Rotary District 5370 District Simplified Grant Guidelines 2012/13
The Rotary Foundation’s Humanitarian Grants Program brings Rotary Clubs together in local or International partnerships that can fill a need in your community and promote understanding between different cultures worldwide. Clubs are encouraged to use Humanitarian Grants to help fund projects that achieve a better world through:
Basic Education and Literacy.
Disease Prevention and Treatment.
Water and Sanitation.
Maternal and Child Health.
Economic and Community Development.
Peace & Conflict Resolution.
District Simplified Grants give Clubs an opportunity to use part of the District 5370 Designated funds to implement Service and/or Humanitarian Projects.
Source of Funds
The District has requested up to 20 percent of the District Designated Funds (DDF) to be used as the funding source for District Simplified Grants. For Rotary year 2012/2013 this amount is approximately $30,000 in Canadian Currency.
Program Requirements
- Grants must comply with the Terms and Conditions of District Simplified Grant Award and Acceptance which are similar to all Grant Programs. This is a dollar to dollar Matching Grant.
- Grants must respect the wishes of the receiving community, and strive to understand and appreciate that country’s traditions and culture.
- Grants require the Direct Involvement of Rotarians wherever they may be, to:
- Assess the community needs and develop a Project plan
- Establish a committee of at least three Rotarians to oversee the expenditure of the funds
- Oversee grant funds
- Implement Project and complete during current Rotary year.
- Provide evidence of community involvement and ownership
- Organize meetings with local service providers, local officials, and/or local recipients and
- Promote Projects in local media
Policies and Guidelines
- Projects must be initiated by a Rotary Club in the Project location.
- Grant funds cannot be used for:
- Reimbursement of existing projects
- Construction or renovation
- Salaries, stipends, or honorariums
- Operating expenses of another organization or
- Personal or professional development.
- Because of the limited amount of dollars available for Rotary year 2012/2013, Grants will be restricted to one Grant per project per Club, maximum $1500.
- Clubs are requested to provide a simple publicity plan to have their contribution along with the Rotary Foundation Funds, acknowledged in all cases.
- Final Reports,Forms and receipts for funds used on any previous DSG must be received before any new Grant Application will be accepted for consideration.
Reporting Requirements
Applications must be completed online and Emailed to the Grants Sub-Committee Chair, whose contact information is at the bottom of this page.
Format is Microsoft Word please. Scanned Signature page in PDF please.
Mailed applications can no longer be accepted.
Final Reports
You must provide a Final Report for your Project in the same Rotary year that the Grant is issued, by March 1, 2013.
The Final Report must include:
- A clearly detailed and organized report of all expenses.
- Copies of receipts for valid expenses to verify the expenditure of the District Simplified Matching Grant and the matching Club funds.
- Copies of publicity information used and a photograph of Rotarians “in action” participating in the Project.
- A detailed account of how Rotarians participated in the implementation of the Grant, which reflects their requiredRotarian Activities: and
- A narrative that includes information on the implementation of the project(s) and how the experience gained from it will inform/guide the District for the next Rotary year.
Grant Application Form
A Rotary District 5370 District Simplified Grant Application form is posted on the District 5370 home page, in the Foundation Downloads section.
Please contact John Stoddart, your District Simplified Grants Sub-Committee Chair.
He can be reached at