
This plan was developed by a committee of District 7610 Past District Governors to replace the Rotary District 7610 Strategic Plan for 2014-2017. It is intended for use by the District Governor and others in district leadershippositions in preparing for and performing their duties. Club leaders are also encouraged to review the District plan as part of their efforts to create and maintain their club strategic plan.

The Rotary Code of Policies, 17.010.1, states that “The activities and organization of a Rotary district shall exist solely(emphasis added) to help the clubs advance the object of Rotary.”

The object of Rotary is as follows:

“The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:

  • FIRST: The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;
  • SECOND: High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society;
  • THIRD: The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life;
  • FOURTH: The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.”

Given the foregoing, the committee has crafted the following vision statement for the District:

“Rotary District 7610 will advance the Object of Rotary by supporting its dynamic, action-oriented clubs whose contributions improve lives locally and world-wide.”

The essence of the plan lies in the three strategic priorities:


The Rotary Foundation

Communications and Public Image

Strategic Priority Number One: Membership

GOAL: Involve and educate all Rotarians in attracting, developing, maintaining, increasing, and understanding the importance of engaged membership and the significance of attrition.

Objective #1: Attract, recruit and engage diversity of membership.

Objective #2: Engage, develop and retain current members, while fully understanding the impact of attrition on membership.

Objective #3: Intensify leadership development efforts with focused mentoring and grooming of Rotarians interested in future district leadership. Utilize the Rotary Leadership Institute.

Objective #4: Investigate non-traditional membership forums and intentional strategies.

Objective #5: Create a Membership Task Forceto sustain the district and club focus on the importance of membership management.

Strategic Priority Number Two: The Rotary Foundation

Goal #1: Orient district training and other district events to emphasize that The Rotary Foundation can be leveraged for many club humanitarian and educational projects, both local and international.

Objective #1: Develop and implement a standard training package that informs clubs how they can utilize The Rotary Foundation’s grants and programs to their advantage in carrying out their service projects.

Objective #2: Publicize examples of these successful endeavors in District media.

Goal #2: Increase club use of Global Grants, including the utilization of partnerships, in aid of substantial and sustainable humanitarian projects worldwide.

Objective #1: Hold regional “how-to-do-it” seminars that motivate and train clubs to apply for Global Grants.

Objective #2: Publish opportunities for clubs to partner with other District clubs in pursuing amply-budgeted and DDF-supported international service projects by using Global Grants.

Strategic Priority Number Three: Communications and Public Image

Goal #1:Provide all Rotarians with tools to access, use, and share information important to successful club and District operations.

Objective #1:Refocus and orient District training to Increase member use of the District database and Rotary Club Central.

Objective #2: Ensure and complete an accurate District database and webpage.


Goal #2 Encourage clubs to develop a strong Rotary image within their communities

Objective #1: Increase public awareness of Rotary and the service to the community by advertising and promoting the Rotary brand.

Objective #2: Orient District training to show clubs and leaders how to leverage the benefits of social media.

Objective #3: Encourage and promote attendance at Rotary International Conventions.

Objective #4: Increase awareness of Rotary sponsorship of youth activities and what these youth organizations are doing for the community.