2nd. Grade

November-December 2017

Room Teachers: Miss Betty Campos and Miss Karla Hernández

Topic / Theme purposes / Resources
Sentence fluency / ·  Identify stages of life cycles.
·  Recognize the proper name of offsprings.
·  Speak fluently to an audience.
·  Use of proper tone of voice. / · On a cardboard paper draw the life cycle of the animal the teacher preselects for you.
· Be creative on the coloring.
Topic / Theme purposes / Resources
Listen stories
Answer questions
Spelling words / ·  Give information about reading.
·  Students will listen to a story and then they will answer some questions.
·  Study spelling words for dictation: drink, next, camp, dress, kick, stuck, flash, chest, chase, closed, using, sleeping, didn´t, can´t, don´t, grapes, eggs, bikes. / To practice at home: read to students short stories and then ask question.
Study Spelling Words Notebook.
Tema / Propósito del tema / Recursos
Exploración de la naturaleza y la sociedad
El sol, luna y estrellas
Los relieves
Estados físicos del agua
Plantas y animales
Revolución Mexicana / El alumno:
·  Identificará conceptos y características del sol, la luna y las estrellas.
·  Identificará los diferentes tipos de relieve, así como sus características más importantes de cada uno.
·  Reconocerá los 3 estados físicos del agua, así como ejemplificará y representará por medio de dibujos cada uno.
·  Identificará diferentes tipos de plantas y animales, así como diferenciará su hábitat.
·  Comprenderá causas y consecuencias del movimiento de la Revolución Mexicana, así como identificará fecha y principales personajes de este hecho. / Libro de Texto (S.E) y libreta
Topic / Theme purposes / Resources
Concepts, calculus, geometry and problem solving / ·  Solve additions (regrouping), subtractions (regrouping) and multiplications (time table 2, 3, 5, 10), and word problems.
·  Identify and write fractions.
·  Estimate and measure objects using standard (ruler) and non-standard units (paper clips, eraser, pencils etc).
·  Understand the concept of area.
·  Place Value: identify and write ones, tens, hundreds, and thousands. / Notebook ;
Pgs. 209, 210, 213, 214.
Pgs. 141, 142, 151, 152.
Pgs.41, 42.
Tema / Propósito del tema / Recursos
Causas y consecuencias
Frases comparativas
El punto
La sílaba
La coma
Texto informativo
Sustantivos propios y comunes / El alumno:
·  Identificará el concepto “cuento” así como sus elementos principales
·  Relacionará causas y consecuencias de hechos o situaciones propias de la vida diaria.
·  Identificará el concepto “personajes” así como discriminará los principales de los secundarios.
·  Utilizará frases comparativas en oraciones.
·  Identificará el concepto “punto” y reconocerá los tres tipos de puntuación.
·  Identifica el concepto “sílaba” y es capaz de dividir palabras.
·  Identificará el concepto “coma” y será capaz de aplicarlas en un texto.
·  Comprenderá el concepto “texto informativo” y será capaz de identificarlo y responder acerca de su contenido.
·  Identificará el concepto “diccionario” y será capaz de localizar palabras.
·  Identificará el concepto de “sustantivos propios” y “sustantivos comunes”. / Libro Castillo y libreta
Topic / Theme purposes / Resources
All about Animals.
Animal needs
Kinds of animals
Life Cycle / Matter:
·  Identify what a living thing is and its needs.
·  Discriminate kind of animals (characteristics, body parts)
·  Identify what a mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish, insect are and their main characteristics.
·  Identify the changes that happen to an animal during its life (Life Cycle: chicken, frog, polar bear, and monarch butterfly).
·  Identify what fossils are (finds, forming, clues) / Science Book
pg. 80-85, 87.
pg. 92-93.
pg. 94-101.
pg. 106-113, 115.
Pg. 120-125, 127,131-133.
Science notebook

I. Know how to use the snipping tool to create a .jpeg image.

II. Know how to save the .jpeg images in your personal folder.

III. KidPix: Advanced Features and creating a KIDPIX Presentation.

Work with Stamps Tool, backgrounds, animation tool, painting tool, Spray tool, KIDPIX Alphabet, Edit and modify a Rubber Stamps, text tool.
Saving Slides (pictures).
Create a KIDPIX presentation
-  Create pictures (slides)
-  Add animations
-  Add sound
-  Add Rubber Stamps
-  Play the Slideshow
Save the Slideshow
Topic / Theme purposes / Resources
Story structure
Problem solution
Vocabulary words / ·  Answer and ask questions about reading.
·  To structure a story in graphic organizer, including characters, setting, problem, solution, main ideas, and conclusions.
·  Identify the problem and solution, fact and opinion, conclusions.
·  Apply the vocabulary words: shaped, branches, scent, blooming, damage, prevent, tunnel, direction, simple, decide, furious, believe. / Read stories at home.
Topic / Theme purposes / Resources
Dangerous situations
Personal Risk Behaviors
Children rights
Community emergency services / ·  Recognize dangerous situations in the street, on the playground, at home and rules for medicines safety.
·  Identify personal risk behaviors. (Ways to prevent communicable diseases, types of verbal and physical violence: kicking, hitting etc.)
·  Discriminate children rights and responsibilities.
·  Recognize some friend´s, sibling´s, parent´s behaviors or TV programs´ characters that are not good to imitate.
·  Recognize community emergency services (police, fire department, red and green cross, public safety). / Health notebook
Health Activity Book pg. 27, 31, 32, 33, 35
Themen (Topics) / Themenbereich (Theme purposes) / Hilfsquellen (Resources)
- Kennenlernen. Wie heisst du? Wie alt bist du?
- Zahlen: Wiederholung. / - Be able to answer questions about your name and age, as well as whether you have brothers or sisters.
- Know the vocabulary for members of our immediate family and how to introduce them (names for all, ages for brother and sister).
- Review the numbers seen so far (1 to 20). / - Dein Heft. Your notebook.
- Arbeitsbuch (grau). Workbook (gray).
Topic / Theme purposes / Resources
Verbs / ·  Identify compound sentences.
·  Identify singular and plural nouns.
·  Recognize proper nouns.
·  Distinguish the action verbs and subjects.
·  Using verbs in past tense- ed.
·  Adding “s” to verbs in the present tense.
·  Identify verbs in future tense.
·  Identify the past tense of the next irregular verbs: write-wrote, say-said, run-ran, tell-told, make-made, have-had, do-did, take-took, find-found, am and is-was. / Language Arts notebook
R.N. pg. 165.
R.N. pg. 77, 80.
R.N. pg. 92, 95, 101.
R.N. pg. 110, 116.
R.N. pg. 137.
R.N. pg. 122, 125.
R.N. pg. 140
R.N. : Reader´s Notebook
Tema / Propósito del tema / Recursos
Cívica y Ética
Las emociones
Actividades diarias
Justicia e injusticia
Toma de decisiones
Distribución justa / El alumno:
·  Identificará diferentes tipos de emociones y cómo se manifiestan cada una de ellas.
·  Comprenderá y analizará la forma de realizar actividades diarias en su vida personal, necesarias y obligatorias.
·  Comprenderá, discriminará y ejemplificará el término justicia e injusticia.
·  Reconocerá la importancia de tomar decisiones y reflexionar antes de hacerlo.
·  Reflexionará sobre la distribución justa de un bien o una responsabilidad entre los integrantes de un grupo. / Libro de Texto (S.E.) y libreta
36- 39
46, 47 y 49.
Topic / Theme purposes / Resources
Civics, Ethics & History / ·  Recognize ordinary people and historical figures and their impact in the community, state or nation.
·  Identify historical figures and their contributions to the world.
·  Identify the different roles that people have in the school.
·  Identify important organizations dedicated to community service.
·  Recognize Mexican holidays, as well as when they are celebrated. / Notebook