Minutes of Board Meeting

Monday8thJune2015 at 11am


Chairman Kerry Petrie, Secretary Manager Darren Beattie, Treasurer David Wilson, Lady President Bev. Gillie , Ailsa Milburn, Ross Kelly and Trevor Quilliam

2. Apology:

Daryl James

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting:

Moved by David Wilsonand seconded byTrevor Quilliamand carried that the minutes of the previousmeeting held on Monday 7th April 2015 be accepted as distributed

4. Business Arising:

4.1 – Bingo –The complete arrangements with James Everett ,the new Bingo Organiser, were outlined with proceedings to commence on Tuesday 16th June 2015.BSG are attending this coming Thursday with James and the Bingo Committeemen David Wilson and Trevor Quilliam to attend to organise final arrangements.

David spoke about the problem with a float and Darren stated there is a huge function next week which will help. Advertising will take place this Thursday and a sign has been approved by Clarence Council and placed on the Rosny Hill main road for 3 weeks . Afterwards to be placed at the top of our property.

4.2 – Coffee Machine – Darren outlined discussions he has had with the Essential Brand Group with regard to the future of the coffee machine and after discussion it was moved Ross Kelly , seconded Ailsa Milburn and carried that we take out a 48 month lease with monthly rentals and a final payment with 2 months deferred payment. At the end of the 48 month period we will own the machine.

5. New Memberships:

Nicholas Lee – Full Bowling

Samuel Perkins – Full bowling.

Moved Trevor Qulliam and seconded and carried David Wilson that the applications be accepted.

6. Clearances:

Heather Banks –out to Cremorne.

Nicholas Lee – in from Beltana.

7. Bowls South Report:

Darren advised Capitation is to increase by $2 per playing member . All other fees the same.

Season Launch at the Howrah Bowls Club on Wednesday 7/10/2015

New President Peter Kirby.

8. Correspondence:

6/5/2015 – Clarence Council – Approval for the erection of Bingo sign.

15/5/2015- Sat. Pennant Action Group- email re men only social bowls Sat.

26/5/2015- Bowls South – Details of fees for coming year.

9. Treasurer’s Report:

David provided a report for the period ending 30/4/2015 and is working with Danny Evans on May and June reports.

Moved David Wilson ,seconded Ross Kelly and carried that the financial statement as attached be approved.

10. Sub Committee Reports: Nil reports as appointments not made for reps.

Appointments confirmed as follows:-

10.1 Bar -The Chairman

10.2 Greens – The Chairman with reps from Men’s and Ladies Committees to be organised by those committees.

10.3 House- Trevor Quilliam.

10.4 Gardens – Ailsa Milburn.

10.5 Social – Ross Kelly.

11. General Business:

11.1 Ross Kelly spoke about his disappointment with the attendance at the A.G.M. and thought the timing of it is important. He suggested it be held on a Sunday.Others mentioned Saturday might be better and it was finally decided the matter ought to be referred to the Men’s and Ladies Committees for a recommendation and with the view the three A.G.M ‘S being held concurrently on the same day.

11.2 Ross asked about the names of the Board and Committees being placed on a special board in the entrance as was once the case. He was advised this was no longer thought to be necessary as all the information is on our main large white notice board in the dining room.

11.3 Ross also asked why there had been only 8 Board meetings when the constitution says there

is to be a meeting very month. Christmas (holiday)and end of financial year meetings were

not held.

11.4 Ross also asked about the dissemination of information to members and thatthis aspect

should be improved. He was advisedmembers these day are contacted by e mail and web


11.5 Darren asked whether the Board wanted to make a decision because a new copper work

method is to available in August on a new broadband provider and because there are

available cheaper rates then offered by Telstra. The Board decided to stay

with Telstra.

11.6 Darren advised the Board of details concerning discussions he has had with the Clarence

Cricket Club following there move to Kangaroo Bay and the need for social activities and

accommodation as their clubhouse will not be available for 12 months.

They are able to use an antiquated room at Bellerive oval but advise after due consideration

they think our offer is the better option.

Darren outlined the procedures to be used for bar sales and membership and the Board were

happy to accept the proposal for the cricketers and support staff to use our Club as

headquarters .

12. Next Meeting:

Monday 6th July 2015 at 10.45 p.m..

13. Closure:

Chairman Kerry Petrie declared the meeting closed at 12 noon.

Prepared ByCertified Correct

Darren BeattieKerry Petrie
