Rotary Club of Oakland #3

Committee Descriptions


The Committees of Oakland Rotary #3

A Rotary club is only as strong as the participation of its members in its activities. Committees constitute one of the most important components of the club. They are the backbone and method by which a club continues to be strong and viable.

As a new Rotarian, you will be asked to become an active member of at least one committee. Moreover, you'll find that you not only enjoy membership more but that you get more out of Rotary through participation.

The following list of Oakland Rotary Committees has been separated into Rotary's various "Avenues of Service." Most committees meet in the Rotary office conference room. However, be sure to check the monthly calendar, which can be accessed on-line via the weekly LiveOak, or the website, or pick up a hard copy from the literature rack.

You are welcome and encouraged to visit any committee in which you might have an interest. Attendance does not commit you to join. To check out a committee, give a phone call to the chair and let him or her know you would like to visit. (This is also a good double check in case the meeting time or location has changed.)

Get involved! Join a committee.



Barrier Free Park

Eddie Snow ecsdct@aolcom

Meets at the Call of the Chair Phone: 510-635-8598

Plans and designs a playground and camp for disabled persons – committee has accomplished its goal, but is in stand-by mode if needed.

Community Service

Linda Chew

Meets 1st Wed. Noon in the Rotary Office Phone: 510-204-1493

Works within the community and locates or organizes worthwhile programs to be considered for Club funding.

Youth and Education

Karen Moore

Phone: 510-271-0884

Krishen Laetsch

Phone: 510-208-0809

Meets 2nd Wednesdays at 8:00 to 9:15 am at the East Bay Community Foundation,

200 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

Supports the youth of Oakland through special projects, usually involving partnerships with the Oakland Unified School District and other organizations and businesses that support youth.

Enterprise Institute

Patrick Dailey

Contact Chair – schedule changes as event approaches Phone: 510-836-2743

Holds a 3-day camp in Aptos for high school juniors from the public and private school in Oakland. The goal is to teach them about business, free enterprise and themselves. The Committee starts meeting in the late fall and increases in frequency until the camp is held in April.

Saroni-Lena Scholarships

Trina Thompson

Meets 1st Tuesdays at Noon in the Rotary Office Phone: 510-268-7606

Awards college scholarships to deserving Oakland high school seniors. The Committee conducts interviews in the home as well as interviews with applicants before selecting awardees. This process takes place in the spring. During the rest of the year Committee members serve as advisors to student recipients. Each Committee member is responsible for 1 or 2 students.

Service to Seniors

Carla Betts Phone: 510-597-9900

Supports activities involving seniors in the community.

Speech Contest

Mel J. Caughell Phone: 510-569-3198

Oversees and judges the annual Rotary speech contest for high school students.

Help Oakland Pupils Excel (H.O.P.E.)

Bob Miller

Meets 3rd Tuesdays at noon in the Rotary office Phone: 925-937-1468

Provides mentoring to junior high school students who have been promised post-graduate scholarships if they meet specific criteria such as grades, attendance, and life-style standards.


Business Networking

April Rizzi

Meets on the call of the Chair Phone: 925-283-8670

Envisions and implements projects to encourage Rotarians to do business with other Rotarians, such as scheduling Meeting Sponsorships and utilizing the Web Site.

House Building Committee

Serena Trachna

Meets 3rd Wednesdays at 12:30 pm

At the House Building Site, 5671 Dover Street, Oakland Phone: 415-357-0110

Provides hands-on trade skills to students at the Laney College building Trades Program. Through a partnership between Rotary, Laney and the City of Oakland, students construct low cost homes which are sold to fund the construction of future homes.


World Community Service

Jon Gresley

Meets 1st Tuesdays at 5:30 PM/Grand Oaks Restaurant Phone: 510-874-1510

Works with Rotary Clubs in developing countries in the planning, financing and implementation of community service projects. Also works on special projects to promote world peace through increased understanding among people in the world such as student exchanges.

International Student Exchange

Peter Turner

Phone: Peter: 510-832-5060

Alex Kaffka Phone: Alex: 510-834-0567

Meets as needed

Promotes better international relations through such activities as students exchanges.


New Member Orientation

David Stein

Meets 3rd Wednesdays at Noon/Rotary Office Phones: 510-287-2360

Provides information orientation to Rotary for new members, including a chance to meet committee chairs, officers and learn more about the Club, and meet other new members. A “Practice” meeting provides a chance to practice the three-minutes self-introductory talk prior to giving it to the entire club.


Stephanie Bolden

Contact Chair for time and place of meetings Phone: 510-287-9920

The Bridge Committee provides a venue for new members and more tenured members the opportunity to get together over a meal and adult beverages to form new friendships and networks within the greater club. These social dinner meetings will offer a relaxed atmosphere in which to learn about Rotary and the many opportunities to serve within the club and the greater community.

Brown Bag Lunches

Michael Valva

Meets on call of chair Phone: 510-451-7317

Arranges meeting when Club members showcase their business.


David Hicks

Meets at the call of the Chair in the Rotary Office Phone: 510-595-2000

Responsible for attracting and obtaining quality, informative speakers at Club meetings. The committee's goal is to make the Rotary Club the Commonwealth Club of the East Bay.

Public Relations

Jo Ann Driscoll

Meets at the call of the Chair Phone: 510-437-9881

Promotes the Club and its activities through information, involving all forms of the media.


Jack McAboy

Phone: 510-428-4125

David Stein

Phone: 510-287-2360

Meets on call of the Chair

Develop plans for celebrating 100 years of Oakland Rotary and its contributions to community and international service.

Finance and Administration

Peter Ley

Meets at the call of the Chair Phone: 510-521-6543

Provides oversight for Club's financial and administrative well being, e.g., negotiations regarding office and meeting space and meals, advice on office procedures and equipment, etc.

Inter-City/Reno Trip

Peter Wagener

Meets as needed Phone: 510-986-6035

Meets on an "as needed" basis to organize joint meetings with other Rotary Clubs in this and surrounding Districts. Helps to put together annual multi-district trip to Reno.

Live Oak

Mary Geong, Editor

Phone: 510-622-3935

Richard Hughes, Thursday Meeting Reporter Manager

Meets at the call of the Chair in the Rotary Office Phone: 510-428-4127

Informs members about Club activities through a weekly in-house publication.


Gene Zahas

Meets 1st Thursdays at 5:30 PM Phone: 510-285-1624

Organizes various social function for Club members, families and friends, e.g., crab feed, summer barbecue, new members party, tailgate parties, Holiday Dinner Dance and others.

Membership Development & Outreach

Lori Sinclair

Phone: 510-451-2120

Carla Betts Phone:510-597-9900

Meets at call of the co-chairs

Recruits new members from the Oakland business and professional community.


Bob Peltz Phone: 510-836-6500

Meets on an "as needed" basis to organize various golf and tennis tournaments, A's ball games, etc.

Rotary Foundation

Diane Schaffer

Phone: 510-482-0460

Luise Roke

Phone: 510-521-1890

At call of the Chair

Coordinates and maintains records on all Paul Harris Fellows, Multiple Fellowships, or any other contributions to the RI Foundation, and ensures that appropriate recognition materials are presented to donors.

Engagement & Retention

David Stein

Phone: 510-287-2360 Meets on 2nd Tuesday at 8:00 AM in Rotary Club office

Responsible for helping and strengthening the Club’s relations with members who are frequently absent. It also strives to match the skills and interests of members, new and longstanding, with jobs and committee in Rotary.


Alex Poulsen

Phone: 510-510-261-1399

Claudia Carlson

Phone: 510-482-2646

Meets at the call of the Chair

Help design, write and improve Oakland Rotary on the WEB! See www:

High Adventure

Jillian Loh

Meets 2nd Tuesdays at Grand Oaks Restaurant Phone: 510-339-9825

Plans active, adventurous activities for members.

We Care

Yuri Mok

Meets at the call of the Chair in the Rotary Office Phone: 510-452-1313

Responsible for helping keep members informed about the health and welfare of other members.


Wine and Food Festival

Lisa Gardner

Meets 3nd Tuesdays or more frequently at call by the Chair Phone: 510-655-3409

Organizes and conducts the annual Festival each fall which raises a sizable amount of money for Club programs. Includes a Silent Auction, and starting in 2003, and Art Show. Committee starts meeting in May and continues through the balance of the year until the event.

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