Rother District Council Agenda Item: 7.2

Report to - Cabinet

Date - 21 March 2011

Report of the - Chief Executive

Subject - Community Grant Scheme 2010/11 – Round 2

Recommendation: It be RESOLVED That:

1) the organisations listed at Appendix 1 be awarded the grants as recommended by the Grants Panel subject to specific conditions relating to each application; and

2) the £29,559 under spend be rolled forward for the 2011/12 funding round.

Head of Service: Brenda Mason

Lead Cabinet Members: Councillors Jenkins and Ganly


1. Following round 1 of the Community Grant Scheme in which £66,000 was committed to various projects, round 2 opened on 1 October 2010 with £39,000 to allocate to eligible projects or schemes.

2010/11 Community Grants – Round 2

2. The Community Grants Panel met on 10 February 2011 to consider 15 applications made during round 2 of the 2010/11 scheme. Brief details are provided at Appendix 1, with the Panel’s recommendations for Cabinet to consider. Further details concerning any of the applications can be obtained from the Policy Officer either in advance of, or at Cabinet.

3. Should Cabinet agree with the Panel’s recommendations to award the sums of money to each applicant then this will result in £9,812 of funding being awarded in round 2. The £29,192 remaining in the 2010/11 allocation will be carried forward into future rounds.


4. Members are requested to consider the applications attached at Appendix 1, mindful of the clear benefits these offer to their communities. The Community Grant Scheme offers a strengthened assessment process that will benefit communities applying for grants and will secure additional value for money benefits for the Council.

Derek Stevens

Chief Executive

Risk Assessment Statement

The assessment and monitoring system for community grants will mitigate much of the financial and reputational risks associated with handing over grant finance. Nonetheless, we are often in the hands of voluntary groups as to the amount of time, effort and other financial support that they can commit to their projects. This is mitigated by the good working relationships that exist across the district.

cb110321 – Community Grants 1

Appendix 1

Rother Community Grant Scheme – Requests 2010-‘11 (Round 2)

Meeting of Grants Panel on Thursday, 10th February 2011

Those present: Scott Lavocah, Cllr Ian Jenkins, Cllr David Russell, Cllr Tony Ganly, Adrian Gaylon, Rebecca Owen,

Jayne Wilson, Debbie Peters, Barbara Beaton, Dave Young and Gina Sanderson

Total amount available: £39,000

Amount committed: £9,812

Leaves: £29,192 - to be rolled over to 2011/’12 (Round 1)

& project / Total cost of project (inc VAT) / Amount requested from RDC? / Amount
Committed by org? / Other grants/
donations / Can VAT be reclaimed & by whom? / Who will benefit? / Is it in the LAP? / Recommendation to Cabinet, + any conditions
1st Battle Scouts:
Enable more outdoor activities & training + purchase of equipment / £1,465 / £730 / £175 / §  Rother Policy Property Fund: £150
§  East Sussex YouthBank: £160
§  Battle Town Muffins: £250
§  NB: Battle TC was approached for funding but declined (see letter) / No / 29 scouts aged between 10-15yrs on an ongoing basis / Not known / Support up to £175.
Subject to Battle Town Council match funding of £175.
1st Ticehurst Scouts:
Major works to make scout hut fit for general use / £12,500 / £5,000 / £3,000 / §  Ticehurst PC: £3,000
§  Ticehurst News & Views Magazine: £500 / Yes / Scouts aged 6-18yrs in parishes of Ticehurst, Stonegate &
Flimwell / Yes / Support up to £3,000.
Subject to confirmation of users of the hut.
& project / Total cost of project (inc VAT) / Amount requested from RDC? / Amount
Committed by org? / Other grants/
donations / Can VAT be reclaimed & by whom? / Who will benefit? / Is it in the LAP? / Recommendation to Cabinet, + any conditions
Activate Youth Club, Fairlight:
Repairs & decoration of clubhouse, following burst pipe / £900 / £300 / None / §  Donations from interested parents: £200
§  Donations from interested parents: £50
§  Possible grant from Parish Council: £300 / No / §  (13) 7-11yr olds of Busyart Club
§  (15) 10-13yr olds of Tuesday Youth Club
§  (9) 13-11yr olds of Thursday Youth Club
§  (3) 17-20yr olds of Young Leaders
§  (2) 21-28yr olds of Young Leaders
§  (10) over 30yr olds of Leaders / No LAP / Support up to £300.
Development of pottery project / £13,900 / £5,000 / Provision of transport / §  The Masons: £5,000
§  NWE Npower: £2,500
§  Ted Baker Trust: £5,900 / Yes / Disabled adults & their carers / No LAP / Decline.
Should receive Adult education funding.
& project / Total cost of project (inc VAT) / Amount requested from RDC? / Amount
Committed by org? / Other grants/
donations / Can VAT be reclaimed & by whom? / Who will benefit? / Is it in the LAP? / Recommendation to Cabinet, + any conditions
Guestling Parochial Church Council:
Church restoration project
NB: Grants/ donations subject to conditions/
confirmation etc / £176,047.67 / £10,000 / £19,156.53 / §  Project St Laurence Church: £3,000
§  English Heritage Stage 1 grant 1st payment: £6,500
§  English Heritage Stage 1 grant 2nd payment: £6,500
§  English Heritage Stage 2 grant: £44,000
§  All Churches Trust: £1,000
§  Bellhouse Foundation: £5,000
§  Garfield Weston Foundation: £5,000
§  Private donor: £50
§  Guestling & Three Oaks PC: £3,000
§  Sussex Historic Churches Trust: £5,000
§  Isabel Blackman Foundation: £15,000
§  National Churches Trust: £10,000 / Yes, but not for professional fees after 4th January ‘11 / Local community for diverse purposes & accessible to wider national & international community in view of its heritage / Yes / Decline.
Does not come under RDC’s remit.
& project / Total cost of project (inc VAT) / Amount requested from RDC? / Amount
Committed by org? / Other grants/
donations / Can VAT be reclaimed & by whom? / Who will benefit? / Is it in the LAP? / Recommendation to Cabinet, + any conditions
Icklesham Parish Council (A):
Installation of basketball hoop and 9mx9m playing surface / £6,967.16 / £2,964.75 / £2,000 / §  None / Yes / Local and visiting teenagers / Yes / Support up to £2,000.
Icklesham Parish Council (B):
Installation of Traffic Calming Gateway / £1,770 / £737 / £1,400 / §  None / Yes / All residents of Rye Harbour & visitors / Yes / Support up to £737.
Little Common Football Club:
Purchase & installation of floodlights at LC Recreation Ground / £75,641.24 / £28,000 / £10,000 / §  Football Foundation: £37,500 / Yes / Large population of local community, LCFC, its members & youth members / Yes / Decline.
Floodlighting not a priority for RDC.
Prefer to see a focus on youth projects instead.
Newhaven Community Development Association (NCDA) Ltd:
Bilingual Development Workers support to BME older people – to be delivered in Rother. / £2,119.68 / £1,000 / £1,119.68 / §  Seed Corn Fund: £5,000
§  Sussex Community Foundation General
Award: £5,000
§  The Nationwide Foundation: £5,000 / No / The 50+ age group & from a BME background / Yes / Support up to £1,000.
& project / Total cost of project (inc VAT) / Amount requested from RDC? / Amount
Committed by org? / Other grants/
donations / Can VAT be reclaimed & by whom? / Who will benefit? / Is it in the LAP? / Recommendation to Cabinet, + any conditions
Pett Tennis Club: Replacement fence at Pett Tennis Club / £7,684 / £6,184 / £1,500 / §  Sussex Community Foundation: £5,000 / No / Anyone in the community / No / Support up to £1,000.
How will they attract new members?
Rye Farmers Market (to become Rother Farmers Markets):
Run farmers markets to promote sale of local produce / £123,000 / £9,500 / £31,000 / §  Awards for All: £10,000
§  Leader: £30,000
§  Tudor Trust: £42,500 / No / Rother residents & visitors attending markets & Rother producers selling at markets / No / Defer.
Need a Business Plan.
Delivery of "Lack of Knowledge can Kill" information & awareness project / £2,000 / £750 / £250 / §  Isabel Blackman Foundation: £500
§  Hastings & Rother PCT: £500 / No / Those with conditions, families, carers & health professionals / No / Decline.
Should be funded by the local NHS. Prefer to see “activities” put forward.
South Coast Pits:
Purchase of materials, safety equipment & rental location to build & run a pit bike track at Preston Hall Farm, Bexhill. / £7,000 / £7,000 / £1,600 / §  Local businesses willing to sponsor when track is up & running / No / Considerable amount of Rother & Hastings residents aged 8-16yrs / No plan / Support up to £1,600.
Subject to Planning and Environmental Health approval.
& project / Total cost of project (inc VAT) / Amount requested from RDC? / Amount
Committed by org? / Other grants/
donations / Can VAT be reclaimed & by whom? / Who will benefit? / Is it in the LAP? / Recommendation to Cabinet, + any conditions
Tilling Green
Residents Association:
Community café at new Tilling Green Centre / £9,880.19 / £4,961.49 / None / §  Animate (Rye Ltd):
§  NB: Rye Town Council has been approached for funding / No / Older people & others living alone, families & young people / Yes / Defer.
Separate report to Cabinet from Head of Regeneration looking at a holistic funding package for Tilling Green.
Westfield Parish Field Recreation Ground:
Commem-orative plaque in village field / £700 + VAT / £350 / £175 / §  Westfield Community Assoc: £175 / Yes / All residents of Westfield (2,700 approx) + visitors / No / Decline.
Parish Council should solely fund.

cb110321 – Community Grants 1