Research Paper Final steps with Turnitin

Move to Word

Open Gaggle document

Click on File

Click on Download As

Select Microsoft Word – Paper should now be open on your desktop.

Click Enable Editing

Click on File

Click on Save As

Save to your Desktop.Just makes it easier to delete in the last steps.


Click on File

Click on Options

Click on Proofing

Make sure the box is checked for Readability statistics

After every spell check a new box will open showing reading level of writing.

Insert In-Line Citation

Click on References tab

Click on Insert Citation

Click on Add New Source

Select type of source (Lots! Pick the right one!)

Fill in the blanks – remember to use capital letters! (Example is Web Site)

  1. Author – Doesn’t matter, first or last name first works.
  2. Name of the Web Page – this is the title of the article you were reading.
  3. Year – Last update to the webpage
  4. Month – Usually not listed. Okay to leave blank.
  5. Day – Usually not listed. Okay to leave blank.
  6. Year Accessed – This the current year
  7. Month Accessed – This is the month you LAST went to the article. Just the first three letters of the month.
  8. Day Accessed – This is the date you LAST went to the article
  9. Medium – this is a repeat from the Type of Source. For a web site you would type Web. For a book you would put Book.

It will automatically place the in-line citation at the location of your cursor. Add each as you go. You will be able to select one you have already created or create a new one.

Bibliography or Works Cited

Put your cursor at the end of your paper to place your citations

Click on References Tab

Click on drop down next to Style – Select MLA seventh (selected above)

Click on Bibliography

Select Bibliography or Works Cited – it should insert – if not…

Click on Insert Bibliography

Save one last time and minimize document

Uploading back to Gaggle

Click on your Digital locker

Click on the upload button

Navigate to your paper on the computer desktop

Click on Open

Wait for the Done in the upload window

Select Replace (make sure you are right! Might not get a chance to undo) or New Copy (Choose this one! Then you can make sure YOUR document uploaded. Program will put a (1) in the title)

Submitting to Gaggle

Click on Assignments

Click on Submit Assignment for the correct assignment

Click on the Paper Clip icon

Navigate to your paper

  1. Digital Locker
  2. Click on My Locker
  3. Click on the name of the paper to submit
  4. Click on Select
  5. Computer
  6. Click on Click to Select
  7. Navigate to your paper
  8. Click on open

Make sure the download is complete

Click on the Paper airplane icon to submit

Wait for receipt to ensure submission is complete

Submitting to Turnitin

Where is your paper?

  1. Gaggle
  2. Log in
  3. Go to your digital locker and open your paper
  4. Follow steps above to move to Word
  5. Save to your desktop
  6. Desktop or flash drive – continue using steps below

Log into your account

Click on assignment

Click on submit

Click on single File upload

Fill in the Submission title with the name of the paper

Click on Upload

Navigate to your paper on the computer – Desktop or Flash drive

Review the preview to confirm you have selected the correct document

Click on Submit

A submission receipt will be sent to your Gaggle account. HANG ON TO IT! This way if there is a glitch you have proof of submission.

Additional Information

If your instructor has allowed you to view your paper after submission to view the originality reports you NEED to go back and view! This will let you know if your citations are complete. Fix them and resubmit. A VERY easy way to improve your grade.

Delete from the computer desktop

Right click on file

Select Delete

Select Yes

DO NOT just drag it to the trash, it is not necessarily gone if you do this.