Rooty Hill Public School
Athletics Carnival 2011
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
Rooty Hill Public School will be holding its Athletics Carnival (track and field events) on Tuesday 23rd August. We are now using the facilities at Charlie Bali Reserve at Knox Road Doonside as we have been advised that Popondetta Park is no longer available to use.
We are planning a very full and exciting day. Students from Year 3-6, as well as all Year 2 students who are turning 8 this year will be competing in this combined carnival. K – 2 will be involved in their own separate mini carnival held at Charlie Bali Reserve.
It is important that all students are at school by 8.40 am. Buses will leave at 9.00 am sharp, and return by 2.45 pm.
Students will be organised into age groups, and will rotate around each event during the day. It is really important that every student knows their age group (that is, the age they are turning this year), to ensure that they compete in the correct age group. Students will be under teacher supervision at every event and are not to wander away from their event area at any time.
Students should wear appropriate sports clothes including appropriate shoes and house colours may be worn. Sunscreen should also be worn and all students must have a hat. It is important that students also bring plenty of water to drink on the day. Parents are invited to come and be involved by cheering the students on.
A special “carnival lunch” may be pre-ordered from our school canteen and will be provided to your child at the Athletics Carnival. The canteen facilities will also be available at the venue.
Please complete the permission note and return it, with payment if appropriate, to your child’s teacher by Friday 19th August. All students are expected to attend this activity as it is part of our school curriculum.
Jackie Malecki Sandra Russell Leanne Rattray
Principal 3-6 Carnival Co-ordinator K-2 Carnival Co-ordinator
I give permission for my child ______of class _____ to attend the Rooty Hill Public School Athletics Carnival being held at Charlie Bali Reserve on Tuesday 23rd August, 2011. I understand that travel will be by bus.
Parent/Caregiver signature ______Date ______