Non-Student Related




FOR ROTARY YEAR 2009 - 2010

The Rotary Club of Temple South will provide funding for a limited number of community service projects for Rotary year 2009-2010. Projects should be designed to help people help themselves while benefiting their local community. In addition projects should promote personal responsibility of project participants.

Application Process

Completed applications should be forwarded to:

The Service Projects Chairperson,

3032 So. 31st Street, pmb #117,

Temple, TX. 76502.

Or, email to

Applications will be given priority from July 1 through August 31, 2009.

After 31 August, 2009 funding will be considered if all available funds have not been allocated.

Project Criteria

  1. Projects must not directly benefit a Rotarian.
  2. Project funds may not be used for administrative overhead costs.
  3. Funds may not be used to purchase land or buildings.
  4. Projects must be Rotary sponsored and publicly identified as such.
  5. It is expected our Club’s current commitment will be completed within the current club year.
  6. People benefiting from the project should participate in the project.
  7. Project sponsors must provide a final report of how the funds were used. The report is due immediately upon the completion of the project.
  8. The projects must provide a long-term benefit to the community.

The Rotary Board will review all requests and rank them according to the following guidelines:

  • Specific need for a particular project
  • Project’s long-term plans
  • Long-term benefits to the community
  • How people who benefit will participate
  • Number of Rotarians needed to participate in each project
  • Funds requested

Please type all information and use additional sheets of paper if necessary.

  1. Describe the project’s objectives and physical location.
  1. Starting & ending dates of project.
  1. Describe how people who will benefit from the project will participate in the project.
  1. Describe how the project will benefit the community.
  1. Describe the non-financial participation of Rotarians in the project.
  1. List Rotarians who will provide oversight and management of the project.



Phone number



Secondary Contact Name


Phone number



  1. Describe how the general public will know that this a Rotary-sponsored project. Please provide details e.g., who will take pictures to put in the newspaper and other publications, arrange TV coverage, other PR, etc.
  1. Other Organizations: if the project involves a cooperating organization, please provide the name of the organization below and state their responsibilities and how Rotarians will interact with the organization in the project.
  1. Budget: Please provide an itemized budget for the amount requested.

Item DescriptionCost

Budget Total:

  1. Funds to be provided by the club:

Item DescriptionCost

Total Amount Requested:

  1. Funds to be provided by others: Amount
  1. Describe the individuals or organization making this request.

Include: Name, Address, Purpose/Mission, Members, Non-Profit status,

Length of Time in Service, Source of Funds, etc.

  1. By signing this application, project sponsors endorse the organization as reputable, responsible and acting within the stated criteria.

Signature of sponsor requesting funds:Date: