Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
Heirichstraße 22/3
A-8010 Graz
Application for a Scholarship
Personal details:
Family name: ......
First name: ......
Degrees/diplomas already obtained: ...... male female
Place and date of birth: ...... Citizenship: ......
e-mail: ......
Address 1:......
(current address)
(phone, fax)
Address 2: ......
(alternative address)
(phone, fax)
You would like to be informed about the decision under address 1 address 2
Is your medical insurance valid during a stay in Austria? Yes No
Details of planned study / research programme:
Length of stay: from (ddmmyy) ...... to (ddmmyy) ......
Target institution: ......
Target country: ......
Academic contact at target institution: ......
Planned study / research programme (exact details requested): ......
Reason of stay study programme diploma thesis dissertation research:
Letter of recommendation by:
School education:
Name and place of high school: / School-leaving exam in (year):...... / ......
University education:
Name and country of the university / field(s) of study / from - to...... / ...... / ......
...... / ...... / ......
...... / ...... / ......
Professional activities (also during study):
Career aspirations (not only name of degree):
Academic stay abroad longer than 3 weeks:
from - totarget countrytarget institutionreason of stay
Language knowledge:
German / English / Ivrit / ...... / ......excellent / / / / /
good / / / / /
basic knowledge / / / / /
It’s left up to the committee of the DHF to check the correctness of your details regarding the language knowledge. The final providing of a grant could depend on the presentation of a language certificate or - should the need arise - on the result of an exam.
Financial plan for ...... month(s)
The financial plan is to be filled out for the whole length of stay!
Current income (in EURO):Expected costs (in EURO):Available resources (in EURO):
Tuition fees / One’s own resourcesCost of living / Grant by own university
Travelling expenses / Grant of other institutions
Other costs / Grant of...... …….
Total costs / Grant of...... …….
The amount of the applied grant results from the difference between „Total costs“ and „Total of available resources“. / Total
"Available resources"
Total costs / EURO .-
"Available resources" (minus) / EURO .-
Applied Grant /
Should the situation arise – Explanation for lack of resources
If you are not (or hardly) in charge of available own resources for your study abroad, please give short reasons for that.
ent-spricht / fehlt / Kommentar der EinreichstelleApplication form completely filled out; photo attached
Applicant’s signature
Exact length of stay
Curriculum vitae in tabular form; signed
Detailed description of study / research plan
Academic contact at target institution
Transcript of records (confirmed by your university; copies of
certificates and diploma, authenticated and translated into German or
English; explanation of system of marks)
2 Letters of recommendation by professors.
possibly explanation for lack of own resources
Details concerning grants of other institutions
Costs estimate for travelling expenses by a travel agency
I am aware of the fact
- that I must not have any chronic or contagious diseases and must be of good health when entering the study programme and that I have to show a health certificate on demand.
- that the knowledge of the required national language is not an indispensable requirement for getting a David-Herzog-Grant; but if it is necessary to achieve the aim of my study plans, I have to be in charge of the knowledge. It’s left up to the DHF to demand a state-approved certificate on your language knowledge.
- that in case of not achieving the necessary results concerning my study / research plans I have to pay back the whole grant or parts of it to the DHF.
In case of granting a scholarship by the DHF I agree
- to inform the rector of the host university / leadership of the research institution on my study and research plans and to stay at the target institution.
- to send a detailed report to the committee of the DHF about my stay and my studies as well as a confirmation about the length of stay at the host institution (at the latest 1 month after expiry of the grant).
(place, date)(applicant’s signature)