DATE: August 21, 2014


X / Pres. Robinson / X / Sec’y Rosentreter / X / Eberhard(6/30/16)
X / V-P Beanblossom / DeNeve (6/30/15) / Doyle (6/30/17)
Past Pres. Dowland / Genta (6/30/15) / X / Zilm (6/30/17)
X / Treas. Simpson / X / Wade (6/30/16)

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: President Robinson convened the meeting at 11:35 a.m.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Beanblossom, 2nd by Zilm, to approve the minutes of the July 17, 2014 meeting. Motion passed unanimously.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Simpson presented a report showing a check book balance of $18,783.92 as of August 21, 2014. The report showed receipts from the Ice Cream Social to be $1,462.00; not all expenses for the ice cream social have been processed yet. Simpson also reported that he had sent in the $1,000 donation to the RI Foundation so the club could name a Paul Harris Fellow. The recognition materials for the Paul Harris Fellow will be sent to President Robinson. Rosentreter made the motion, 2nd by Eberhard, to accept the revised budget. Motion passed unanimously. Rosentreter made a motion to approve the Financial Reports for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2014 that Simpson presented at the previous meeting. Motion was seconded by Zilm and passed unanimously.

CORRESPONDENCE: The annual request for donations from the Macoupin County Ag Literacy program.


CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS: Rosentreter reported he had no updates on the new figures for the manger at this time.

T-Shirts – Rosentreter reported that information on the new Rotary t-shirt had been sent to Tim Tarter this week. (During the regular meeting Tim stated he thought the Team Store Website for our club would be available through First to the Finish in about two weeks.)

Youth Exchange – Becky Doyle was unable to attend this board meeting but had sent a note asking if anyone else would like to attend the district International Student Exchange meeting on Sept. 13 in Springfield. There were no commitments made at this time.

NEW BUSINESS: President Robinson reminded members that the Carlinville Fire Department would be our guests for Patriot’s Day on Sept. 11. She asked if there was any interest in making a donation to their Help the Elf program. Rosentreter made a motion to donate $100 to this program on that day, 2nd by Beanblossom; motion passed unanimously.

President Robinson reported that she is filling out the application for a district literacy grant. She will be sending out e-mails asking any members who bought tickets for Cardinal’s games in support of the literacy program to contact her.

There was discussion of the new Middle School Student of the Month program that will be chaired by Dana Eberhard. She asked for the club’s ideas on how it should be structured and what criteria should be used in selecting students. Rosentreter said he would contact Dave Rathgeb of the Elks to see how they choose their high school student of the month. He also suggested that the high school had a committee organized by the guidance counselor that helps in selecting scholarships and other honors and suggested that the middle school teachers might be willing to do the same. Scott Simpson suggested meeting with Principal Roy Kulenkamp and 8th grade science teacher Erin Simpson to get their input. It was determined to recognized one student per month starting in September and then to invite all the honorees and their parents to a meeting at the end of the school year. Eberhard said she will produce a certificate for each student and arrange publicity with the local paper but asked how else we should honor them. After some discussion it was decided that a cash donation was not appropriate and we should look at giving them a small gift.

Beanblossom made a motion to donate $50 to the Macoupin County Ag Literacy Program. Seconded by Eberhard and approved unanimously.

Rosentreter made a motion to renew our ClubRunner subscription for the period of Sept. 1, 2014 through Aug. 31, 2015 at a cost of $419.40. Second by Beanblossom and approved unanimously.

President Robinson reminded the members of the upcoming District Conference on Oct. 10-11. She encouraged all members to attend. She indicated that she and VP Beanblossom were planning to go and Rosentreter added that he will be attending at least part of the conference.

During the regular meeting, following the board meeting, Susan Millard asked if a contribution had been made to the Muni Band in conjunction with the Ice Cream Social. Upon learning that none had been made, she made the motion to donate $100 to the band, seconded by Wade, and approved unanimously.

NEXT MEETING: Sep. 18, 2014

MEETING ADJOURNED: Motion by Zilm, 2nd by Rosentreter to adjourn at 12:03 p.m. Motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Kris Rosentreter
