1914 – 2000

MS 23

Municipal Archives

Windsor Public Library

Acc. Nos. 1987/14 Paul Kroeker

1988/30 Student Intern

1989/20 1988


1991/15/23/28 Revised

1992/24/30/43/56 Paul Leatherdale

1993/20 Archivist

1994/2 1996


1996/1/3/8/13/16/19 Revised

2015/3 Michael Fish




MS 23

Box and Unit Listing

Content Note

Historical Notes

Summary of Records

Series Description

RAD Entry


MS 23

Box 1 I - 1- /7

II – 1/1 - /19

Box 2 II – 1/20 - /32

II – 3/1 - /6

III – 1/1 - /6

Box 3 II – 2/1 - /47

Box 4 III – 1/7 - /32

III 2/1

IV – 1 - /6

Box 5 IV 7 - /19


MS 23

This fonds contains the records of the Rotary Club of Windsor, spanning the years 1914 to 1966.

The fonds is divided into five series: Executive Records 1918 – 1982 (not inclusive); Operational Records 1924 – 1996 (not inclusive); Financial Records 1930-1981 (not inclusive); Community and International Service Records 1934 – 1983 (not inclusive); and Photographs 1914 – 1989 (not inclusive).

The first series, Executive Records, is composed of records relating to the administration of the Rotary Club of Windsor. Records within this series span the years 1918 – 1982. Included in the series are the Club’s application for membership, letters patent, constitution and by-laws as well as minutes of the Board of Directors.

The second series, spanning 1924 to 1996, consists of records created as a result of the functioning and activity of Windsor’s Rotary Club. The Operational Records series is divided into three sub-series: General Correspondence and Reports, Membership Rosters and The Wheel Included in General Correspondence and Reports are addresses, banners, correspondence, reports, newspaper clippings, bulletins, pamphlets and programmes. Researchers should note that this sub-series contains two reports documenting the history of the Rotary Club of Windsor. The Membership Rosters contain listing of the executive and membership of the Club from 1932 to 1985. The series also includes he newsletter for the Rotary Club of Windsor, The Wheel. The collection contains The Wheel for the year 1932, as well as 1992 through 1996 and 1998 through 2000.

Series three, Financial Records, spans the years 1930 to 1981. Included in this series are the general financial statements for the years 1930 to 1966 as well as the Foundation Fund financial statements for 1981.

The fourth series, Community and International Service Records, consists of records documenting the Club’s community involvement and charity work. Records within this series span the years 1934 to 1983. Included in the series are memoranda, notes, an article, an invitation, reports, a brochure, sketches, correspondence, contracts, financial records and minutes.

Photographs, the fifth series, spans the years 1914 to 1989. The series consists of photographs and negatives documenting the Club’s presidents, Reggie Topping as the Easter Seals “Timmy” and community events. Also included are slides documenting several community events from the 1960’s.

The records within this fonds were donated to the Municipal Archives by the Club in 1987. Further accruals were received in 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 and 2015.


MS 23

The Rotary Club of Windsor was formed in September, 1918, as a chapter of the United Council of Rotary Clubs, founded in Chicago by Paul P. Harris in 1905. Four men were responsible for bringing the organization to Windsor: Clarence H. Smith, Dr. John G. Coleridge, Alexander Peddie and Harry J. Neal, the club’s first President.

The purpose of the club was to encourage business and professional men to give service to their community and to allow these men to become acquainted with each other. The Rotary Club of Windsor quickly became involved in community service. Over the last seventy years, the club has been involved in many activities, such as summer camps and Christmas parties for children, hospital and wartime fundraising, community swimming pools and most importantly assisting crippled children. The Windsor chapter was responsible for the establishment of the Ontario Society for Cripple Children in 1922 and also for the building of the Essex County Children’s Rehabilitation Centre in 1976.

The Windsor chapter has also been actively involved in the activities of Rotary International and has belonged to a variety of district affiliations which have always included Rotary chapters in the United States. The International Dinner is an important annual event and has included such prominent speakers as the Peruvian ambassador to Canada, Max de la Fuente and the Honourable Paul Martin, former Liberal Cabinet Minister and Ambassador to Great Britain.


MS 23

Summary of the Records

I EXECUTIVE RECORDS 1918 – 1982 (not inclusive)

II OPERATIONAL RECORDS 1924 – 2000 (not inclusive)

1. General Correspondence and Reports 1924 – 1991 (not inclusive)

2. Membership Rosters 1932 – 1985 (not inclusive)

3. The Wheel (newsletter) 1932 – 2000 (not inclusive)

III FINANCIAL RECORDS 1930 – 1981 (not inclusive)

1. General Financial Statements 1930 – 1966 (not inclusive)

2. Foundation Fund Financial Statements 1981


1934 – 1983 (not inclusive)

V PHOTOGRAPHS & SLIDES 1914 – 1989 (not inclusive)


MS 23 I

Unit Description Date

1 - Application for membership 1918

2 - Foundation Fund – Letters Patent 1947

3 - Constitution and By-laws [between 1918 and 1938]

4 - Constitution and By-laws 1961

5 - Constitution and By-laws 1973

6 - Constitution and By-laws 1982

7 - Board of Directors Minutes 1968 – 1969


MS 23 II-1 General Correspondence and Reports 1924 – 1991 (not inclusive)

Unit Description Date Remarks

1 -Addresses 1962, [197-?]

2 -“Arthur S. Fitzgerald Day” 1949

3 -Banners [19-?]

4 -Cantelon, W. Henry [1938?]

5 -Certificates – Senior Active Membership 1962

and Honorary Member

6 -Correspondence 1943

7 -Dick Hedke Award Questionnaire 1986

8 -Dick Hedke Memorial Award Submission 1976

9 -Dick Hedke Memorial Award Submission 1983

10 -Dick Hedke Memorial Award Submission 1985

11 -Dick Hedke Memorial Award Submission 1986

12 -Dick Hedke Memorial Award Submission 1987

13 -Dick Hedke Memorial Award Submission 1988

14 -Dick Hedke Memorial Award Submission 1990

15 -Four Way Test 1981

16 -Hawkeswood, Edwin ‘Ted’: Tribute 1991

17 -History: Correspondence 1960-1980

18 -History: District Affiliation 1970

19 -History: “Historic Windsor” 1947

20 -History: “History of the Rotary Club of 1971


21 -History: “History of the Rotary Club of 1980

Windsor 1970 – 1979”

22 -History: 39th Anniversary Radio Address 1944

23 -Membership Lists 1933, 1982

24 -Newspaper Clippings 1977-1978

25 -Paul Harris Fellowship: Hon. Paul Martin [between

Recipient 1960 & 1980]

26 -Programmes: International Day 1929-1982

27 -Programmes: Meetings and Conferences 1924-1982

28 -Rotary International: “Around the Rotary 1942-1944

World in Wartime” bulletins

29 -Rotary International: “Here and There in [1941?]

Rotary” bulletin

30 -Rotary International: pamphlets and 1945-1957


31 -Rotary International: 75the Anniversary 1980 Includes local


32 -Trivia [1972?, 198-?]


MS 23 II-2 Membership Rosters 1932 – 1985 (not inclusive)

Unit Date

1 - 1932 – 1933

2 - 1934 – 1935

3 - 1935 – 1936

4 - 1937 – 1938

5 - 1938 – 1939

6 - 1939 – 1940

7 - 1940 – 1941

8 - 1941 – 1942

9 - 1942 – 1943

10 - 1943 – 1944

11 - 1945 – 1946

12 - 1946 – 1947

13 - 1947 – 1948

14 - 1950 – 1951

15 - 1951 – 1952

16 - 1952 – 1953

17 - 1953 – 1954

18 - 1954 – 1955

19 - 1955

20 - 1955 – 1956

21 - 1956 – 1957

22 - 1957 – 1958

23 - 1958 – 1959

24 - 1959 – 1960

25 - 1960 – 1961

26 - 1961 – 1962

27 - 1962 – 1963

28 - 1963 – 1964

29 - 1964 – 1965

30 - 1965 – 1966

31 - 1966 – 1967

32 - 1967 – 1968

33 - 1968 – 1969

34 - 1969 – 1970

35 - 1970 – 1971

36 - 1971 – 1972

37 - 1972 – 1973

38 - 1973 – 1974

39 - 1974 – 1975

40 - 1975 – 1976

MS 23 II


MS 23 II-2 MEMBERSHIP ROSTERS 1932 – 1985 (not inclusive) - continued

Unit Date

41 - 1976 – 1977

42 - 1977 – 1978

43 - 1978 – 1979

44 - 1980 – 1981

45 - 1982 – 1983

46 - 1983 – 1984

47 - 1984 – 1985

MS 23 II-3 THE WHEEL (NEWSLETTER) 1932 – 2000 (not inclusive)

Unit Date

1 - 1932

2 - 1992

3 - 1993

4 - 1994

5 - 1995

6 - 1996

7 - 1998

8 - 1999

9 - 2000


MS 23 III-1 GENERAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1930-1996 (not inclusive)

Unit Date

1 - 1930-1932

2 - 1933

3 - 1935

4 - 1936

5 - 1937

6 - 1938

7 - 1940

8 - 1942

9 - 1943

10 - 1944

11 - 1945

12 - 1946

13 - 1947

14 - 1948

15 - 1949

16 - 1950

17 - 1951

18 - 1952

19 - 1953

20 - 1954

21 - 1955

22 - 1956

23 - 1957

24 - 1958

25 - 1959

26 - 1960

27 - 1961

28 - 1962

29 - 1963

30 - 1964

31 - 1965

32 - 1966


Unit Date

1 - 1981


MS 23 IV

Unit Description Date Remarks

1 -“Border Boy’s Review” 1934

2 -Children’s Rehabilitation Centre: memoranda, 1974

notes and appendices

3 -Children’s Rehabilitation Centre: Invitation to 1977

Sod Turning

4 -Children’s Rehabilitation Centre: article 1980

5 -Easter Seals Campaign 1971

6 -Easter Seals Campaign: Reggie Topping as 1982-1983


7 -HMCS “Border Cities” 1944

8 -Hospital Fundraising 1962-1966

9 -Mobile Kitchen 1941

10 -Ontario Society for Crippled Children 1957,1970,1972

11 -Refugees 1979

12 -Report: Facilities for Severely Handicapped 1967


13 -Swimming Pool-Prince Road Park: Dedication 1960

Ceremony Brochure

14 -Swimming Pool-Prince road Park: Preliminary 1959


15 - Swimming Pool-Prince Road Park: Soil 1960


16 -Swimming Pool-shore Acres: Contracts 1953-1954 blueprints

17 -Swimming Pool-shore Acres: Correspondence 1953-1955

18 -Swimming Pool-shore Acres: Financial Records 1953-1954

19 -Swimming Pool-shore Acres: Minutes 1953-1954


MS 23 V - PHOTOGRAPHS & SLIDES 1914-1989 (not inclusive)

Unit Description Date Remarks

1 -Harry J. Neal [1919?] PC/2396

2 -George E. Rason [1920?] PC/2397

3 -Edward C. Kenning [1921?] PC/2398

4 -Edward C. Kenning 1914 PC/2399

5 -Oliver M. Perry 1922 PC/2400

6 -Arthur S. Fitzgerald [1923?] PC/2401

7 -Sidney C. Robinson [1924?] PC/2402

8 -Robert T. Herdegen [1925?] PC/2403

9 -E. Hamilton Collins [1926?] PC/2404

10 -William J. Burns [1927?] PC/2405

11 -James C. Scofield [1928?] PC/2406

12 -H. Cam McMordie [1929?] PC/2407

13 -Charles S. Porter [1930?] PC/2408

14 -Pearson Wells [1931?] PC/2409

15 -Charles M. Reynett [1932?] PC/2410

16 -James S. Allan [1933?] PC/2411

17 -B. Ross McKenzie [1934?] PC/2412

18 -Joseph H. Carson [1935?] PC/2413

19 -Walter F. Musselman [1936?] PC/2414

20 -George E. Searle [1937?] PC/2415

21 -W. Henry Cantelon [1938?] PC/2416

22 -George M. Duck [1939?] PC/2417

23 -W. Donald McGregor [1940?] PC/2418

24 -Russel B. Robson [1941?] PC/2419

25 -Edward C. Grundy [1942?] PC/2420

26 -H.O. Palmer [1943?] PC/2421

27 -Stan M. Asselstine [1944?] PC/2422

28 -Harry M. Wilson [1945?] PC/2423

29 -T. Roy Noble [1946?] PC/2424

30 -John F. Smith [1947?] PC/2425

31 -H. Ray Wickham [1948?] PC/2426

32 -John W. Holzhauser [1949?] PC/2427

33 -Robert B. Turner [1950?] PC/2428

34 -Carl T. Carson [1951?] PC/2429

35 -Wm. J. Carter [1952?] PC/2430

36 -L. McGill Allan [1953?] PC/2431

37 -Charles A. Bell [1954?] PC/2432

38 -T. Clement White [1955?] PC/2433

39 -Harold M. Gregory [1956?] PC/2434

40 -George E. White [1957?] PC/2435

MS 23 V - PHOTOGRAPHS & SLIDES 1914-1989 (not inclusive) - continued

Unit Description Date Remarks

41 -Clare R. MacLeod [1958?] PC/2436

42 -G. Allan Buchanan [1959?] PC/2437

43 -Bruce J. Macdonald [1960?] PC/2438

44 -W. Roy Waddell [1961?] PC/2439

45 -Eli G. Goldin [1962?] PC/2440

46 -A. R. “Bob” Davidson [1963?] PC/2441

47 -M. Frank Brobst [1964?] PC/2442

48 -R. R. “Bob” Farrow [1965?] PC/2443

49 -John McGivney [1966?] PC/2444

50 -Reg. J. Service [1968?] PC/2445

51 -R. G. Lancaster [1969?] PC/2446

52 -Alex Stuart [1971?] PC/2447

53 -Ted Hawkeswood [1972?] PC/2448

54 -Billy L. Spindler [1973?] PC/2449

55 -Reggie Topping [1982?] PC/2450

56 -Group of people eating in front of the Mobile [1941?] PC/2451


57 -Marty Goldberg with Reggie Topping 5 Mar 1982 PC/2452

58 -Reggie Topping with John Millson 1981 PC/2453

59 -Rotary Walk-a-thon 11 Apr 1981 PC/2454

60 -Rotary Walk-a-thon 11 Apr 1981 PC/2455

61 -Group of people by the Mobile kitchen [1941?] PC/2456

62 -Men in uniform by the Mobile kitchen [1941?] PC/2457

63 -Group of people by the Mobile kitchen [1941?] PC/2458

64 -Marty Goldberg and Reggie Topping at a rest stop 11 Apr 1981 PC/2459

65 -Reggie Topping and Marty Goldberg at the finish 11 Apr 1981 PC/2460

66 -Paul P. Harris, Founder of Rotary [19--?] PC/2461

67 -George Steinbrenner, Reggie Topping and 11 Feb 1982 PC/2462

Tommy Lasorda

68 -Gary Carter, Reggie Topping and Steve Rogers 11 Feb 1982 PC/2463

69 -Reggie Topping and Sean O’Sullivan 11 Feb 1982 PC/2464

70 -Group of men singing [197-?] PC/2465

71 -Nancy Kralovic (“Tammy”) kissing Reggie 1981 PC/2466


72 -Banquet at the Cleary Auditorium [197-?] PC/2467

73 -Don Griffin, Reggie Topping and Prime Minister 24 Feb 1982 PC/2468

Pierre Elliot Trudeau

74 -Reggie Topping and Prime Minister Pierre Elliot 24 Feb 1982 PC/2469


75 -Reggie Topping and Herb Gray 23 Feb 1982 PC/2470

76 -Reggie Topping and Eugene Whelan 24 Feb 1982 PC/2471

MS 23 V - PHOTOGRAPHS & SLIDES 1914-1989 (not inclusive) - continued

Unit Description Date Remarks

77 -Bill Luxton, Reggie Topping and Margaret 24 Feb 1982 PC/2472