ATTENDING: M. Mulrooney, J. Mulrooney, B. Bezeau, D. Walbank, M. Furlot, G. Haukenfrers, P. Williams, P. Moore, J. Phillips, J. Crowther
MINUTES OF LAST MTG: m/s/c M. Mulrooney, B. Bezeau
MOTION: The Rotary Club of Ladysmith will not apply for individual Directors Insurance for directors and officers as no other clubs want to do it according to L. Harder, the district liability ins. agent, and it would be very costly to do it alone. m/s/c P. Williams, J. Phillips
MOTION: For all future club public events , the chairperson will advise the district insurance agent of all the details of the event and will receive written confirmation from the Insurance Carrier that we are indeed covered for liability insurance for the said event inclusive of all workers, Rotarians, guests, attendee's , patrons and participants. m/s/c D. Walbank, J. Mulrooney
MOTION: The Rotary Club of Ladysmith will advise District 5020 of the deficiencies of our current group liability policy and advise the district that they should perhaps look into the insurance that other districts have. m/s/c J. Mulrooney, G. Haukenfrers.
TREASURER’S REPORT: m/s/c as presented J. Mulrooney, M. Furlot
General Fund- $28,144.21
Gaming Fund- $ 2,654.01
MOTION: To table the idea that all monies from 50-50 and fines and auctions within the club should be dedicated to costs of installation. m/s/c B. Bezeau, M. Furlot.
It was discussed to apprise the members at a general meeting where the money goes and that the installation and Xmas party are subsidized already in the budget by an amount equal to that raised by fines etc.
-“Guess Who's Coming to Dinner” event had 40 participants and five host homes. Everyone had an excellent time.
-Award applications for awards presented at the District Conf. are being distributed to the different avenues of service to see if we qualify for any awards.
Possible fireside for new members - date to be announced
-Latest community donations- Ladysmith Community Policing- $200, Sea Isle Volleyball Team $300, Cancer Society Palliative Care $300, Cowichan Valley Hospice $300 Cedar Senior Basketball Team
MOTION: To approve the following community donations
$500- Ladysmith Marine Rescue, $400- Air Cadets Squadron 257, $2,500--Ladysmith Historical Society
m/s/c G.Haukefrers, B.Bezeau
Must be a community organization. $100 deposit on pickup and upon return if the propane tanks are full and all equipment is in good condition then a refund is given less the $25 rental fee. Only one or two Rotarians will be in charge of letting out equipment and getting it back intact.
Discussion on signage by the executive. A letter is missing from last year on the status of golf course signage. D. Walbank will follow up on it.
- NEW STORAGE SHED- G. Haukenfrers has a key. We are waiting for a lease proposal from the town on the rental of the new facility. A work party is needed to build shelves and move the equipment from the old shed. New shed is approximately 700 square feet in area.
Saturday April 26, 2008 is Community Labor Day. All service clubs to participate in community project with blood, sweat and tears.
Wheelchairs and Walkers- approx. 130 plus delivered so far, with future walkers being sent to Oaxaca due to terrain
Requesting B.C. Ferries to help out with reduced travel prices for the project as a Partner in our Wheel Chairs to Mexico project.
ShelterBoxes- Club raised funds for two with Doug Galloway and Penny Ryan winning the tax receipt.
Mid-Island Community Service group
15 of 17 Mid Island Clubs are on board so far with a $500 from each club donated as seed money.
Projects as noted:
1. Etta (gardens in Bolivia) $5000 with matching grants
2. Ghana( Sunyani primary school) $ 3400 earmarked so far. NRD and Malaspina College, lso involved in the community there.
3. Infantile Hospital Unit in México requires a Transformer. Ladysmith will present a proposal to the Mid Island Community Service group for adoption as a major project. D. Walbank and A. Lomax will outline the project to our club soon and then to District on May 3rd
MOTION: To support the hospital transformer project in principle. Cost is about $23,000 and to be purchased locally in Mexico. M/s/c G.Haukefrers, M. Furlot
Kiva loans $500. Loans are being paid back.
LSS- STARR GROUP- School in Nepal- unable to support from club funds for now perhaps in next year’s budget
International Exchange team from India needs pickup on Fri. June 6 from Qualicum and hosted for two nights (six homes needed) and then take to 10:30 Mill Bay ferry Sunday, June 8. Note: Rotary mtg. of June 5 moved to Sat. June 7
- J. Mulrooney, M. Mulrooney and B. and J. Bradshaw had a great exchange in the Delhi area of India during Feb.08. Hopefully a Club presentation on their trip TBA.
- Possible vegetarian potluck supper to honour our visiting Rotarians June 7
-Two students were interviewed and placed in RYLA and Adventures in Citizenship.
-District 5020 Abuse and Harassment Policy has been signed and sent back.
- Club has a new benefactor.
- To become a benefactor a codicil or update to your will must be done in order to ensure request.
-Mary will help R. Stokes follow up on donations to foundation.
We currently have 49 members on our rooster.
- Prospective member- Cheryl Leukefeld- Mortgage broker, -public speaker and motivator, commentator and coordinator of fashion shows, raising funds for comm. services -also fundraiser for Salt Spring Food Bank, School supplies for Kids(Saltspring), Transition House (Saltspring),
B.C. Breast Cancer, B.C. Heart and Stroke
-Induction date tba
- G. Haukenfrers is new chair of the mid island rotary PR group-mid island phone book has very effective pages on Rotary . Support the Mid-Island phone book. Gerold announced Mid Island Initiatives such as bus benches, possible Highway Billboard.
- MOTION: To contribute $150 to the new Mid-Island PR group m/s/c G. Haukenfrers J.Phillips
MOTION: The 5 Nanaimo Rotary Clubs to use our float and trailer for Empire Days...m/s/c G.Haukefrers, D. Walbank
District Conference in Parkville May 29- June 1st, 2008
Club Installation- June 21 at Eagles Hall
Next meeting Wednesday April 16, 2008 at LRCA 5:30 pm
Meeting adjourned- moved by D. Walbank