RoscommonCounty MSU Extension
CountyAnnex, P.O. Box 507 Phone: 989-275-5043 E-mail:
Roscommon, MI48653-0507 Fax: 989-275-8864 Web:
Roscommon County 4-Herscompete successfully in regional and stateevents
All-American Riders 4-H Horse Club
The All-American Riders 4-H Horse Club finished up a season of horse shows that kept them busy from April to the end of August.
They participated in a variety of events, including timed events, halter, showmanship and trail classes at places like the Falmouth Arena, Gladwin and Merritt. Several members also participated in the Ogemaw County Fair in August.
4-H leader Norma King felt that the season brought out the 4-H members' positive sportsmanship as they cheered-on each other--as well as their competitors--exemplifying the 4-H motto, "Making the Best Better."
Regular 4-H Club meetings began again in October. One of the fall projects will be sending care packages and holiday greeting cards to troops overseas. Members also plan to send several representatives to the 4-H Teen Horse Leader Conference at the Kettunen Center in November and will travel to MSU for Horse Expo.
Cross Fire Archers
Members of Cross Fire Archers hada very busy summer at various archery competitions and tournaments. RoscommonCounty sent one team of archers to the 4-H State Archery Shoot in Marysville.
4-H members Mike Cota, Derrick Dankert, Joel Neorr, and Cody Parr placed sixth in the Junior Open 3-D Team division with a combined score of 130 out of 200.
They also participated in their individual Junior Open 3-D division scoring as follows:
- Mike Cota - 270 (finishing in top 10)
- Derrick Dankert - 254 (finishing in top 10)
- Cody Parr - 208
- Joel Neorr - 148(out of a possible 300)
Member Jacci Dankert went with the team as photographer to record the team’s performance.
The following week, Derrick Dankert, Jacci Dankert and Parr participated in the Kalkaska 4-H Archery Tournament. Parr placed second in Junior Open Target.
Most noteworthy of all, the Roscommon County
4-H Cross Fire Archers sponsored their first archery tournament.On Aug 26 the first Roscommon County Archery Tournament was held at the Houghton Lake Sportsman's Club. More than40 shooters from Mackinac, Macomb, Clare, Roscommon and Missaukee counties participated.
TheKicks-n-Giggles 4-H Cluboffereda concession stand at the tournament. Other assistance came from parents and Dale Mosher from the Blazing Arrow 4-H Club in Missaukee County.
Contact:Helen Burgess at 989-275-5043
Adults how to cook healthier meals with commodity food items
The Roscommon County MSU Extension Family Nutrition Program partnered with the Women of Worth group from the Roscommon Free Methodist Church to offer a program called “Cooking with Commodities” in April.
Commodity foods are made available to low-income families and individuals who are eligible for assistance through the United States Department of Agriculture’s food stamp program. They include vegetables, fruits, grains, meats and dairy products.
FNP program associate Shari Dickson provided a lesson in nutrition and demonstrated food preparation using commodity foods. As Dickson demonstrated procedures, the ‘Women of Worth’ followed her instructions and cooked the same recipein the church kitchen in a larger quantity.
After both the nutrition and cooking lessons were completed, the participants were served the “Commodity Meal.” Each participant left the program that day with a bag of commodity foods from the Roscommon Free Methodist Food Bank.
About 35men and womenparticipated in the program. Many of them were excited about what they learned and asked when MSUExtensioncould sponsor a similar program.
That session was held in October. This time, 28 of the original participants attended and learned about food safety. The ‘Women of Worth’ and theFamily Nutrition Program have decided to partner during the 2007 year and present a series of four “Cooking with Commodities” programs.
Contact:Shari Dickson at 989-275-5043
“Bringing Knowledge to Life”
MSU Extension bulletin explains 2006 ballot issues
MSU Extension has produced a free, eight-page publication that examines the five statewide ballot proposals to be voted on at the Nov. 7 general election.
This publication is available to any Roscommon County resident as a public service of the Roscommon County MSU Extension office.
This ballot issue bulletin provides an objective description and brief analysis of the five ballot proposals that will be voted on by Michigan voters. It explains each proposal and also gives some of the pros and cons associated with each measure and where to go for more information about it.
In addition, the publication is also available on the MSU ExtensionWebsite: .
The publication is posted as a PDF file and can be printed off byusing Adobe Acrobat Reader software installed on any computer being used to browse the Internet.
For more than 20 years, MSU Extension has publisheda bulletin whenever there are decisions to be made on statewide issues. It is part of our on-going public policy education programming effort.
Contact:Russell P. Kidd at989-275-5043
Roscommon MSU Extension
Russell Kidd County Extension Director and District Forestry Educator
Helen Burgess 4-H Educator/Recreation Director
Shari Dickson FNP Program Associate
Linda Cronk Family Consumer Science Educator
Susan Seaford Secretary