1Aims andobjectives
The aims and objectives of collective worship are:
•to enable children to consider social, moral, spiritual culturalissues;
•to enable children to explore their ownbeliefs;
•to encourage participation andresponse;
•todevelopinchildrenasenseofcommunityspiritandanunderstandingof issueswhichaffecttheWiderWorld;
•to promote a common ethos, with shared values, and to reinforce positive attitudes towards other people both in our country and elsewhere in the widerworld.
•toteach children how to worship with respect for others theiropinions.
Collective worship involves all members of the school coming together and participating in an assembly. We expect everyone to take an active part in the assembly.
In line with the 1988 Education Reform Act, which states that collective worship should be 'wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character', we normally base our assemblies on the teachings of Christ and the traditions of the Christian Church. However, we conduct our assemblies in a manner that is sensitive to the faiths and beliefs of all members of the school.
While most acts of worship in our school are Christian, we may also hold assemblies that reflect the traditions of other religions that are represented in the school and the wider community.
We hold adaily act of collective worship. This forms part of each morning assembly, which can be either a whole-school assembly, separate infant and junior assemblies, or a class assembly.
Our usual assembly timetable, which is updated termly by the R.E. Subject Leader, is as follows:
Monday - Whole school led by the Head teacher/SLT member– ‘Go Givers’
Tuesday- Whole school KiVa’ anti-bullying led by MrsFearn (KiVa lead teacher)
Wednesday –Whole schoolRE – led by Mrs Sutton (RE subject leader)
Thursday –KS1/2 assemblies led by staff fromeach department associated with ‘Go Givers’
Friday - whole school celebration of achievements for the week act of worship
We conduct assemblies in a dignified and respectful way. Assembly time is a period of calm reflection which we regard as a special time and expect children to behave in an appropriate way. We ask the children to be quiet and thoughtful, to listen carefully and to participate respectfully during prayers and songs. We create an appropriate atmosphere by using music and sometimes candles or other objects to focus the attention of thechildren.
Theassembliesarenormallyconductedbytheheadteacher,othermembersof staff,thechildren,butaresometimesledbyotherrepresentatives oflocalcommunitygroupsandorganisations.
We use themes based upon either traditions of the Christian faith including festivals and other events in the Christian calendar, or themes related to topics that we teach as part of the school PSHE/SMSC curriculum ‘Go Givers’ curriculum or as part of our Curriculum Drivers . We plan our assemblies well in advance of the day they take place.(see termly timetable)
Our assemblies reflect the achievements and learning of the children. We encourage the children to participate in some assemblies by showing their work to the other children, by sharing talents or by raising issues that they have discussed in their classes. Assemblies provide an opportunity to reward children for their achievements both in and out of school. They also play an important part in promoting the ethos of the school, which is that all children are valued, and achievements are recognised. Havannah Primary School is a successful school and we endeavourto celebrate the successes of our children at ourassemblies.
Throughout the year parents and carers are invited to attend assemblies. These include Harvest, Christmas, Easter, Class assemblies and occasionally other assemblies to celebrate achievements or share curriculum based projects such as music or dance celebrations. We encourage attendance by parents and other family members as this promotes community spirit and develops a good home / school relationship which we consider vital in supporting the children's achievements. Governors' attendance at our assemblies is alwayswelcome.
4Right ofwithdrawal
We expect all children to attend assembly. However, any parent can request permission for their child to be excused from religious worship and the school will make alternative arrangements for the supervision of the child during that part of the assembly. Parents and carersdo not have to explain or give reasons for their request. This right of withdrawal complies with the 1944 Education Act and was restated in the 1988 Education Reform Act.
Monitoring the policy and practice of collective worship is one of the roles of the governors.
This policy will usually be reviewed every two year. However, in 2016 the Cheshire East R.E. Syllabus will be updated and revised and this may / may not impact upon Collective Worshipin school.
Signed headteacher
Signed chair of governors