Rotary YouthExchange - Club Compliance Certification

The Rotary Club of (Club), in District 5050 is

committed to creating and maintaining the safest possible environment for all participants
in Rotary activities. It is the duty of all Rotarians, Rotarians spouses, partners and any
other volunteer to safeguard to the best of their ability the welfare of and to prevent the
physical, sexual, or emotional abuse of young people with whom they come in contact.

The club certifies that it will adhere to the District 5050 Youth Exchange Abuse and
Harassment policy, and will also adhere to the procedures and practices, listed below if
involved in Rotary Youth Exchange program for the year 2015-2016.


  • Recruit suitable host families through the use of reference checks, host family
    applications, host family interviews and home visitation. At least two host
    families arerequired, three preferred.
  • All US clubs must comply with the Department of State laws regarding
    "Secondary School Student Exchange Program" It is the law!
  • Carry out criminal background checks of all host family members who are 18
    years and older. Background checks must be clean and must be retained by the
    club Youth Exchange Officer as per District retention guidelines. Background
    checks are only good for one year.
  • Carry out criminal background checks of all volunteers involved in the program.

This requirement includes the counselor, Club chair and all Rotarians and their
spouses or partners with direct unsupervised contact with the student. Background
checks need not be conducted for adults who will have only casual or occasional
group interactions with Youth Exchange Students.

  • Advise the District Inbound Coordinator of all host families receiving a clean
    criminal background check.
  • Carry out suitable training for Host Families and attend District run Counselor
    and Youth Exchange Officer training sessions.
  • Ensure that the necessary contacts are made with the student and his or her family
    in preparation.
  • Assign a Rotarian of the same gender as counselor and ensure their regular
    documented contact with the student.

First Week

  • Ensure that the student is welcomed upon arrival.
  • Provide emergency contact information to the student including: District Hotlines
    for Inbound students, Host Club Rotary Counselor, Host Club Youth Exchange
    Chairperson, Host Club President, District Chair and Inbound Coordinator, 2 non

Rotarian resource persons (one male, one female (school personnel are typical

  • Ensure that the student's visa and documents (e.g.: DS- 2019 for US Inbound
    students) and return plane ticket are correct.
  • Ensure that the student's $500.00 emergency fund is set up with two signatures
    required to withdraw money.
  • Ensure that the student has Medical Insurance in accordance with the RI
  • Arrange for schooling.
  • Open required bank accounts (personal and emergency)


  • Ensure that the students attend the mandatory District functions for exchange
    students such as Orientations and District Conference.
  • Stay in touch with the host families to identify and respond to issues and
  • Ensure that the student regularly attends and participates in local Rotary
  • Ensure that the Counselor regularly meets with the student and maintains a
    contact record.

Post Exchange

• Conduct a post-exchange evaluation.


We, the President and Youth Exchange Officer for the Rotary Club of ______
______, Club ID#______, being the persons responsible for youth exchange activities in our Club, certify that our Club will adhere to the above outlined policies and procedures if our Club elects to be involved in the Rotary Youth Exchange in 2015-2016.



(Print Name) (Signature)(Date)

President Contact Telephone Number:

President email: ______

Youth Exchange Officer


(Print Name)

