Training Module: / TRAINING DELIVERY
Date: / 15.04.2016
Location: / Prishtine

1. Beneficiaries for the Training Seminar

Trainers of VTC’s in Kosovo

2. Training Objectives

Through this training, participants will be provided with information and practical knowledge but also modern methods on planning, preparation, organization and conducting/delivering of the training in general but with particular emphasis on conducting/delivering a session of the training.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the steps in the planning and organizing of the training
  • Understand the steps for maintaining an effective training
  • Introduction of modern methods and techniques in training.

3. Methodology

During the training, presentations will be followed by examples and illustrations. Most of the training time will be devoted to group work on planning training sessions according to didactic principles. Written support materials will be provided for all participants. After this training, all training participants will be visited in order to offer the mentoring or training in the workplace.

Training Program
Day 1 – 15.04.2016
Methods Tools / Resources Needed
10:00 – 10:15 / Registration / List of participants
10:15 – 10:30 / Objective Setting and agreeing of Expectations
Understanding what we mean by:
  • Objectives set by Trainer
  • Objectives for learners
/ Trainees will be able to set their own expectations from this training and in same time learn on how the objectives are set before each training. / On this session trainer will explain the objectives that his has planned for the session and also work together with participants on agreeing their objectives which at the end of the training will be evaluated against the learning activities during training. / Metacards Sticky notes
Camera to take photos of objectives to post on website
10:30 – 11:00 /
  • Overall introduction on topic
  • Steps in planning, organizing and conducting/Delivering an effective training
/ Participants will be able to learn about the key steps or more important for planning organizing and conducting effective training. / Trainer will prepare and present PPT presentations using various case studies for illustration. During the activity, the trainer will present the planning and preparations process for conducting a professional training session. / Laptop and projector
Case studies
11:00 – 11:30 / Introduction of the modern methods and techniques in conducting a training using different methods and techniques
• Methods
• Techniques
• Tools
Technology / Participants will be informed and will understand modern methods and techniquesand then working in pairs will evaluate one method as requested by trainer. / Trainer will explain in detail the methods and modern techniques used today in vocational training with emphasis on adult education. Trainer will ask participants to present one method adding one advantage and one disadvantage / Laptop and projector
List of methodsVideo demonstrating training delivery using different methods
11:30– 12:15 / Key principles:
• For delivery of training sessions for adult participants
• Applying principles for adult training from past experiences
• Delivering the training by using basic facilitation skills
• Facilitation skills
• Dealing with difficult situations / After presentation, trainees will evaluate the methods shown in the video – explaining the 1) advantages 2) risks 3) and providing guidance to others. / The trainer will present the basic principles of training delivery and will focus on explaining and demonstrating the role of the trainer as facilitator and steps and duties of the trainer/facilitator in the training session. Trainer will also ask / Laptop and Projector
PP presentation
Through videos and other visual demonstrations
12:15 – 13:15 / LUNCH BREAK
13:15 – 14:00 / Group Work/Exercise
• Preparation
• Planning
• Organize and
• Keeping Training
(Methods to be used) / Trainer will ask trainees to think of a training session that they have taught conventionally in past. Then trainees will be working in pairs in order to explore different challenges. Trainees will work on developing; 1) work on developing a short group work learning session (2 hours) and 2) a long group work learning session (2 days). Trainees will than present and explain the problems of planning and solutions they found. / Trainer will act as facilitator and provide guidance for every topic.
Important that trainer encourages trainees to experiment, e.g. do not sequence learning exactly as set out in qualification standard but sequence in a way that will support learning. / Laptops or PC (PC’s will be used at the VTC where training will take place) Each participant will have its own PC.
Template for planning programme
Qualification/curriculum document
14:00 – 14:15 / COFFEE BREAK
14:15 – 15:00 / Presentation of groups on methods and technics used in planning a training delivery. / Participants will have an opportunity to submit a plan for organizing and conducting a training session using different methods and technics (role plays, skills learning or research task). Here they will also exchange best practices among participants.
As they present the plan they will increase their presentation skills too. / Trainer will provide feedback on each field presented. Each participant/group will sufficient time to present their outlined plan.
It is important to mention that after the plans are finalized trainees will send the plans to the trainer for feedback. In addition, trainer will use the field days to oversee the development of the plans and implementation of the same at their work place. / Laptop and projector
Training plans
15:00 – 15:15 / COURSE EVALUATION
END OF TRAINING / Individuals learners review learning objectives in light of experience / Trainer records whether learning objectives achieved or not so that this data can inform design of next training session.
Record on wall:
1)All learning objectives achieved
2)All learning objectives only partially achieved / Large Post it Notes. or flip chart.