Board of Directors’ Minutes
April 3, 2012
A meeting of the 2011-2012 Board of Directors was held on April 3, 2012 following the regular Club Meeting and opened at 1:03. The meeting was chaired by President Mark Marlowe and the following Board members were in attendance: Frank Hogshead,Mike Maret, Anne Reagan, Marcia Casteel, Kelly Jones and Ty Ross. Also in attendance were Nancy Kennedy and Chuck Dobbins.
Minutes were approved as submitted by general consensus.
Club Administration ~ Kelly Jones
- Everything is fine
Membership ~ Mike Maret
- IVCUS will be our first corporate member. They will be represented by the CEO and four others. Mike passed around bio sheets and thanked Mark and Brian for their efforts. IVC members will be inducted May 1st. Mike made a motion with a second by Kelly for membership for IVC, Vonda Bledsoe, Bill Wright and Derek Waugh. Approved unanimously.
- Mike is to send corporate guidelines to Frank for his information.
- We will possibly meet next week with Vance Bell to pursue corporate membership for Shaw.
Public Relations ~ Marcia Casteel
- Kathryn Sellers will be chairing this committee for Brian’s year.
Community Service ~ David Aft, absent
- In David’s absence, Mark reminded the Board of the Work Day April 28th.
- Mike requested in the future that the Rotary name be included with Ronnie McClurg Invitational Track Meet. A number of Board members had noted the same issue.
New Generations ~ Tangela Johnson
- Scholarship interviews are scheduled for April 26th for the May presentation.
- RYLA is up and coming with three students being selected.
- DSC has selected the person to receive their scholarship .
Foundation ~ Anne Reagan
- We exceeded the goal on the APF.
- One Rotarian has been identified as a possible major donor.
- Anne is to get the multiple-donor form to Frank for his records.
Vocational Service ~ Ty Ross
- Mark mentioned we need a few more vocational talks as per our report. Tom Bojo is to speak next week.
President-Elect ~ Brian Anderson
- Brian submitted a new organizational chart that still has some vacancies. He is scheduling meetings with department chairs in the next two weeks.
- The District Governor visit is scheduled for August 21st.
Secretary/Treasurer ~ Frank Hogshead
- Frank presented the Profit and Loss statement compared to budget. Year to date net income is $598.30.
- The current bank balance is $31,762.69 and there is a CD of slightly over $27,000.
- We have received the delegate voting cards for the International Convention being held in Bangkok, Thailand. No one is going.
- We received an invitation from Helping the Hurting to have a display booth in their spring festival which the Board rejected.
President’s Report ~ Mark Marlowe
- Mark had emailed copies of the Strategic Plan for the Board to review. They should be prepared to submit comments at the May meeting.
- One item to be considered is separation of the Secretary/Treasurer function and neither Brian nor Chuck wanted it done during their watch. The Board members were asked to give thought to individuals to be considered.
- We met the criteria for the Presidential Citation Award and Changemaker Award. The District Governor possibly submitted our Changemaker Award to Rotary International.
- A brief discussion was held regarding GRSP Host Family reimbursement and $1,000 will be budgeted as long as receipts are received. Nancy mentioned that some problems might exist because there are two students rooming together and we are only sponsoring one. She felt we should encourage the other sponsoring clubs to support their student.
- The GRSP student this year is from Montserrat.
- The Club will buy the gift from the student auction for $1,000 at District Conference and award a Will Watt Fellowship to the Host Family.
- Mark briefly reviewed points and the Club scored a total 740 out of 835 available.
- Ty mentioned he would assist David next year with the Track Meet and take ownership the following year.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:42 p.m.
Frank Hogshead