Minutes of the 2nd HIWCBA CIO AGM
Sunday 3rd April 2016 at Crosfield Hall, Romsey
Present: Mike Mollart-Rogerson, Clare & Ian Fearon, Rick Assad, Lesley Lewis, Jan Whitehouse, Andy Hughes, Margaret Gale, Dorothy Rivers, Dave Willis, Christine David Pine,Jeremy Baker, Bob McRobert,Jenny Ashby, Roger Johnson, Guy Lawrenson, MarianRudd ,Keith Bennett, Max Buckmaster, Ruth Wilkins, Bud Margaret Abbott, Helen & Chris Kinloch, Michael Yeo, Ted Purvey, Charlie Patrick, Rob Paton, Diana Syms, Chris Amery, Penny Blake, Tony Lock, Angela Clark.
- Apologies: David & Rosemary Spencer, Fred Hotchen,Steve Preston.
- Minutes of CIO AGM 1 and matters arising: The minutes were agreed and there were no matters arising.
- Minutes of Committee Meetings CIO 7 – CIO 10 and matters arising:
There were no matters arising.
- Chairman’s Report
Andy reported that:
- It had been a year of consolidation. The number of Sunday events had been reduced andattendance had improved at most events. There had been several new faces and these people had returned to other events.
- There had been fewer seminars this year. Dave Huggett’s seminars have been very successful in the past but involve a lot of time and work. Andy asked for volunteers to help with the preparation for these events. Tony Lock and Marian Rudd volunteered. More volunteers are still needed.
- The initial buyers of the Southampton Club have dropped out after failing to obtain planning permission for what they wanted to do. A new buyer has been found but there will be a further wait for planning permission.
Andy thanked Mike M Rogerson for continuing to run the multi- club charity events across the county. Proceeds were donated to Hampshire and IW Air Ambulance. Jenny Ashby said that some players were disappointed that the results of these event were not available until the end of the week. This is because the same hands are played on different days.
He thanked Tim Smith for his work maintaining the website, Ian Fearon for running the County leagues,Dave Huggett for his seminars, Marian Rudd for running the Andover Green Point event, Roger Johnson for examining the accounts, the shareholders and the committee.
He also thanked Christine Pine who is stepping down from being the IW representative,Helen Kinloch who is leaving the committee and Lesley Lewis who is resigning from being a shareholder.
Anyone who is interested in being a committee member should contact Andy or a member of the committee
- Treasurer’s Report
Copies of the accounts were available at the meeting. Guy said that the current financial position was satisfactory for an organization of our size. He pointed out that the accounts compared 12 months this year with 9 months last year because the accounting year changed to the calendar year. He thanked Roger Johnson who had certified the accounts. Max Buckmaster proposed that the accounts be accepted and seconded by Rick Assad. This was agreed unanimously.
- Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer
Chair, Secretary and Treasurer are Andy Hughes, Margaret Gale and Guy Lawrenson respectively.
- Committee Members, Trustees and IW representative
Committee members Clare Fearon, Mike Mollart-Rogerson, Dave Willis, Rick Assad and Steve Preston
Trustees Andy Hughes, Margaret Gale, Guy Lawrenson, Clare Fearon, Mike Mollart-Rogerson, Dave Willis, Rick Assad, Steve Preston, Jeremy Baker.
IOW representative Marilyn Barrell
- Appointment of Independent Examiner
Roger Johnson agreed to continue verifying the accounts.
- Election of 3 Shareholders
Two of the three current shareholders; Margaret Gale, Richard Ray and are willing to continue to represent HIWCBA. Keith Bennett volunteered to be the third shareholder and this was agreed.
10.Charity of the Year 2016-2017
It was agreed that HIWCBA would continue to support Hampshire and IW Air Ambulance.
- Proposed Programme
The Wessex Teams event will no longer be held and in most months there will be only 1 event.
- Bob McRobert regretted that Worthy Down club had closed and asked if more could have been done by the County to support failing clubs. Andy said that this would be considered by the Committee. Margaret pointed out that Worthy Down had been struggling with numbers for some time.
- Lesley asked if the Pottage could be reduced from 3 rounds to 2 or 1 round. Keith replied that this would reduce the available green points considerably.
- Chris Kinloch said that some winners last year had been disappointed not to receive a trophy. Andy said that this year trophies will be presented. As the trophies will not be engraved in the future, Rick has prepared lists of previous winners and these will be on the website.
- Bob McRobert also suggested that the Mixed Pairs competition should be retained and not joined with the Ladies’ and Men’s Pairs.
The meeting closed at 1.45pm and was followed by the Championship Pairs.