VOL. 23 NO. 37 9TH AUGUST 2015

F ather Ciaran Feeney Adm. 191 Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, BT4 3JB.

Phone – 9065 4157. Website: www.st-colmcilles.net


St. Joseph’s Primary School – www.stjosephsps.co.uk Phone – 9065 0039

St Colmcille’s Pre School – www.stcolmcilles-preschool.co.uk. Phone – 9047 2724

19TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – (Page 767, 452 & 499)

19th Week in Ordinary Time

Readings : Sunday Cycle B, Weekday Cycle 1, Psalter Week 3

Entrance Antiphon / Look to your covenant, O Lord, and forget not the life of your poor ones for ever. Arise, O God, and defend your cause, and forget not the cries of those who seek you.
1st Reading / (1 Kings 19:4-8) Strengthened by the food he walked until he reached the mountain of God.
Psalm / Taste and see that the Lord is good.
2nd Reading / (Ephesians 4:30 – 5:2) Follow Christ by loving as he loved you.
Acclamation / Alleluia, alleluia! If anyone loves me he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we shall come to him. Alleluia!
Gospel / (John 6:41-51) I am the living bread which has come down from heaven.
Children / God wants us to listen to what Jesus says. Jesus says, “I am the living bread.” He is telling us that we should believe in him and follow what he says. We know what God wants because he has sent Jesus to tell us. If we follow Jesus we will have life with him for ever.
Communion Antiphon / O Jerusalem, glorify the Lord, who gives you your fill of finest wheat.


Vigil Mass – 6.30pm Sunday Morning Mass – 11.00am


Saturday / Sunday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
6.30pm / 11.00am / 9.30am / 9.30am / 9.30am / 9.30am
Anointing of the Sick
Confession at 6.00pm / 7.00pm

SATURDAY IS THE FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY - and is a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses in the Parish are on Friday evening at 7.00pm and Saturday morning at 9.30am.

Would those who are last to leave the Parish grounds in the evening please close the car park gates.


The Sacrament of Baptism is one of the most joyful occasions both for the family and the Parish and everyone is welcome. The next Baptismal Course takes place on Tuesday 18th August in the Iona Room from 8.00pm to 9.30pm, where parents will receive their Baptismal pack and can arrange the date for their child’s Baptism. Baptisms in the Parish take place on the first and last Sunday of each month and attendance at the course is arranged through Philomena in the Parish Office.


SUMMER MASS TIMES - there will be one Mass on a Sunday morning at 11.00am during the months of July and August.

THE MATER BOOK - the story of the Belfast Teaching Hospital and its Community is available in the Sacristy. Price £10

THANKS – to the fifty volunteer teenagers, young adults and adults who helped one hundred children enjoy the ‘Under the Big Top’ holiday week in the parish. The children learned that trusting in God is always rewarded and that when something unpleasant happens to us, when we pray to God, He can turn it to good ! The daily themes and messages were reinforced through the story of Joseph in Genesis, supported by arts & crafts, singing, dance and games, all led by the volunteers. Some photos of the programme are on display in the Church porch.

RCIA - stands for theRite ofChristianInitiation ofAdults and is for individuals from any faith background (and none) who want to explore and enquire into the Catholic faith. It is aweeklyseriesof classes and discussion covering a wide range of aspects of the Catholic faith. The weekly class lasts 1½ hours. Participants on RCIA programmes come from all walks of life, ages and backgrounds.What they all have in common is that they felt the call of God urging them to change the direction of their lives. RCIA is also for cradle Catholics who want a deeper understanding of their Catholic faith and for Catholics who have lapsed from the practice of celebrating their faith and whom God is inviting to come back to him. Ultimately, RCIA is a journey of faith exploration and development, culminating in the reception of the catechumens/candidates into the Catholic community at Pentecost, if after their exploration and enquiry into the Catholic faith the Holy Spirit inspires them to do so. The RCIA programme begins at St. Mary’s, Chapel Lane on Thursday 22ndOctober 2015. Should you wish to take part, please contact Fr. James Boyle, or Anne McCrossan to arrange a meeting and register. Phone 9032 0482 or email .

BAPTISM - we welcome into the parish family Norah Joan Armstrong, Oliver John Beresford McClory, Clara Sophia Ita Murray and Theo Frederick Watts who were baptised in St. Colmcille’s last weekend.


Many thanks to all who contributed so generously to the collections.

COLLECTION FOR DIOCESAN CARE HOME - will be taken up at all Masses next weekend. This purpose built Diocesan Nursing Home was opened in October 1996, to provide 24 hour nursing care for the frail and elderly and the mentally infirm within a Christian environment. The Home also provides day care facilities. A new extension was added to the Home in 2004 bringing the total number of beds available to 86. As a consequence of the upgrading and extension work the Home is presently £700,000 in debt. The annual collection was established to help reduce the current debt.


We pray for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time of year especially:

James Wilkinson, William Tully, Michael Jackson and Kathleen Jackson

BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT - we can be contacted on 074 5698 9458. Our members are Regiena Babu, Eileen Brogan, Eithne Daly, Maire Devine, Brenda McMeekin, David McMeekin, Celine Molloy, Joan Rogan and Lucy Traynor.


IRISH DANCE SUMMER CAMP - from this Monday to this Friday. Each day from 9.45am to 12.30pm in the Parochial Hall. Open to all. For both experienced and beginner Irish Dancers. For more information or booking form contact Nicola Oakes on 077 1892 7242 or email:


SUMMER PROGRAMME – for children and youth in August. Application forms and more details can be found in the Church porch. The programme concludes with: a visit to Lisburn pool this Monday; a senior youth day out this Wednesday; a day trip to M & D’s Theme Park in Scotland on Wednesday 19th August. Enquiries to Noeleen, 078 7949 8131 or email . Forms available in Church Porch.

PARISH RETREAT AT DRUMALIS - will take place from Saturday 12th to Sunday 13th September. For further details please ring Pat on 9067 1036.


Diocesan Pilgrimage to Luxeuil, Bregenz, St Gallen & Bobbio - to mark the Year of St Columbanus, Bishop Noel Treanor will lead a Diocesan Pilgrimage to sites associated with St Columbanus - Luxeuil, Bregenz, St Gallen and Bobbio from 24thto 31stAugust. Anyone interested in taking part in the Pilgrimage is asked to contact Kieran Troy on 00 353 5793 55050.

Bangor Colloquium - Part 2 will take place in Luxeuil from Thursday 17thuntil Saturday 19thSeptember. Part 3 will be held in Bobbio from Saturday 21stuntil Sunday 22ndNovember. The title of the Bangor Colloquium is“Making Europe: Columbanus and his Legacy”.


Youth 2000 Summer Festival - in Cistercian College, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary from Thursday 13th to Sunday 16th August, for young people aged 16-35. This is a great opportunity to find out what your Catholic faith is all about in a friendly, chilled out atmosphere. The festival is donation only. Free buses available from all around Ireland. For more information and to book online, see www.youth2000.ieor phone 01 6753690

ST. PETER’S FOLLOWERS OF THE CROSS - annual Pilgrimage to Lourdes from 7th to 12th October. Spiritual Director – Rev. Patrick McCafferty. Fare - £599 per person inclusive of Belfast/Lourdes return flights, full board accommodation and all taxes. For bookings and further information please contact James Hyndman on 9032 7218, Julieanne Hughes on 9024 6901 or Jimmy Barr on 90249745.