Rotary Club of Point West – Sacramento

Minutes of the Board of Directors

Meeting of August 11, 2015

2700 Watt Ave., Sacramento, CA

Board Members Present:

Toney Sebra, Rich Graber, Desirée Wilson, Dan Baker, Dave Black, Rich Fathy, Karl Forste, Samantha Hoshida, Carl Naake, Tony Park, Maia Schneider, Dan Stouder, Beth Leonard Schatz

Board Members Absent:

Joan Thompson

Other Club Officials Present:

Matt Byers, Bea Maurer

Guests Present:

Rick Bixler, Russ Fujii, Janet Meredith, John Price (prospective member)

Call to Order and Determination of Quorum

President Sebra called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. and determined a quorum was present.

Secretary’s Report

Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the regular meeting of July 14, 2015 were presented for approval. Two changes were made to clarify the minutes (i.e. names for “2nds” of motion actions). A motion to approve the minutes as amended was made by Dan Stouder, seconded by Rich Graber and passed unanimously.

Attendance: The Club’s current year’s attendance through 7/31/15was reported, and there are 13 members below 50%, representing 9% of the total club. It was suggested that the names of these 13 members be cross-referenced against the members whose dues remain unpaid to determine whether they may be intending to not continue as members. Club Secretary agreed to do so and report to the Membership Chair.

Membership Changes: Club received on 8/10/15 the application (and dues payment) for membership from prior long-term member Jerry Reguera, which was accepted; Board accepted the resignation of Jamie Nelson, effective 6/30/15.

Leaves of Absence: Samantha Hoshida reported on the status of the Club’s two leaves of absence which expired at end of the last term: Walter Helm, Paul Adams. Walter Helm has requested that his leave of absence be extended through 12/31/2015, which was approved. (Moved by Rich Fathy, seconded by Dan Stouder; approved unanimously.) No action required on Paul Adams, who is reactivating his membership.

Honorary Members: President Sebra proposed that the Club consider making prior long-time contributing club member Dick Oliver an Honorary member, in light of challenging health issues. Action to make Dick Oliver an Honorary member was approved. (Motion by Rich Fathy, seconded by Karl Forste, unanimously approved.) The Board may consider having a meeting to honor him at a later date.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Dave Black provided the financial report and statements for the period ending 7/31/2015, which reflected revenue of $44.6k (primarily dues) expenses of $13.9k, net income of $30.7k, and an equity of $75.0k. The report was accepted by the Board.

New Members

President Sebra noted that the club has two new member applications pending (John Price and Eddie Sapigao). John was present for his Board interview, however Eddie was not.

John Price is sponsored by Tony Park and Steve Morrow. The Board interviewed him and subsequently approved his membership, subject to usual posting. (Moved by Rich Fathy, seconded by Maia Schneider, unanimously approved.)

·  Following the discussion, the Board agreed that each new member be assigned a Board “Mentor” to ensure immediate engagement with the club. Rich Fathy was designated as mentor for new member John Price.

·  Assignment of Mentors for future new members is the responsibility of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) Bea Maurer, to be integrated as part of the New Member Orientation process. Also to be incorporated is the Club’s role as a Leadership Development organization, as suggested by Maia Schneider.

President’s Report

Old Business

Budget Modification: President Sebra reported that budget modifications included a new $7500 income item from the PWR Foundation for events management and inclusion of the full $2400 “Storage” line item (offsetting a part of the income item) going forward. A budgeted item for District Assembly is not needed.

Rotary Van: President Sebra provided an update on the purchase of a van by the District, primarily to be used to transport youth in the district: $4000 was previously approved by the club as PWR’s contribution, with several other clubs participating (e.g. Arden, East Sacramento, Carmichael). The van will be “wrapped” with suitable Rotary identification; the Sacramento Parks and Recreation Department has reportedly agreed to pay for the van’s maintenance and insurance.

New Business

Grant Review Committee update: Russ Fujii, GRC Chair, provided an update to the Board on the Committee’s activities. An estimated 9000 children were impacted by the 2014-2015 grants made. Current year’s budget is $80k, vs. the $135k previously thought available due to certain monies being pre-approved by the Board as part of the budgeting process. Applications totaling about $40k have been received to date.

·  At its July 8 meeting the GRC committee had some discussion on the possibility of awarding fewer larger grants in lieu of a large number of smaller grants. At that meeting Maia Schneider offered to put together for the GR Committee some ideas regarding an approach to awarding grants.

PWR Fundraising/ Donor Fatigue: President Sebra: Per action at last board meeting, he has prepared draft for a potential member survey, though it is still in progress. A high priority for the club is to finalize a list (ultimately for all members, existing and potential) which reflects both the financial and “active” (e.g. time) participation requirements of each member. Toney will circulate to the Board for input upon completion.

·  Based on the club’s current age demographics (which were provided to the Board by President Sebra), he feels it is important that the membership requirements be revamped in order to improve the club’s demographics, namely attract younger members (who typically would have less financial resources and more time)—it’s important that expectations be set, and that they be appropriate to attract new members, in light of financial limitations.

·  Some discussion held regarding ways to accommodate new members to encourage those with strong interest but limited financial resources, but no decisions reached; PP Graber will prepare a list of the “fixed” costs associated with each member that the Club is responsible for, to use for consideration in the discussion of a “minimum” required joining fee for younger new members.

Festa di Vino status: Toney is presently awaiting a budget from the Festa Committee for next year’s event, but the event is proceeding nonetheless. Sierra Forever Families is again actively involved.

Board/ Other Officials’ Reports

Samantha Hoshida- Club Service 2: Cocktail party date to be set for October; Anne Baron has offered to have the party in her home.

Dan Baker-Youth Services: Encina Boosters kickoff is 8/11/15.

Matt Byers- Public Image:

·  $32k Brewfest revenues to date; pubs begin sales this week.

·  The PWR Foundation received a grant for a new website (via a grant from Fuel Creative Group); building the site now.

Desiree Wilson- President-Elect:

·  Annual District Dinner (November 7) @ Doubletree- Committee members from PWR are Desiree, Jennifer Curtsinger, Tony Park, theme of Rotary on the Red Carpet, will be significant departure from past dinners. Club has two tables committed and pays for members for the dinner (guests $55 until 9/1, or $65 if later); Bea Maurer taking signups.

·  Square clarification; Club has six accounts with Square: Festa, Brewfest, Lunar Lunacy, Golf, Club operating expenses and Foundation. Provides online access for Credit Card Acceptance, for which club pays a transaction fee. Desiree will distribute these accounts to all Board Members for their information/ reference.

Adjournment: President Sebra announced that the next meeting would be held on September 8, 2015, 7:00am. The Meeting was adjourned at 8:25 AM.