Rotary Information


Rotary’s founder, Paul P. Harris, was born in Wisconsin, USA, on 19 April 1868. He was raised by his paternal grandparents in Vermont and attended the University of Vermont, Princeton, and the University of Iowa. He was Rotary president from 1910 to 1912 and a member of the Rotary Club of Chicago until his death on 27 January 1947.

Gustavus Loehr, a mining engineer, was born on 18 October 1864 in Carlinville, Illinois. He was a Rotarian for only a few years, never holding office at the club or international level. But that first Rotary meeting was held in his office, Room 711 of the Unity Building in downtown Chicago. He died in Chicago on 23 May 1918.

A Rotarian for only a few years, Hiram E. Shoreyserved as recording secretary during the club’s first year. He was born in Maine in August 1862 and died in March 1944.

Silvester Schiele, a coal dealer, served as the Chicago club’s first president in 1905 and Rotary International’s third treasurer in 1945. Born in Terre Haute, Indiana, in 1870, Schiele attended Terre Haute Business College and served in the U.S. Army during the Spanish-American War. He was president of the Schiele Coal Company from 1902 until his retirement in 1939. He and Harris became lifelong friends and lived near each other on the South Side of Chicago. Schiele died on 17 December 1945 and is buried near Harris at Mount Hope Cemetery.

Originally from Michigan, Harry L. Ruggleswas a graduate of Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, and joined Rotary at its second meeting. He was treasurer of the Chicago club during its first year, president from 1908 to 1910, and a Rotary director from 1912 to 1913. He is known for having introduced singing to Rotary club meetings. His printing company, H.L. Ruggles & Co., printed the first issue of The National Rotarian and the first Rotary songbook. He died on 26 October 1959, an honorary member of seven clubs in addition to his home club, the Rotary Club of Chicago.

Last Week’s Program


Director, Facilities Management Dept.

New Mexico Tech

Yvonne gave the club an update on all the projects going on at Tech. I was so enthralled that I forgot to take notes. As such, this summary of her talk is only a sketch of what she said.

The dorm on the south side of the athletic field is going well. Yvonne hopes the building will completed by the due date of August 2013. The building pad and a tower for an elevator are now constructed.

The revitalized chiller loop (as opposed to the hot water loop) is progressing. It is really needed because Tech’s utilities expense is about $2,000,000 a year and that needs to be reduced.

A building for the Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources will be on the ballot on November 6th. The $18,000,000 being asked for in Bond C would be used to construct the building at the present location of the ISD building. She asked members to consider voting for the bond.

The southwest-facing side of Macey is scheduled to be redone. The solar panels will be removed and a large lighted panel for advertizing coming attraction at Macey will take part of the new surface.

Several areas, including the areas disturbed by the chiller loop, have received upgraded landscaping. Crews have constructed flower and/or gravel spaces at several locations across campus.

Yvonne said that all of the solar cells in camps (on Macey, Jones, and the PRRC building (?)) are being removed. The old technology is now longer adequate. She also said that although parking is difficult at some times of the day, there are no plans to start using parking permits.

Club No. 1325Chartered 6/6/1938

PO Box 972

Socorro, NM 87801

G. S. Austin, Editor

October 17, 2012


Wednesday ─ 12:00 Noon


1123 Frontage Road NW

Socorro, New Mexico


Gov., Dist. 5520—MARK GLENN

ADG for Socorro—JOHN KRYDA


Dewey Christiansen

Contractor, Conservator of the

San Miguel Mission


Birthday:...... None

Anniversary:...... None

October 10, 2012

GUESTS: Students of the month Diamond Molina and Hanson Oxford with their teachers Laura Heinz and Craig Addis, respectively; Rod Hanson, Hanson Oxford’s grandfather; Riccardo Flores and Joseph Cutchall from the Interact club; Melissa Jaramillo Fleming; Randy Earwood


• Penny Lommen is our newest member

• Bill B. announced the Highway Clean-up.

• Penny announced the Friends of Library book sale for this weekend

HAPPY DOLLARS: Ryan, Phil, Gerry, Penny, Rod Hanson, Don, Chuck Z.

SAD DOLLARS: Gerry, Lynn


The RAFFLE PRIZE:Today’s prize, $20, came from Ryan.Next week’s prize will come from Marianne.


Gerry Klinglesmith and Bill Lorang


Jon Morrison


Greg Chalmers et al.

“Guatemalan Water Project”


10/18——Interact Meeting SHS; time: 11:40 a.m.

10/31—Ed Kase Day and Spouse Day!

11/12—Board meeting


A couple traveling through New Mexico came to the town of Pojoaque. They stopped at a fast food restaurant, placed their order and asked the server, “Would you pronounce the name of this place slowly so we can know how to?” The server simply answered, “Burrr...gerrrr...king”

What do you call a person who speaks THREE languages?


What do you call a person who speaks TWO languages?

What do you call a person who speaks ONE



A man is at work one day when he notices that his co-worker is wearing an earring. This man knows his co-worker to be a normally, conservative fellow, and is curious about his sudden change in “fashion sense.” The man walks up to him and says, “I didn’t know you were into earring.”

Don’t make a big deal, it’s only an ear ring,” he replies sheepishly. His friend falls silent for a few minutes, but then his curiosity prods him to say, “So, how long have you been wearing one?” “Ever since my wife found it in my truck.”


A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. — Sir Winston Churchill


George Austin (PH) Ryan Mertz

Marj Austin (PH) Chuck Millar (PH)

Sally Banks (PH) Jon Morrison (PH)

Bo Beames (PH) Jerry Oldenettel (PH)

*Bill Bottorf (PH) Will Orndorff (PH)

Lynn Brandvold (PH) Elva Ӧsterreich

Cuatro Bursum (PH) Spencer Pearse

Mary Ann Chavez-LopezRick Penner (PH)

Eileen Comstock (PH)*Phil Preston (PH)

Marianne Cramer (PH) Jim Rushing

George Creamer Joe Taber (PH, HON)

Nick FlemingBob Tacker (PH)

Ted Kase (PH)Polly Tausch

Dan Klinglesmith Reuben Thomas

Gerry Klinglesmith (PH) Don Tripp (PH)

Penny Lommen Len Truesdell (PH)

*Bill Lorang (PH)Chuck Zimmerly

Absent October 10th

(PH) = Paul Harris Fellow

* = “Senior Excused” Status

(HON) = Honorary Member


President Jim Rushing

Vice President Len Truesdell

Secretary Lynn Brandvold

Treasurer Cuatro Bursum

Sergeant-at-Arms Marianne Cramer