Roswell Adult Learning Center Quarterly Volunteer Meeting

August 31, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 10:08 AM by the president Miriam DePriest.

Present: Miriam DePriest, Frank Padula, Marshall Dean, Beth Harris, George Fuller, Jack Mainprize, Bob Hoskins and Carroll Myers, and Mary Rummell .

Minutes of previous meeting, held April 6, 2017, was approved, motion made by Frank Padula and seconded by Marshall Dean.

Treasurers report – given by Treasurer Marshall Dean.

The President’s Report was given by Frank Padula.

  • The classroom computers have been updated to Window 10 Pro. All classroom computers should look the same. Beth Harris will work with Jack Mainprize on Tuesday morning at 9:30 AM to ensure computers are all working the same and are correct:
  • No password on booting up
  • No passwords on any application
  • Boot procedures should be the same on all computers and should work
  • Windows Office should activate
  • George Fuller has been working with Bob, “the expert” to ensure the server is correct and working. Bob is also working on any necessary licensing needs.

No Curriculum Committee Report.

Publicity Report –

  • The fall 2017 classes were not linked to the City web site nor was information included in the Fall Recreation and Parks mailings. The city has since added a link to their web page and will see about including a flyer in their utility bills which should be out this week; the city will cover the cost.
  • There is a real need for a volunteer or volunteers to help get the word out about the computer classes. Take copies of the class description tri-fold to your church, library, senior living center, Alpharetta Senior Learning Center, etc.
  • The RALC website and Facebook pages have generated a lot of interest but no visible results are yet seen.
  • Instructors are asked to query their class about classes they would to see offered. Volunteers could also ask their friends, neighbors, etc., what classes would draw them to RALC.
  • The class schedules need to be sent to the local papers in both Roswell and Alpharetta. This will require some follow up to ensure the schedule was received and will be printed. Need to have contacts at those newspapers.
  • Make use of the online newspaper The Patch. Again requires someone willing to be responsible.
  • Check out the online Next Door “The Current” which goes to homeowners

Lab Report – very little use.

Marshall Dean maintains numbers of students registered for each class each quarter. He will send to Beth Harris who will collate and summarize so those details are all in one place.

Needed manuals have been ordered and will be available for start of classes on September 11.

The alcove computers will not be connected to the server. Two computers have been updated and 2 have not been updated. There have no complaints from the users who use the computers in the alcove.

New class suggestion

  • Apple products
  • Security
  • Short introductions to classes in an Open House style forum

Blue Hair Technology teaching classes at ARC. Mary. R is ensuring their pricing structures is similar the RALC prices. They are not using the computer room. Most are 4-week classes. Participants in their classes must have the devices.

Bob Hoskins announces he is working on a $2000.00 IBM grant.

New Business – Elections

  • The following were nominated from the floor
  • President – no nomination/volunteers
  • Vice President – Frank Padula
  • Treasurer – Marshall Dean
  • Secretary
  • The named persons were approved and elected.

A president is needed. Please consider yourself.

The motion to adjourn was made by Frank Padula and seconded by Beth Harris. Meeting adjourned.

Respectively submitted,

Carroll Myers, Secretary