

Monday, 15 May 2017 from 18.30 to 20.30 hours

Room WEISS R1.1. - Strasbourg


  1. Adoption of draft agenda
  2. Adoption of Minutes of the meeting of 3 April 2017
  3. Communications by the President


  1. Towards a full electric mobility (E-mobility) for Parliament’s car fleet - Note from the Secretary-General
  2. General expenditure allowance - improved guidelines - Note from the Secretary-General

From 20.15 hours in camera

  1. Structural security of the SPAAK building - Note from the Secretary-General


  1. Request from the Council of Europe to use the hemicycle in Strasbourg- Note from the Secretary-General*
  2. Request to organise a training session for the members of the Advisory Committee dealing with harassment complaints between the Accredited Parliamentary Assistants and Members of the European Parliament and its prevention at the workplace - Letter from Ms MORIN-CHARTIER, Quaestor and Chair of the Advisory Committee*

Committee missions within the EU, Candidate countries and the EEA countries

  1. Draft programme of committee missions outside the three places of work (within the EU, the candidate countries and the EEA) for the second semester of 2017 - Letter from Ms WIKSTRÖM, Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs*
  2. Request from the Committee on Development (DEVE)for authorisation to send one Member with the mission of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) to Athens and the Island of Samos, Greece, from 22 to 25 May 2017 - Letter from MsMcAVAN, Chair of the Committee concerned*
  3. Request from the Committee of Inquiry into Money Laundering, Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion (PANA)for authorisation to send a mission to Portugal, from 22 to 23 June 2017 - Letter from Mr LANGEN, Chair of the Committee concerned*
  4. Request from the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) for authorisation to send its Financial Assistance Working Group (FAWG) on a fact-finding mission to Athens, Greece, from 26 to 27 June 2017 - Letter from Mr GUALTIERI, Chair of the Committee concerned*
  5. Request from the Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO) for authorisation of a fact-finding mission to Copenhagen, Denmark, within the framework of the implementation report on the implementation of the Treaty provisions concerning national parliaments, from 22-23 May 2017 - Letter from Ms HÜBNER, Chair of the Committee concerned*

Public Hearings

  1. Draft programme of committee hearings for the second semester of 2017 - Letter from Ms WIKSTRÖM, Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs*

Requests for authorisation to use the Hemicycle

  1. Request to use the Chamber of the European Parliament in Strasbourg for a Baccalauréat ceremony organised by the European School of Strasbourg on 6 July 2017 - Letter from Ms ROINE, Director of the European School, Strasbourg - Letter from Ms SANDER, Member, supporting the event*
  2. Request to use the Chamber of the European Parliament in Brussels for an event entitled ‘European Parliament of people with disabilities’ organised by the European Disability Forum in December 2017 - Email from Mr CUCHE, Officer, European Disability Forum in reply to President TAJANI’s letter of 23 March 2017*

Requests for authorisation to use the Esplanade Solidarność 1980

  1. Request from the Greens/EFA to hold an event on the Esplanade on Refugee Day from 20 to 22 June 2017 - Letter from Ms KELLER and Mr LAMBERTS, Co-Presidents of the Greens/EFA Group*
  2. Urgent matters and any other business
  3. Items for information
  4. Date and place of next meeting

*Proposals for decisions without debate, unless objections are raised when the agenda is being adopted

Brussels, 8 May 2017

PE 602.163/BUR