RoseburgCal Rikpen

Board Minutes

January 31, 2011


Board Meeting was called to order on January 31, 2011 at Umpqua Bank.


Roy Martinez, Ronda Powell, David Morris, Amy Peters, Billy Atherton, Greg Scheer, Jeremy Stoffal, Amy Mandera, Trisha Scheer, Laurie, Leischner, Carrie Norton, Quinn Norton, Tina Ronk, Craig Warmouth, and Chris Lansing

Approval of Minutes:

Minutes of January 9, 2011 were read. Correction noted to add Bob Grubs to list of resigning Board Members from the 2010 season. Chris Lansing made motion to approve minutes. Amy Peters seconded. Motion Passed.

Old Business:

Tryouts - Roy Martinez stated coaches were notified of tryouts so they could attend.

Umpires – Proposal still a work in progress regarding no-shows.

Field – The City has started to mow and drag fields.

Concession – Dale accepted offer of $2,500 to operate concessions. This will be the same arrangement as last year.

Winston Softball Team – The team declined the proposed terms to enter the League.

New Business:

All-Star Selection Process – There was a tremendous amount of discussion regarding the problems with the prior year’s process. Amy Peters outlined proposed changes. After more discussion, topic tabled for a later vote on proposed changes.

Budget – Ronda distributed proposed budget for the 2011 season. Ronda stated she would email balance sheet and profit/loss statement as well. After a brief discussion, matter tabled.

Baseball/Softball Teams – Discussion surrounding the potential number of teams for the upcoming season.

Winston Baseball Team – There was a lengthy discussion surrounding a prior year coach. Many Board members expressed concern that this coach would be allowed to coach again.

Draft – Roy Martinez stated that he had assigned coaches to particular teams. Discussion followed regarding whether or not coaches and a core group of players should be allowed to stay together. Joe Leischner motioned that head coaches and assistant coaches should be allowed to keep their children with their team, but all other players should enter the draft. Amy Mandera seconded. Motion did not pass.

Roy Martinez made motion to assign all baseball coaches to teams based on a drawing process. Players from prior year would stay together. Motion was not seconded.

Joe Leischner motioned that major baseball teams would stay together and coaches to be selected and assigned based on drawing. David Morris seconded. Motion passed.

Coaches Clinic – Discussion regarding the planning of a coach’s clinic to be held by Scott Shaver, coach of Dr. Stewarts. Brief discussion, but nothing set.

Fundraising – Amy Mandera and Tina Ronk still discussing fundraising options.

Sponsors – Laurie Leschner stated that $7,000 had been received by sponsors for 2011 season.

Insurance – Roy Martinez discussed his findings regarding insurance coverage and prices. Roy motioned to select Umpqua Insurance as the League’s new insurance agent. Jeremy Stoffal seconded. Motion passed.

Rules – Brief discussion regarding proposed rule changes. Topic was tabled as meeting was running extremely late

Meeting Adjourned

Minutes Submitted by Chris Lansing