SUBJECT : Science & Technology – Living Things - Ourselves (Health) I – Investigations T – Technology

FROM : 7 : 11 : 05 TO : 21 : 12 : 05 CLASS : P3/4 TEACHER : C. Christie

Programme of Study / Objectives / Teaching Methods and Learning experiences / Resources / Assessment / Subject Links
Develop ideas about how to keep healthy through exercise, rest, diet, personal hygiene and safety. / Diet
Children will :
Record their diet for a week.
Classify foods as healthy/unhealthy.
P4 Recognise the need for a balanced diet as the body needs different foods for different purposes.
Design a food pyramid illustrating how we need to eat more bread, pasta, cereal etc cf cakes, sweets
P3 Organise and discuss the recording of data in simple block and bar chart and interpret results. (See H. Data scheme)
P3 Technology
Plan, make and evaluate a moving caterpillar and butterfly
Children will :
Recognise function of teeth – biting and chewing food, speaking.
Know that a baby’s milk or primary teeth will fall out and be replaced by adult teeth.
Describe 3 types of teeth – teeth for biting, tearing and chewing.
P4 names incisors, canines, molars
Explain McEaver Beaver’s 5 steps for Healthy teeth
Know that bacteria + sugar = acid P4 (plaque)
Which makes holes in our teeth if not brushed away.
Teeth investigation
Children will :
Describe how our teeth help us to eat our food.
Design an investigation to test which foods need most chewing.
Predict which foods will need most/least chewing.
Become familiar with concept of fair testing.
Be able to record results and draw conclusions.
Exercise and Rest
Children will :
Know that to be healthy they should exercise and have plenty of sleep.
Define and give examples of exercise.
Observe the effects of exercise on our heartrate.
Suggest why exercise is important for a healthy lifestyle.
P4 Technology
Plan, make and evaluate play park equipment for a play park in Straid.
Exercise Investigation
Children will :
Develop the skills associated with investigation e.g. prediction, measuring, recording and evaluating.
Investigate who can do the most jumps in a given time
Know that personal hygiene is maintained by keeping their bodies clean including hair and teeth
Suggest which activities we use should wash our hands before doing, after doing or both before and after.
Know about potential dangers in and outside the home.
Be aware of the dangers of some household substances.
Realise that harmful substances should be locked away.
Recognise the toxic sign on substances
Classify harmful and safe substances. / Ask chn to bring in empty food packaging. Free sort – other chn guess criteria, direct sorting towards healthy/unhealthy.
Explain meaning of term diet – what we eat.
Study food pyramid poster and discuss food in each group. Balanced diet – need to eat foods from each group – position on pyramid tells us how much of each type of food we should eat.
Ask chn to draw pictures to place on class food pyramid. Give chn a diet sheet to record eating for a week.
Look at completed sheets.
Visit from School nurse to discuss balanced diet
My World 3 sorting fruit, café games, I love Science healthy eating game ICT
Create block and bar charts for favourite party foods and interpret.
Having read story of Hungry Caterpillar, look at caterpillar pictures and wooden toy. Plan designs, suggest materials, carry out and evaluate. Repeat for butterfly.
My World 3 software lifecycle of the butterfly picture sequencing
Revise sorting foods into healthy/unhealthy categories. Look at unhealthy foods which contain sugar and how they make us gain weight and harm our teeth.
Look at 5 steps to Healthy Eating poster. Oral-b poster development of a baby’s teeth to adult teeth, type of teeth and job that they do link with tools – pick axe, chisel and grinding stone. P4 terms incisor, canine, molar.
Describe how to look after our teeth poster 5 steps to healthy teeth
Memorise. What happens if we don’t look after our teeth? Oral-b 2a and b cards. Sugar + bacteria = acid or Plaque (P4) which makes holes in our teeth.
Differentiated Worksheet
Types of teeth & Keeping my sparkling smile.
Qus & Ans, Recall 5 steps to maintain healthy teeth.
Give chn brushing charts to complete at home – certificate on completion.
My World 3 teeth sentences I love Science teeth game ICT
As a class look at a collection of food. In pairs ask chn to sort them into gps allowing them to select criteria, pool ideas.
Discuss chewing e.g. what happens to our food as we chew? How does it change? What kinds of food need most chewing? Which teeth do you use for biting/chewing? What does the tongue do during chewing? Decide on an investigation title. Direct classification and make predictions on food which need lots of chewing/some chewing/no chewing.
Decide as a whole class how we will carry out investigation. In Science groups decide on materials required. As a whole class discuss fairtesting, how to record results. Carry out test in groups. Record results – counting no. of chews needed before swallowing. Discuss and record what they’ve learnt – conc.
Walk then jog around playground. Ask chn to observe changes in their bodies during and afterwards, give opportunity for chn to feel heartbeat and muscles working.
This is an e.g. of exercise, define exercise – physical movement. Look at pic of other examples. In groups discuss :
What does exercise do to our bodies? Which parts of our body are involved in exercise? Ask chn what type of exercise they do and list favourites in preference from 1 to 10. Look at equipment nec for certain sports. Talk about why we need rest. Qus & Ans, study favourite exercise results, most popular, least popular etc
Exercise board game S. Play
Brainstorm equipment found in a play park (link with Geog)
In groups plan designs, gather equipment, carry out and evaluate finished products.
Investigate who can do the most jumps in a given time? As a class decide on a suitable type of jump e.g. star jumps, 2 feet jumps, pin jumps etc and how long a test period would be appropriate. Consider fairtesting, suggest how to measure the number of jumps. Make predictions as to whether they think a P3 or P4 would be able to do more. Carry out investigation, record results and draw conclusions.
Make a collection of products used in personal hygiene : discuss purpose.
In groups think of activities which make them dirty. Health Ed bk pg 70. Discuss how we can clean ourselves e.g. wash our hands, face, brush out teeth, shower or bath. What would happen if we didn’t wash?
Look at pictures of activities, ask chn to suggest should we wash our hands before/after or before and after the activity. Sort them accordingly. Explain how doctors, nurses and hospital staff wash their hands prior to operations.
Look at sorting results, qus & ans. Read poem Olivia takes the plunge Health Ed pg 72 Hygiene game S. Play
Look at matches, tablets, scissors etc what have they in common? All dangerous P4 term hazardous. Suggest dangers. Look at pictures of items found at home and sort them into those which are safe/unsafe to eat. Discuss results. NB skull and cross bones sign. P4 term toxic Ask chn to suggest where the unsafe items should be stored. In groups ask chn to study objects found at home and suggest whether they are safe or unsafe for chn. Pool ideas. Qus & Ans
Show chn a board game involving journey to school, explore dangers and suggest others. Play game in S. Play / Empty food packaging
Sorting circles
Paper for labels
Food pyramid poster
Blank food pyramid
Pictures of food
Block chart kit
Starting Graph software
Hungry Caterpillar bk - Eric Carle
Caterpillar toy
Junk Art materials, split pins, egg cartons, cellotape
Empty food packaging
Sorting circles
Healthy Eating poster
Oral – teeth pack
Healthy Teeth poster
Brushing charts & certificates
Food – yoghurt, bread, crisps, apples, sweets
Paper towels,
Prediction sheets
Results sheets
Conclusion sheets
Pictures of people exercising
Exercise sheet
Health Ed book pg 44
Health Ed book pg 45
Construction material e.g. art straws, kitchen roll tubes, corriflute, string, cellotape, glue guns, junk materials
Investigation posters, results sheet, conclusion sheet.
Hygiene products empty packaging
Health Education book
Pictures of activities
Sorting sheet
Health Education book pg 71-71
matches, tablets, scissors
Science Activity book pg 2
Health Education book pg 41 / Ability to classify foods and describe classification
Sorting food into healthy/unhealthy categories correctly.
Describing meaning of terms healthy, unhealthy and balanced diet
Placing food in correct groups on food pyramid poster
Ability to construct block and bar charts and interpret results
Ability to plan, carry out and evaluate designs making suggestions for improvement.
Sorting food into healthy/unhealthy categories correctly.
Explaining 5 steps to healthy eating
Describing jobs our teeth do P4 language incisors, canines, molars
P4 explaining 5 steps to maintain healthy teeth, P 3 recall at least 3 steps
Describing what happens to our teeth if we don’t look after them P4 term plaque
Marking worksheet
Ability to sort foods and describe criteria
Discussion work
Observation during investigative work
Ability to draw conclusions
Class discussion
Defining term exercise
Ability to comment on effect exercise has on our bodies
Sorting activities in order of preference
Drawing conclusions from results
Playing game fairly
Ability to plan, carry out and evaluate designs making suggestions for improvement
Ability to suggest type of jump and appropriate time period.
Paying attention to fair testing
Recording results accurately and drawing conclusions.
Ability to identify personal hygiene products and suggest what they are used for.
Defining term hygiene
Brainstorming activity
Discussion work
Ability to sort hygiene pictures accurately
Ability to explain danger associated with household items
Awareness of terms safe, dangerous, P4 hazardous, toxic, poisonous
Sorting items according to whether or not they are safe to eat.
Discussion work
Playing board game fairly / English
(I love Science and
My World software)
ICT (Starting Graph software)
ICT ( My
World 3 software)
(I love Science
and My World 3