Rotary Representatives to the United Nations

And Other Organizations


Rotary and the United Nations have a long history of working together and sharing the goal of a more peaceful world. Following World War II, Rotary clubs from 21 nations organized a conference in London to develop a vision for advancing education, science, and culture. The conference was a precursor to the founding of the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

In 1945, 49 Rotary members served as delegates at the UN Charter Conference in San Francisco, where they contributed to the United Nation’s initial focus on economic, social, and humanitarian issues. Today Rotary maintains a close relationship with the UN system evidenced through PolioPlus and our partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI).Rotary currently holds the highest consultative status offered to a non-governmental organization (NGO) by the UN’s Economic and Social Council which oversees its many specialized agencies.

Rotary’s Representative Network:

Rotary maintains and furthers its relationship with the United Nations and other prominent international organizations through the Rotary Representative Network. Approximately 30 Rotary leaders are appointed each year to serve as Rotary Representatives.

Serving as informal “ambassadors,” the representatives meet regularly with officers and staff from key organizations to discuss issues of mutual concern and areas for potential cooperation. In addition, our representatives promote Rotary programs and projects by serving as presenters, panelists, and exhibitors at events hosted by the United Nations, international institutions, local/national governments, corporations, think tanks, universities, and NGOs.

In addition, Rotary Representatives serve as a resource for informing our members about the organization’s international activities and providing a point of contact for clubs and districts to communicate or collaborate with key international institutions. Rotary Representatives are available to give presentations about their work to local clubs, districts and regional conferences.

A list of the representatives, their representative organization and contact information is attached.

United Nations – Rotary Outreach Programme:

To further strengthen Rotary’s longstanding relationship with the United Nations, the two organizations have developed a specialized speaker’s bureau. The United Nations - Rotary Outreach Programme enables Rotary members to receive the latest information on key humanitarian and global issues through UN staff briefings to Rotary meetings and conferences.

The United Nations will send up to two speakers in different areas of expertise to present timely and relevant information at Rotary club, district and zone events. Travel expenses and an audience of more than 100 attendees are required and sessions should be open to non-Rotary members such as business leaders, government officials, academics, media and professionals of all ages. For more information or to request a UN speaker, contact the UN Department of Public Information (UNDPI) at (212) 963-7710 or .


United Nations/ New York

Edwin H. Futa, Dean of the Representative Network

Res.: 773 784-7709
/ Joseph Laureni, Primary Representative
Bus.: 201-390-3470 Res.: 201 483-6725

H. Bradley Jenkins, Senior Representative Advisor

Res: 908-766-4790, Fax: 908-766-7904

/ Helen B. Reisler, Alternate Representative
Bus: 718-622-2148, Res: 914-277-3117

Knut J. Johnsen Jr., Alternate Representative

Bus.: 914-805-5719 Res.: 845-565-1316
/ Susanne Gellert, Alternate Representative
Bus.: 212-974-8846 Res.: 917-498-9773

Joseph Dino, Associate Representative

Bus.: 973-595-1979 Res.: 973-595-1977
/ Resham N. Parikh, Youth Representative
Res.: 562 896-9256

Ioana Zamfir, Youth Representative

Res.: 203 466-9261 (US) +40232315339 (Int’l)
/ Rotary UN Office
Bus: 212-808-4822, Fax: 212-808-4825

United Nations/ Geneva and UN Economic Commission for Europe (ECE)/ Geneva

Peter Jörg Eichenberger, Primary Representative

Res: 41-31-9114560
/ Francis M. Godel, Alternate Representative
Res.: +41 26-4021334

United Nations/ Vienna
Anton Hilscher, Rotary Representative
Bus.: 43-1-5316-1115, Res.: 43-2238-8292

UN Economic Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA)/ Beirut

Michel Jazzar, Rotary Representative

Bus.: 961-9-931773 Res.: 961-983-5472

UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)/ Bangkok
Somphop Sooksing, Rotary Representative
Bus.: 662 379 6818 Res.: 662 3797573

UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), International Organisation of La Francophonie (IOF)/ PARIS
Serge Gouteyron, Primary Representative
Bus.: 33 327235002 Res.: 33 327441566
/ Cyril Noirtin, Alternate Representative
Bus.: 33-6-62378250 Res.: 33-1-45061452

Council of Europe/ Strasbourg
Gérard Caen, Primary Representative

Res.: 33 3 88 35 75 75

/ François Goettelmann, Alternate Representative
Res. & Fax: 33 3 89 44 77 43

African Union (AU) and UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)/ Addis Ababa
Nahu Senaye Araya, Rotary Representative

Bus.: 251-11 6626707 Res.: 251-113 736310

UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT)/ Nairobi
Kaushik Manek, Rotary Representative
Bus.: 254 722 511 445 Res.: 254 20 4180669

UN Environment Programme (UNEP)/ Nairobi
Joseph Otin, Rotary Representative

Bus.: 254-20-3862729 Res.: 254-722701530

/ Henry Kyemba, Senior Representative Advisor
Bus.: 256-414 347 608 Res.: 256-752 690 432

UN Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO), World Food Programme (WFP), and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)/ Rome
Marco Randone, Primary Representative
Bus.: 39 06 679 4728 Res.: 39 06 6992 0544
/ Antonio Lico, Alternate Representative (WFP & IFAD)
Res.: 39-06-58320689

Alberto Cecchini, Alternate Representative (FAO)

Bus.: 39-06-55301518 Res.: 39-06-70494737

World Bank/ Washington, DC
Peter R. Kyle, Alternate Representative
Bus.: 202-458-2394 Res.: 443-203-6443

At Large/ Washington, DC
Doris Margolis, Rotary Representative
Bus.: 202-6227536 Res.: 301-3841725

Organization of American States (OAS)/ Washington, DC
Richard Carson, RI Representative
Bus.: 301-841-0090, Res.: 301-924-2657
/ Clara Montanez, Alternate Representative
Bus.: 202-262-6722 Res.: 202-261-0706

Commonwealth of Nations/ London
Judith Diment, Rotary Representative
Bus.: 4-4 1628 672965 Res.: +44 1628 672965

League of Arab States/ Cairo
Ayoub M Ayoub, Rotary Representative
Bus.: 20 2-24855457 Res.: 20 2-26033045

European Union/ Brussels
Michel Coomans, Rotary Representative
Res.: +32 2-2174687