18 March 2008

Minutes of a meeting of the Bexhill Town Forum held at the De La Warr Pavilion, Bexhill-on-Sea on Tuesday, 18 March 2008 at 6.30pm.


Mr K. Hutchinson (Chairman) Churches Together in Bexhill

Mr F. Strickland OBE (Vice-Chairman)

District Councillors: J.J. Carroll, C.A. Clark, M.D. Ensor, M.S. Forster, Mrs J.P. Gadd, Mrs B.A. George, Mrs J.M. Hughes, B. Kentfield, D.W.E Russell, C.F. Starnes, Mrs D.C. Williams, Mrs F.M. Winterborn and J.S. Wood.

County Councillor: B. Gadd (Bexhill West)

Mr R. Gillett 1066 Roads Improvement Group

Ms B. Saadat-Yazdi Baha’i Group (Bexhill)

Mr N. Brennan-Wright 1066 Motorcycle Training

Mr D. Dickens-Smith Bexhill 100 Motoring Club

Mrs B. Rogers Bexhill Against Landfill and Incineration (BALI)

Mr M. Rosner Bexhill Against Landfill and Incineration (BALI)

Mr R.B. Skinner Bexhill Beach Huts Association

Mrs D. Jull Bexhill Branch of the Multiple Sclerosis Society

Mrs S. Spice Bexhill Chamber of Commerce

Mr D. Pratt Bexhill Schools Consortium

Mr C. Nicholson Bexhill Schools Consortium / Bexhill Young People’s Services

Mrs M.J. Jones Bexhill and Rother Citizens Advice Bureau / Bexhill Young People’s Services

Mrs S. Melvin Bexhill in Bloom

Mrs D. Underhill Bexhill in Bloom

Mr T.R.H. Dunn Bexhill Library of Friends

Mr D.J. Betts Bexhill Museum

Mr J. Doherty Bexhill Town Fairtrade Steering Group

Mr S. O’Brien Bexhill Youth Council

Mr J. Black Beulah Baptist Church & Technical Support

Mr D. Anderson East Sussex County Council

Mr M. Eades East Sussex County Council

Mr G. Furness East Sussex County Council Network Manager (East)

Mrs C.M. Govier Friends of Egerton Park

Mr D. Govier Friends of Egerton Park

Mr E. Searson History of Bexhill

Mr C.A. Wickens Little Common Community Association

Miss C. Williams Little Common Horticultural Society

Mr D. Scott Rother District Taxi Association

Mr M. Gebbie Rother Seniors

Mr I. Coleman Rother Voluntary Action

Mr C. Mills Rother Voluntary Action

Mr R. Storkey Save Our Seafront

Ms J. Bialeska Save Our Seafront

Mr A. Bishop Save Our Seafront

Mrs J.R. Bishop Save Our Seafront

Mr J. Seabrook Save Our Seafront

Mr N. Masterton St Mary’s Wrestwood Children's Trust

Mr J. Dowling Bexhill Observer

Mr L. Keeley East Sussex Forum for Mental Health

Mr D. Stevens Chief Executive (RDC)

Mr T. Elliott District Secretary (RDC)

Ms L. Anderson Senior Democratic Services Officer (RDC)

Mrs C.Turner Democratic Services Officer (RDC)

and members of the public.

The Chairman welcomed all those in attendance and thanked the De La Warr Pavilion Trust for allowing the Forum to hold this meeting at the De La Warr Pavilion. Thanks were extended to those who prepared and presented the refreshments and to Mr. Black for the additional microphones and roving microphone.


The Chairman was authorised to sign the Minutes of the meeting of the Bexhill Town Forum held on Tuesday, 27 November 2007 as a correct record of the proceedings.


The Chairman invited Councillor Ensor to give an update on the work of the De La Warr Pavilion Working Group.

Councillor Ensor advised that over the past nine months Rother District Council had been reviewing funding for the De La Warr Pavilion. The Council had now completed its review, having taken into account the views of many significant organisations. The Council had approved a new six year funding package (subject to a review at year 3) which sought to direct funding into certain areas and achieve higher local satisfaction with the programme. The package consisted of a £500,000 basic annual grant, payable upon receipt of a satisfactory business plan that sought to increase attendance figures and catering turnover each year (not inflation linked); a £40,000 annual capital grant (exclusively for maintenance to safeguard the fabric of the building) , a £15,000 annual incentive grant, increasing by £5,000 each year (payable upon increased user satisfaction), and a £12,000 fixed annual grant to be used to support the use of the Pavilion by local groups and organisations, which was currently ring-fenced for the sole use of Bexhill Amateur Theatrical Society (BATS) and Bexhill Light Operatic Drama Society (BLODS). The Council had been encouraged by the contribution of funding from the Arts Council of England which was over £500,000. This was an amazing facility, the third largest Arts grant made for the whole of England, which showed how much the Arts Council respected this venture. The Working Group had now completed its work and had been disbanded.



Apologies for absence had been received from District Councillors Paul Lendon, Carl Maynard (attending unavoidable East Sussex Economic Partnership meeting) and Keith Standring, County Councillor Graham Gubby, Mrs Margaret von Speyr (Bexhill Caring Community), Mr Roger Sweetman (Hastings and Rother Gay and Lesbian Social Group), Mrs Jean Jeanes and Mr Michael Jeanes (Little Common Business Association) and Mr Nick Hollington (Bexhill Against Landfill and Incineration).


Bexhill Hospitality Association

Mrs Jackie Crouch, a local hotelier, expressed dissatisfaction with the lack of a Bexhill based Tourist Information Centre (TIC). She commented that accommodation requests were down and that on line facilities were not universally available. The proposed reduction in the number of the Bexhill Town Guides produced, which promoted local organisations and accommodation, which was proposed to be reduced to a single sheet in the future, would be a disaster. She expressed concern at the cost of the proposed electronic kiosks and associated maintenance costs. She felt that a town based Tourist Infomation Centre would give a local service which could not be accommodated at the centralised office in Battle. Indeed it was indicated that the matter of a new TIC and new signage should be given urgent consideration from the Council.

St. George’s Day Celebrations
Mr Laurence Keeley, a representative from the East Sussex Forum for Mental Health stated that the celebrations would now be held on 19 April, 2008 at the Phoenix Arts Centre, William Parker School, St. Leonards-on-Sea and not at the De La Warr Pavilion on 26 April for financial reasons.

Bexhill Against Landfill and Incineration (BALI) Update

Mr Mike Rosner, from friends of BALI, updated members on the work of Bexhill Against Landfill and Incineration. The local press had given good coverage and support, as well as the High Woods Preservation Society and the Rotherl Environmental Group (REG), for which the movement was grateful. In order to move forward a fund had been set up to promote the issue to ensure that the site did not become a second Pebsham in Bexhill.

Friends of Egerton Park

Mrs Christine Govier, Chairman of the Friends of Egerton Park, advised members of activities that were planned for the spring and summer this year. She outlined the group’s objectives, emphasising the environmental issues and activities such as the third Green Day, planned for later this year. She also announced their support of “Hope in the Park” scheduled for May, which was a national initiative to include all Christian denominations, bringing a programme of events to the community – “the whole church, for the whole nation, for the whole year”. Other groups, including the Youth Group, had made approaches to use the park and they hoped to support these activities. A committee had been set up to ensure that play equipment in the park was safe and well maintained. It was noted that this year’s “Green Day” would be held on Saturday May 31, in conjunction with SureStart.

Bexhill in Bloom

Mrs Sandra Melvin of Bexhill in Bloom, advised that the Shredded Wheat Clock, created out of breakfast cereal and modelled on Big Ben was now in place as a town attraction outside the front of the Cooden Beach Hotel. This Clock would add to the 12 historic clocks in the town. A number of fundraising events had been planned around this year’s Bexhill in Bloom competition, including a Fairtrade Logo on a flower bed at the Marina, a Fair at Bexhill Hospital, school fairs – including a sensory garden for the visually impaired. The launch of Bexhill in Bloom would take place on Friday 4 April by the Mayor at 4.30 pm at the BUPA nursing home, Grosvenor Park, Bexhill where there would be an exhibition and refreshments. Mrs Melvin welcomed anyone wishing to have a stand on this day or wishing to join Members on the Committee to get in touch with her.

Bexhill Fairtrade Town Steering Group

Mr Jack Doherty, from the Fairtrade Town Steering Group, was proud to state that Bexhill was a fairtrade town, one of only 300 in England. He believed this promoted a positive image of Bexhill. Farmers from the developing world wanted trade not aid – the purchasing of future goods would ensure that the money went to the poor farmers. An annual audit was produced of Fairtrade products in Bexhill, which he hoped encouraged the expansion of fairtrade within Bexhill and he hoped to maintain the accredited status of being a fairtrade town. In order to do this customers needed to continue to be encouraged to purchase Fairtrade products within the town.

50 Metre Swimming Pool Campaign

Mr Graham Furness, represented the Swimming Clubs of Bexhill and Hastings. He advised of the poor condition of the Glyne Gap Pool in Bexhill, which was now some 18 years old and in need of refurbishment and the swimming pool at Summerfields in Hastings, which again was in need of refurbishment as this was some 27 years old. It was suggested that if the two authorities joined together in partnership to pool their resources, a purpose built comprehensive quality sports centre could be built in the Hastings / Rother area. He stated not only would it be a facility for the 21st century, but also emphasised the economic and sporting benefits and indicated he was seeking public support to follow the example of Plymouth. Mr Furness commented on the Government’s initiative to fight obesity, promising money to help deal with the problem of how to inspire young people. This could have huge benefits for both personal fitness and helping keep young people out of trouble. A petititon had been organised to demonstrate that this was what the public wanted and that there was no better time to achieve this development opportunity than now.


The District Secretary’s report on the issues relating to Bexhill that had been considered by the Council between 15 November 2007 and 18 February 2008 was noted. Forum members were urged to read this report as it would keep them up to date on decisions made by the Council in relation to issues affecting Bexhill.


Mr Sean O’Brien, Chairman of Bexhill Youth Council, reported on the ongoing outcomes of the Youth Forum project, which included suggestions of a Youth Café and a new skate park. The Youth Council had also initiated a study of school pupils aged from 11 to 16 on personal safety in Bexhill. A prize draw had been offered to encourage participation from young people. This questionnaire was presently being circulated around the various tutor groups of Bexhill High, St. Richards Catholic College and St. Mary’s and the results would be discussed later. It was intended to present the results to Councillors after their April meeting and then feed back to the Bexhill Town Forum in June. It was noted that further social projects would be arranged and the Forum would be updated on this also.


a) De La Warr Pavilion Update

Mr Alan Haydon, Director of the De La Warr Pavilion CharitableTrust, outlined the variety of events that had been staged at the De La Warr Pavilion over the past year and actively recognised and was appreciative of the support of the Arts Council for England and Rother District Council. The Trust had undertaken its own market research recently, engaging professional researchers to devise audience surveys and encourage feedback generally. In particular it was found that they had sustained 500,000 visitors to the De La Warr, of which 175,000 were from Rother. He indicated that there had been a significant change in the profile of visitors from the amount of work which was being carried out with the young people of Rother. He reported that they now had an administration block and a new studio, which gave an opportunity for learning and community use. The De La Warr Pavilion was considered to be a world class building, the use of which they hoped would be widespread in the future.

Some programmed events were outlined for the following year from live performances to still exhibitions. The programme would include the Bexhill Festival of Music which would focus on local talent within a 10 day period in July. He was confident that this would be a healthy fundraising package and he was pleased to report that some of the performances in the Spring had already been sold out. Families were also very important and he indicated that the Jour de Fete scheduled for the August Bank Holiday was an important date in the calendar .

It was recognised that Rother District Council would, as part of the funding package, be making financial to the maintenance of the Pavilion which, given its seafront position, was an ongoing expense. He urged attendees of the De La Warr Pavilion to complete a “Tell us” leaflet each time they visited the Pavilion.