Rosendo (Roy) Jimenez

PO Box 7486

Spring, TX. 77387


Cell number : 832-731-5887

To Whom It May Concern,


This is my story for the battle for my life. I understand that many others have medical issues just like me, but this is my story:

My name is Rosendo (Roy) Jimenez I’m a Master Mason from The Grand Lodge of Texas, Ancient Free & Accepted Masons; Conroe Lodge #748 and DeMolay Reagan chapter. In 2015 I will have dedicated 29 years serving the public as a law enforcement officer. Out of the 29 year I have been shot at, knifes pulled on me as well as physically attacked. I have devoted more than half of my life protecting the public as a law enforcement officer. My wife, two oldest kids and a son-in –law work serving the citizens with the Sheriff’s Office. My youngest son and middle daughter want to join the ranks as they enter the workforce also working in law enforcement.

The reason I’m writing this letter to you is because I need your help. A couple of months ago I was told that I am in kidney failure. Today I’m declining with 7% use of both kidneys.

My Doctor advises that I have three choices:

  1. I receive a kidney transplant that would prolong my life 20 + years. She advised that the kidney transplant procedure is common and helps.
  2. Go on dialysis for the rest of my life, 4 hours a day 3 days a week. Which I have conducted some research discovering that the average life span of someone on dialysis is 5 to 7 years at the cost of $200,000.00 a year and this does not include any other cost that could be incurred during the treatments. Basically, over a 5 to 7 year period, the cost will reach well over a million dollars, and then the battle is lost.
  3. Or just do nothing and die.

I can tell you this right now; I am not ready to die. I have 5 children and 2 grandchildren. I have so far walked my oldest daughter down the aisle at her wedding and would like the opportunity to walk my other two daughters someday.

When I called my Risk Management to ask what I needed to do on my end for starting the application process to be added to the kidney transplant list, I was shocked to hear the lady on the phone say, “We don’t cover live organ transplants, and it’s in the exclusions.” The other option was to pay for a secondary insurance to help cover the $ 250,000.00 cost of the transplant basically she told me that she hoped that I had a good life. My jaw hit the ground, here I have spent more than half of my life protecting and servicing the public and was told,” I hope you had a good life”. Now she did say that she would send me some information on where I could pay for a secondary insurance but as of today I have not received any information. The secondary insurance could also possibly affect my current insurance plan with the county if I understand correctly with an additional cost that I could not afford.

When I contacted HermannMemorialHospital about the application I submitted to be placed on a transplant list they advised me that I was rejected due to not being covered under insurance. I asked about financing but she advised that if my insurance does not cover it then they cannot finance me.

I asked about personal financing and they advised me that I would need $15,000.00 to be tested to see if I can be put on a transplant list and additional $150,000.00 to be able to be placed on the a list for a transplant. This is not covering a donor cost or any other additional cost for medications. Money I don’t have.

I asked about associations that could help me, and they advised that I would have to be on a transplant list before they would talk to me about or to see if they could help me.

So as you can see I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place.

I’m looking for your help, to help cover the cost of a transplant, a donor or any information out there that could help me with my battle for my life.

Brother Rocky Mills and Bennie Padilla ask if you can assist in donations you can send them to, Roy’s Benefit Account, at Wells Fargo Bank account # 7095308131

Thank you for your time,


Rosendo (Roy) Jimenez