Nutrition Unit - Study Guide
- Define Nutrition -
- Define Nutrient -
- There are 3 main purposes for food (nutrients) in our diet. What are they?
- What are the 6 Essential Nutrients –
- The food and drink we consume (eat) on a daily basis is called our ______.
- Vitamins A, D, E, & K are what type of vitamins? ______
- Vitamins that must be replenished daily and dissolve in water are called ______.
What 2 vitamins belong in this category? *______*______
- How many calories are in 1 pound of fat? ______
- All excess nutrients not used as energy are stored as ______.
- What percentage of our daily diet should come from:
Carbohydrates ______% ; ______grams
Fats ______% ; ______grams
Proteins ______% ; ______grams
- The unit of available energy found in food is called a ______.
- What are the building blocks of proteins? ______
How many total? ______
How many can our body produce? ______
How many are essential and only found in the foods we eat? ______
- What types of fats are found in meats and dairy products? ______
- What is the difference between appetite and hunger? ______
- Calcium deficiency can lead to – ______
Iron deficiency - ______
Match the following nutrient with its definition.
- CarbohydratesD. Vitamins
- FatsE. Minerals
- ProteinsF. Water
- A source of energy that is used for insulating the body from temperature changes and need for protection.
- The nutrient that helps build and repair muscle tissue and cells
- A nutrient needed in small amounts to help the body’s chemical reactions and aids in the metabolism energy.
- Sugars and starches that provides the body with most of its energy.
- This nutrient is known as the “transporter”.
- An inorganic nutrient needed in small amounts and helps regulate body functions.
Reading Food Labels
Dietary Guidelines for Americans are recommendations set in place by what two government organizations-
- ______30. ______
What are the 3 things they advise when planning your dietary needs (meals?)
Match the nutritional claims with their description:
- Organice. Reduced
- Good sourcef. Low
- Freeg. Light
- Healthyh. High
- Food contains none (fewer than 5 calories per serving)
- Can eat regularly without exceeding Daily Limits (less than 3 calories per serving)
- 1/3 fewer calories; ½ fat & sodium (some “Light” may mean color)
- Provides at least 20% of the DV for vitamins, minerals, protein, or fiber (“rich”)
- 25% few calories or 25% nutrients
- 10-19% of RDV (“contains, provides”)
- Low in fat and saturated fats; limited amounts of cholesterol and sodium …as well as provide 10% or more DV of Vitamin A, C, Iron, Calcium, Fiber, or Protein
- Produced without the use of certain chemicals
- Describe the difference between food allergy and food intolerance.
- List the three (3) tips for keeping food safe as recommended by the US Government and food Distributors:
Label the Food Guide Pyramid (Food Group & Recommended Servings)
Describe the difference between the old Food Guide Pyramid above and the new one.