Deprivation published by the Department for Communities and Local Government shows a declining trend for Rother, severe in some locations.
Services OSC would like to ascertain that the services of the Council are focused on combating deprivation where appropriate and to learn of any further opportunities to address hardship in the district within the Council’s community leadership role.
Recommendations and actions will be put forward to the Executive for inclusion as appropriate in Corporate Plan 2011 -21.
Scope / a) / Understand the nature and importance of the new evidence
b) / Determine key issues and locations
c) / Take evidence from other relevant agencies
d) / Draw up recommendations for further action
Desired Outcome / - / An understanding of the trends and a set of recommendations setting out the Council’s reponse.
Timescale / - / SOSC approval of Terms of Reference 13 June 2011.
- / Meeting to assess data - July 2011.
- / Meeting with representatives from other agencies September 2010.
- / Formulate recommendations October 2010.
Membership / - / Three members, to be decided.
Officer Lead / - / Brenda Mason, Head of Policy and Performance.
Quorum / - / 2
s110613 – Indices of Multiple Deprivation