He Profits Most Who Serves Best

Editor: Rev. Wally Anderson:

Rotary Club of Malvern

“The finest little Rotary Club in all the world!”




K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran, R.I. President,John F. Germ, R.I. Pres-Elect

Joe Belinsky,District 6650 Gov.,Sieglinde Warren, Gov.-Elect

Meeting Date: September 21, 2015

Membership & Attendance

John AdamsP

Wally AndersonP, Pres.

Susan AndersonP, Bulletin, Community, Sgt.-at-Arms

Roger BartleyP, Foundation

Jackie Dornberger, New Generations

Patti Gotschall, New Generations

Dr. Chuck Hugus, Vocational

Karen JeskeP, Financial Advisor

Don LeBeauP,Club

Mark MayleP

Gary PearceP, Int’l.

Jack PolenP, PDG

Pat ReedP, Fric-and- Frac

Bill RobertsonP

Kathy SmithP, Sec'y./ Treasurer, RYLA

Randy SmithP, Vocational

P = Paul Harris Fellow

Get to know the members of the Club

Mail: P.O. Box 504, Malvern, Ohio 44644-0504 U.S.A.


“True self discovery begins where your comfort zone ends.” (Adam Braun,Guideposts, October, 2015)


Our meetingwas called to order by Pres. Wally Andersonat 6:00 p.m. He also gave the Invocation. There were 8members in attendance and 1 guests. Roger Bartley, Patti Gotschall, Karen Jeske, Mark Mayle, Gary Pearce, Pat Reed, Bill Robertson, and Kathy Smith wereabsent from the meeting. The meal was served by the Fellowship Committee of the United Methodist Church, Malvern.


  • Laura Altieri, from the Akron/Canton Food Bank.


  • We received 2 contributions from community members for our Handicapped Doors project.
  • We reviewed the finances of our club.

PROGRAM Avenue of Service: Community

Tonight’s program was organized by Susan Anderson. Laura Altiera spoke on the topic of Hunger in North Eastern Ohio, focusing in part on Carroll County. She explained that the mission of the Food Bank is “Feed People—Fight Hunger”. The Bank began when a man found a woman who was eating 1 free hot meal a day and the rest of her nutrition was from dumpsters. Now there are 202 Food Banks around the country, 12 in Ohio. 31% of the food distributed is donated, 25% comes from Ohio (government funded), 18% comes from USDA and 14% comes from Feed America. Walmart, Target and several other stores are providing food for those in need. Some fast food restaurants are instituting programs to give unused food at the end of the day to those in need. Some basic facts about the Food Bank and its work:

  • The Food Bank serves 8 counties in our area.
  • 1 in 7 individuals in our 8 county area are food insecure (hungry) and 1 in 4 are children.
  • We agree that we will never completely solve the hunger problem but the goal is fighting for a more well-rounded food secure system. We are tryingto eliminate “severe life threatening” hunger.
  • The Ohio Agricultural Program is working with farmers in the area to buy produce that doesn’t look sellable but is still nutritious.
  • We can help by giving to our local food bank, and volunteering both money and time. Those products most needed are: peanut butter, canned tuna, canned vegetables, beef stew and soup. These have a very long shelf life and can be stored from month to month.
  • The Food Bank has a Holiday Collection Event, and a 5K event to raise funds.
  • Malvern is now participating in a 3 year survey event to help the food bank evaluate how best to do their work and make improvements.

She asked us to think of the Food Bank as “Not the Food Bank, but Your Food Bank.”

The Club expressed their appreciation for tonight’s presentation by giving our speaker a Rotary Four-Way Test coin and a copy of The Rotarian. There being no further business, the Club adjourned at 7:18 PM.


September 28—Program: Dr. Chuck Hugus, ColFor Industries, Malvern; Invocation: Dr. Chuck Hugus; Board of Directors

October—Theme: Vocational Service

October 5—Monthly Club Assembly; Invocation: Karen Jeske

October 12—Program: Jackie Dornberger; Invocation: Don LeBeau

October 19—Program: Patti Gotschall; Invocation: Mark Mayle

October 26—Program: Roger Bartley; Invocation: Gary Pearce; Board of Directors

November—Theme: Rotary Foundation

November 2—Monthly Club Assembly; Invocation: Jack Polen

Friday, November 6, 5:00—Rotary Exchange Student Overnighter at First Christian Church of Malvern

Saturday, November 7, 4:30-7:00: Creamed Chicken Over Biscuit dinner, Malvern United Methodist Church

November 9—Program: Karen Jeske; Invocation: Pat Reed


...... !QUOTES! (FromThe Readers Digest)

  • “The two hardest things to say are hello for the first time and goodbye for the last time.” (Anonymous)


Susan Anderson